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This represents an amalgamation of annual listings appearing in
the `Personal News' section of the Chronicle in Imago
Mundi since vol. 50 (1998). Some of the information was obtained
from ProQuest Digital Dissertations [no longer freely accessible], which gives access to UMI's Dissertation Abstracts
database. Where a UMI number is given (for some recent entries), entering
that into the 'Pub Number' search option gives access to a 24-page preview.
Another site which offers the possibility of
searching across a number of sites simultaneously is the The Networked
Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD).
For UK doctorates, see the Institute of Historical Research's Theses Completed and in Progress (up to 2001). Information on doctorates beyond North America and the UK is hard to find.
A note about Russian higher degrees. There are two levels: 'Candidate of Science' (roughly equivalent to a Ph.D) and 'Doctor of Science' (a higher degree, entitling the person to the Full Professor's position). All those listed below were defended in the Institute of the History of Science and Technology's Scientific Council on the History of Geography and Geology.
Latest additions: 18 March 2025 |
Please send details of any corrections or additions to Tony Campbell |
Sally Abed, University of Utah (Languages and Literature), 2017. ‘Mapping the World in Medieval and Early Modern Western and Arabic Travel Accounts’.
Michele D. Abee, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Geography and History), 2019. ‘The Mercator Projection: Its Uses, Misuses, and its Association with Scientific Information and the Rise of Scientific Societies’.
Ellen E. Adams, College of William and Mary (History), 2012. 'Ellen Churchill Semple and Geography in an Era of American Imperialism'.
Catherine Akeroyd, Australian National University, Canberra (College of Arts and Social Sciences), March 2023. ‘Southern Continent Imagery: World Maps, 1527-1619’. Abstract.
Alexander Van Zandt Akin, Harvard University (History), 2009. ‘Printed Maps in Late Ming Publishing Culture: A Trans-regional Perspective’. UMI No. AAT 3365502.
* Maria Aranzazu Alegre González, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Estudios Árabes e Islámicos, 2004. 'El Nilo en la literatura árabe medieval'. UMI No. AAT 3289976 [added 2008].
Vivienne Aldous, University of Suffolk, Ipswich and University of East Anglia (History), 2025.'John Darby (c.1553-1608/9) of Bramford, Suffolk, surveyor, map-maker and artist'. Thesis text.
Vladimir Alexandrov, Stavropol State University, Geography Department, March 2003. 'Istoriko-kartograficheskiy analiz izmeneniya beregov Kaspiyskogo morya s ispol'zovaniem razlichnykh starykh kart' [Historical cartographical analysis of changes to the Caspian Sea's coasts {using a wide range of early maps}]. The higher degree: Doctor of Science Dissertation (Geography).
Deborah J. Allen, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 2006. 'To measure and describe "the whole globe of the earth": Eighteenth-century geographical writing and imperial enterprise in western North America'. AAT 3240179.
Bruno Almeida, CIUHCT – University of Lisbon, June 2012. 'A Influência da Obra de Pedro Nunes na Náutica dos Séculos XVI e XVII: Um Estudo de Transmissão de Conhecimento' [The influence of the work of Pedro Nunes on the nautical science of the 16th and 17th centuries: a study on the transmission of knowledge].
Laura A. Ambrose, University of Michigan (English Language and Literature), 2008. 'Plotting Movement: Epistemologies of Local Travel in Early Modern England, 1600-1660'. [Chapter 4: "Guiding Our 'Travails': Mapping Travel in Seventeenth-Century England".] AAT 3304916.
Carolyn Anderson, University of Edinburgh, Institute of Geography, and National Library of Scotland, March, 2010. 'Constructing the Military Landscape: The Board of Ordnance Maps and Plans of Scotland, 1689-1815'.
Carlos Anílber Rivas, University of California, Los Angeles (Art History). 2022. ‘Aerial Views of Central America’s Río Lempa Basin in the Descripción Geográfico-Moral De La Diócesis De Goathemala, 1768–1770’.
Robert Raymond Ansiaux, University of Texas at Arlington (History), 2006. ‘Early Belgian Colonial Efforts: The Long and Fearful Shadow of Leopold I’ [maps feature strongly].
Aoyama Hiroo, Kyoto University, March 2006. ‘Zen-kindai-tizu no kuukan kousei to chiri-teki chisiki’ [Spatial construction and geographical knowledge of pre-modern maps]. For the higher Doctorate of Literature.
Merve Senem Arkan, Eötvös Loránd University (Cartography and Geoinformatics), Budapest, Hungary, December 2016. 'The Urban Cartography of Cyprus: Between the 16th and 20th Centuries'.
Sarah Hannan Arkebauer, Columbia University, 2019. ‘The Objectification of Poetry: Textiles, Maps, Documents, and Margins in the Postwar American Avant-Garde’.
Eric H. Ash, Princeton University, 2000. '"The skylfullest men":Patronage, authority, and the negotiation of expertise in Elizabethan England' [including sections on the reconstruction of Dover Harbour and mathematical methods of navigation].
* Florine Asselbergs, University of Leiden, 2004. 'Conquered Conquistadors: The Lienzo de Quauhquechollan, a Nahua Vision of the Conquest of Guatemala'.
Isabelle Avila, Université de Paris XIII, Centre de Recherches Interculturelles sur les Domaines Anglophones et Francophones (CRIDAF) and University of Salford, UK, Centre for European Security, June 2012. 'L’Ere des cartes: Cartographie, impérialisme et nationalisme en Grande-Bretagne et en France, 1870-1914 / The Age of Maps: Cartography, Imperialism and Nationalism in Great Britain and France, 1870-1914'.
Paul Babin, Northeastern University (English), 2020. ‘The Drama of Cartography: Plotting Global, National, and Urban Map Spaces in Early Modern History, Tragedy, and Comedy’.
Alexi Shannon Baker, Somerville College, Oxford, 2010. '"This Ingenious Business": the socio-economics of the scientific instrument trade in London, 1700-1750'. [Discussing the career of George Willdey and others.]
Megan Barford, University of Cambridge (History and Philosophy of Science), 2016. ‘Naval Hydrography, Charismatic Bureaucracy, and the British Military State, 1825–1855’.
Jerome Randall Barnes, University of Texas at Arlington (History), 2007. 'Giovanni Battista Ramusio and the History of Discoveries: An Analysis of Ramusio's Commentary, Cartography, and Imagery in Delle Navigationi et Viaggi'. AAT 3273963.
Timothy Barney, University of Maryland, College Park (Communication), 2011. '(Re)placing America: Cold War Mapping and the Mediation of International Space'.
Christine Barrett, Harvard University (English), 2012. 'Navigating Time: Cartographic Narratives in Early Modern English Literature'.
Ian J. Barrow, University of Chicago, Department of History, June 1998. `Charted histories in Colonial India, 1760-1905'.
Charles Kelly Bartles, University of Missouri–Kansas City. 2021. ‘A Semiotic Approach to Russian Military Map Symbology and Terms’.
Zsombor Bartos-Elekes, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Cartography), April 2006. [The Usage of Map Lettering (Transylvania, 1804-2004)].
Romário Sampaio Basílio, Nova University of Lisbon (Politics /Globalisation), February 2023. 'Possessing Amazonia: Global Disputes Over the Amazon Basins and the Guiana Highlands (c.1880-c.1900)'. [Focussing on 19th-century British mapping.]
Sarah Bassnett, Binghamton University, New York, History and Theory of Art, 2004. 'Visible Cities: Photography, Visual Discourse and City Planning in Early Twentieth-Century Toronto and Montreal'.
Lauren Beck, University of Western Ontario, London, Hispanic Studies, 2008. '16th Century Signs and Symbols throughout the Lands of Spain' [including a discussion and catalogue of religious map signs].
José Rogério Beier, Universidade de São Paulo, 2022. ‘Caminhos para o Atlântico Sul: a reconfiguração do sistema de comunicações e transporte em São Paulo durante a consolidação da economia açucareira (1788-1840)’.
Dieter Beineke, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät für Bauingenieur- und Vermessungswesen, October 2000. 'Verfahren zur Genauigkeitsanalyse für Altkarten' (published in Schriftenreihe Studiengang Geodäsie und Geoinformation der Universität der Bundeswehr München, Heft 71, ISSN 0173-1009).
Martha G. Bell, Pennsylvania State University (Geography), August 2013. 'The governance of food technology and environmental resource flows: Connecting mills, water, wheat, and people in colonial Lima, Peru (1535-1700)'. [Discussing attempts to map the irrigation canals.] Abstract.
Adrianne N. Bender, New York University, 2001. 'Mapping Scotland's identities: Representation of national landscapes in the novels of Scott, Stevenson, Oliphant and Munro'.
Brett Bennett, University of Texas at Austin (History), 2010. 'Locality and Empire: Networks of Forestry in Australia, India, and South Africa, 1843-1948'.
Julien Bérard, Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit der Universtität Bayreuth. January 2020. 'Kommunikation, Wissensproduktion und Kartographie: Abraham Ortelius und die Kartenproduktion in Antwerpen des späten 16. Jahrhunderts' [Communication, Production of Knowledge and Cartography: Abraham Ortelius and Map Production in Late Sixteenth Century Antwerp.]
David Bernstein, University of Wisconsin-Madison (History). [December 2011]. 'How the West was drawn: Mapping, Indians, and the creation of the Trans-Mississippi West'.
Jean-Marc Besse, History of Science, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, May 1999. 'Les grandeurs de la Terre. Essai sur les transformations du savoir géographique au seizième siècle'.
William R. Bignell, University of Exeter, Department of Geography, January 2001. 'The cartographic representation of landscape features by the Ordnance Survey: a nineteenth century perspective' [discussing the depiction of windmills on OS maps].
Philipp Billion, Universität Kassel, October 2008. 'Graphische Zeichen auf mittelalterlichen Portolankarten: Ursprünge, Produktion und Rezeption bis 1440' [Graphical signs on medieval portolan charts: origin, production and reception up to 1440].
Grégoire Binois, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and Université de Strasbourg, January 2024. 'Les cartes en mains: le travail des topographes et la construction de la géographie militaire dans la France du XVIIIe siècle'.
Daniel Jay Birkholz, University of Minnesota, 1999. 'The king's two maps: cartography and culture in thirteenth-century England'.
Michael Albert Blaakman, Yale University, 2016. ‘Speculation Nation: Land and Mania in the Revolutionary American Republic, 1776–1803’.
Andrew Blackler, University of Birmingham (Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies), November 2020. 'The medieval landscape of Euboea (Negroponte): a framework for interpreting the Byzantine and Frankish towers of Greece'. [Making use of cartographic evidence, e.g. from the portolan charts.]
Erin Blake, Stanford University, Department of Art and Art History, June 2000. 'Zograscopes, perspective prints, and the mapping of polite space in mid-eighteenth century England'.
Lisa Blansett, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Department of English Literature, Summer 1995. `Cartographies: Cultural Space and Cartographic Signs in British Fiction, 1700-1814'.
Gordon Phillip Bleach, State University of New York at Binghamton, December, 2000. 'Visions of access: Africa bound and staged, 1880-1940'.
Stéphane Blond, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, November 2008. 'L'atlas de Trudaine: pouvoirs, administrations et savoirs techniques (vers 1730-vers 1780)'.
James Andrew Bonar, Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario (History). 2022. ‘New Atlantis: A Venetian Vision of the Americas’.
Dean W. Bond, University of Toronto (Geography), November 2016. 'A.F. Büsching and the place of geographical knowledge in the German Enlightenment, c.1740–1800'.
Sandrine Boucher, Université du Littoral - Côte d’Opale (ULCO), March 2008. 'Les enjeux de la représentation cartographique d’une colonie. L'Acadie et le Cap-Breton / Île royale aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles'.
Paul D. Boyd, Rutgers University, Department of Geography, December 2005. 'Settlers Along the Shores: Lenape Spatial Patterns in Coastal Monmouth County, 1600-1750' [including a chapter on early maps].
Edward Boyle, Hokkaido University (Law and Politics), March 2018. 'Ezo as relational territory: mapping and bordering Japan’s north'.
Nathan Braccio, University of Connecticut, Storrs (History), April 2020. ‘Parallel Landscapes: Algonquian and English Spatial Understandings of New England, 1500–1700’.
* Rebecca Jane Brackmann, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005. 'Language, land, and law: Laurence Nowell's Anglo-Saxon studies in sixteenth-century England'. AAT 3202065.
Elio Christoph Brancaforte, Harvard University, 2001. 'Reading word and image: Representations of Safavid Persia in the maps and frontispieces of Adam Olearius (ca. 1650)'.
Jordan Branch, University of California, Berkeley (Political Science), May 2011. 'Mapping the Sovereign State: Cartographic Technology, Political Authority, and Systemic Change'.
Rui Miguel Carvalhinho Branco, European University Institute (History and Civilization), December 2005. 'The Cornerstones of Modern Government: Maps, Weights and Measures and Census in Liberal Portugal (19th Century)'.
Lindsay Frederick Braun, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (History), New Brunswick, October 2008. 'The Cadastre and the Colony: Surveying, Territory, and Legibility in the Creation of South Africa, c. 1860-1913'.
Kenneth George Brealey, University of British Columbia, 2003. 'First (national) space: (Ab)original (re)mappings of British Columbia'. UMI No. AAT NQ79201.
Benjamin P. Breen, University of Texas at Austin (History), May 2015. 'Tropical Transplantations: Drugs, Nature, and Globalization in the Portuguese and British Empires, 1640-1755'.
Pamela Merrill Brekka, University of Florida (Art & Art History), May 2012. 'The Antwerp Polyglot Bible (1572): Visual Corpus, New World Hebrew-Indian Map, and the Religious Crosscurrents of Imperial Spain'.
Paul P.W.J. van den Brink, the Royal Library, the Hague and the Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Utrecht University, May 1998. ` "In een Opslag van het Oog' ": De Hollandse rivierkartografie en waterstaatazorg in opkomst, 1725-1754'. [Published in Dutch - see Imago Mundi `Bibliography' vol.51].
Raymond Michael Brod, University of Illinois at Chicago, January 2001. 'Maps as weapons in the conquest of Old American Northwest, 1608 to 1829'.
Marcel van den Broecke, Universiteit Utrecht (Geosciences; URU-Explokart), February 2009. 'Ortelius' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (1570-1641); Characteristics and development of a sample of on verso map texts'. Published, as Nederlandse Geografische Studies 380 (Utrecht: KNAG/Faculteit Geowetenschappen, 2009), ISBN 978-90-6809-423-7, and available via Kunstpedia]; see also Author's Webpage.
Piet Broeders, Universiteit Utrecht (Geosciences; URU-Explokart), November 2006. ‘Gijsbert Franco, Baron von Derfelden van Hinderstein (1783-1857): leven en werk van "eene ware specialiteit" in kaart gebracht’ [subtitle: ‘Life and work of a real expert mapped out’]. Due to be published in February 2007, with an English summary and CD-ROM containing appendixes, by HES & DE GRAAF Publishers, as Vol. 5 of the Utrechtse Historisch-Cartografische Studies, ISBN-10: 90 6194 409 0 / ISBN-13: 978 90 6194 409 6.
LauraLee Brott, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Art History), May 2024. 'The Holy Land within the Manuscript: Performative Cartography in BL Add. MS 10049'. [Referring to the Tournai maps of Asia and Palestine, c.1150.]
Jeremy Brown, Royal Holloway, University of London and British Library (collaborative). December 2019. ‘Maps and the Italian Grand Tour: Meanings, Mobilities and Materialities in George III’s Topographical Collection, 1540-1789’.
Gerda Brunnlechner, Fernuniversität, Hagen, Germany (History), 2022. 'Die ‘Genuesische Weltkarte’ – Bild und Stimme einer ambiguen Welt. Portolano 1 der BNC in Florenz'.
* Dennis Lindsay Bryans, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2000. 'A Seed of Consequence: Indirect Image Transfer and Chemical Printing. The role played by lithography in the development of printing technology.' [Including a chapter, 'John Osborne and the invention of photolithography’.]
Ruben Dario Builes, Stanford University, 2008. ‘Europae descriptio: Cervantes’ "Persiles" and the Resilient Map of Tradition’. UMI No. AAT 3332799.
Vladimir Erikovich Bulatov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of the History of Science and Technology, Department of the History of Earth Sciences, April 2002. 'Kartografirovanie zarubezhnykh akvatoriy Admiralteyskoy kollegiey' [Charting foreign seas by the [Russian] Admiralty].
Eric J. Bulson, Columbia University, 2004. ‘Novel orientations: Maps, narrative, and modernity, 1850-2000 (Herman Melville, James Joyce, Thomas Pynchon, Karl Baedeker, Ireland)’. UMI No. AAT 3128926 (abstract only).
Graham Burnett, University of Cambridge, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, 1997. `El Dorado on Paper: Traverse Surveys and the Geographical Construction of British Guiana, 1803-1844'.
Emily Burnham, New York University (Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies and History), 2012. 'The Edges of the Earth: An epistemology of the unknown in Arabic geographies from the 5/11th-7/13th centuries'.
Mark Kevin Burns, Harvard University, 2003. 'Rhetoric, experience, and identity in frontier writing and mapping of the Americas'. UMI No. AAT 3076873.
Renate Burri, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Seminar für Klassische Philologie), December 2010. 'Die griechischen Handschriften der 'Geographie' des Ptolemaios. Eine Geschichte der Wiederentdeckung' [published in 2013 in Berlin by De Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-028158-3].
Eric Vanden Bussche, Stanford University, 2014. 'Contested realms: Colonial rivalry, border demarcation, and state-building in Southwest China, 1885-1960'. ProQuest 3581239.
Diane S. Butler, Cornell University, Department of the History of Art, Ithaca, New York, August 2004. 'Of Bodies and Borders: Images of Africans on Early Modern Maps'.
Edward Andrew Byerly, Arizona State University, 1997. 'Behind the illumination of Terra Incognita: culture, power and resources in the cartographic history of California, 1541-1903'.
Giselle Margaret Byrnes, University of Auckland, Department of History, 1995. `Inventing New Zealand: surveying, science, and the constraints of cultural space, 1840s-1890s'.
Robert Caldwell, University of Texas at Arlington (Transatlantic History), May 2018. '[American] Indians in their proper place: culture areas, linguistic stocks, and the genealogy of a map' [Referring to the Smithsonian Institution's 1967 anthropological map.]
Jane MacRae Campbell, University of York (England). 2022. ‘Imagining Empire: An Ancient and Noble “New World” in the Works of William Vaughan and Balthazar Gerbier, 1616–1660’.
Kathryn B. Campbell, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002. 'More than a metaphor: the challenge of civic mapping'. UMI No. AAT 3060523.
Amie Campos, University of California, San Diego (History). 2022. ‘Territorial Conflicts, Bureaucracy, and State Formation in Chile’s Southern Frontera 1866–1912’.
Mario Cams, University of Leuven (Sinology Research Unit), October 2015. 'Companions in Geography: Maps, Instruments and the Mapping of Qing China (c. 1685-1735)'. Abstract
Joan Capdevila Subirana, Universitat de Barcelona (Geografia Humana), January 2012. 'La delimitació de la frontera hispanofrancesa (1659-1868)'. English abstract
* Miriana Carbonara, University of East Anglia, 2016. ‘Between cartography and representation: borders and maps of early modern Bologna and Modena’.
Ryan J. Carey, University of Texas at Austin, Department of History, June 2003. 'Building a better Oregon: geographic information and the production of space, 1846-1906'.
George S. Carhart, Universität Passau (Historische Hilfswissenschaften), February, 2011. 'Frederick de Wit and the first Concise Reference Atlas: A reexamination of the Amsterdam map, print and art seller’s life, work and contribution to the distribution of cartographic knowledge in the second half of the 17th and early 18th centuries.'
Julia S. Carlson, University of Michigan, 2006. ‘Romantic Emphasis: Wordsworth’s Poetry and the Marks of Culture, 1750-1850’ [discussing British topographic mapping and map representation in Britain and the Alps]. AAT 3224832.
Genevieve Carlton, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (History), 2011. 'Worldly Consumers: The Demand for Maps in Renaissance Italy'.
Patrick E. Carroll, University of California, San Diego, 1999. 'Engineering Ireland: the material constitution of the technoscientific state' [discusses cartographic surveys].
Giancarlo L. Casale, Harvard University, 2004. ‘The Ottoman Age of Exploration: Spices, maps and conquest in the sixteenth-century Indian Ocean’. UMI No. AAT 3131801.
Stephanie Casha Vida, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, February 2016. 'Eden: relato, imagen y proyecto. El concepto de paraíso terrenal como generador de arquitecturas [Eden: text, image and project. The concept of earthly paradise as generator of architectures]. [Featuring the Beatus mappaemundi.]
Richard Allen Catlin III, University of Nevada, Reno, 2014. 'Axis Mundi: An Analysis of Byzantine Imperial Geography.'
Angelo Cattaneo, European University Institute (History and Civilization), September 2005. 'La mappamundi di Fra Mauro camaldolese. Venezia, 1450'.
Alexandra Marie Challenger, Florida State University, 2022. 'Printing the Cosmos: Images, Readers, and Mathematics in Peter Apian's Instrumental Texts'.
Cynthia Ann Powell Chambers, University of Texas at Arlington (History), 2006. ‘Cannibalism in Cultural Context: Cartographic Imagery and Iconography of the New World Indigenous Peoples during the Age of Discovery’. AAT 3239825.
Elizabeth Chant, University College London (Spanish and Latin American Studies), 2021. ‘Demystifying Desolation: Representing Patagonian Nature, 1745-1956’. Abstract.
Enrico Chapel, Université de Paris VIII, Aménagement et Urbanisme, May 2000. 'Cartes et Figures de l'Urbanisme scientifique en France (1910-1943).
Olivier Chapuis, Sorbonne, Paris, 8 November 1997. `Charles-François Beautemps-Beaupré (1766-1854) et la naissance de l`hydrographie moderne (1750-1850)'.
d’Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance), November 2009. ‘Mesurer et décrire. Savoir géographiq Axelle Chassagnette, Université de Tours (Centreue et cartographie dans l’espace germanique protestant (des années 1530 aux années 1620)’.
Roberto Chauca Tapia, University of Florida (History), August 2015. 'Science in the Jungle: Missionary Cartographic and Geographic Production of Early Modern Western Amazonia'.
Alex Checkovich, University of Pennsylvania, 2004. ‘Mapping the American way: Geographical knowledge and the development of the United States, 1890-1950’. UMI No. AAT 3137991.
Leonid Sergeevich Chekin, Department of the History of Earth Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of the History of Science and Technology, May 2002. 'Obraz Severa v kartografii evropeiskogo srednevekov'ia' [The Image of the North in Medieval European Cartography]. {Note that the original details were incorrect and replaced in May 2015}
Song Chen (??), Yunnan University (????), School of History and Archives, (???????), June 2022. 'A Study of the Nine-frontier Map of the Ming Dynasty' (????????). [In Chinese, with English abstract.]
Xu Chen (??), Yunnan University (????), School of History and Archives, ???????, June 2023. 'A Study on the Knowledge Pedigree of the General Map of the Tian xia in the Qing Dynasty and Its Modern Transformation' (???????????????????). [In Chinese, with English abstract.]
Lucy Payne Chester, Yale University, Department of History, December 2002. 'Drawing the Indo-Pakistani boundary during the 1947 partition of South Asia'.
Andreas Christoph, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik), May 2011. 'Die Ökonomisierung des Naturwissens um 1800: Geographika und Kartographika aus dem Hause Bertuch'. To be published in summer 2012 by Wilhelm Fink. ISBN: 978-3-7705-5191-0
Stella A. Chrysochoou, Royal Holloway College, London University, Hellenic Institute, History Department, September 2010. 'The Cartographical Tradition of Ptolemy’s Geographike Hyphegesis in the Palaeologan Period and the Renaissance (13th-16th century)'. [Examining the cartographical data in the 16 illustrated Greek MSS of the 'Geographia'.]
Serina A. Cinnamon, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2015. 'Imagining space: Developing a critical geo-literacy with maps as primary sources in history education'.
Robert H. Clemm, Ohio State University (History), 2012. 'Delineating Dominion: Cartography and the Conception, Conquest and Control of Eastern Africa, 1844-1914'.
* Paola Clerici Maestosi, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento di Rappresentazione e Rilievo, 1997. 'I cartografi tra teoria e pratica dello stato rinascimentale'.
John Cloud, University of California-Santa Barbara, June 2000. 'Hidden in plain sight: CORONA and the clandestine geography of the Cold War'.
Vanessa Jane Collingridge, University of Glasgow (Geography and Earth Sciences), November 2017. 'Mapping Myths: the fantastic geography of the Great Southern Continent, 1760-1777'.
Edward Collins, National University of Ireland, Galway, Moore Institute (History), 2010. 'Portuguese contributions to the knowledge and practice of nautical science at the Casa de la Contratactión, 1500 - 1580'. [Including discussion of the Padrão Real of Portugal and the Padron Real of Spain, as well as the work of Pedro and Jorge Reinel and Diogo Ribeiro.]
Alyssa L. Connell, University of Pennsylvania, 2015. 'Paper kingdom: Travel literature, chorography, and the writing of Britain, 1660-1770'. ProQuest 3722819.
Christina Connett, University of Valencia, Spain, November 2014. 'Cartography as a Strategy of Empire in Historia general de los hechos de los castellanos en las Islas i Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano by Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas.'
Daniel K. Connolly, University of Chicago, Department of Art History, 1998. `Imagined pilgrimage in Gothic art: maps, manuscripts and labyrinths'.
Cecilio Maxwell Cooper, Northwestern University (African-American Studies), 2019. ‘Other/Worldly Possessions: Territory Slavery + Cosmography in the Early Modern Atlantic World’.
Eleanor Coulter, McGill University, Montreal (History and Classical Sciences). 2022. ‘Geographies of Space and Time: Narrative Structures in the Maps of Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville’.
Raymond Craib, Yale University, Department of History, December 2001. 'State fixations and fugitive landscapes: surveying, mapping and the spatial creation of modern Mexico, 1850-1930'.
* Antonio Crespo Sanz, Universidad de Valladolid, February 2008. 'El Atlas de El Escorial'.
Nessa Cronin, National University of Ireland, Centre for Irish Studies, Galway, November 2007. 'The Eye of History: Spatiality and Colonial Cartography in Ireland'.
Karen Culcasi, Syracuse University (Geography), New York, 2008. 'Cartographic Constructions of the Middle East'. AAT 3323046.
Julia Ross Cummiskey, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (History of Medicine), May 2017. 'Placing Global Science in Africa: International Networks, Local Places, and Virus Research in Uganda, 1936-2000'. [Including consideration of the ways in which scientists used a variety of maps to describe patterns of disease distribution and investigate disease etiologies.]
Michele Jane Curran, Arizona State University, 2005. 'United States Board of Geographic Names: The Impact of Controversy, 1890-Present'.
Joseph Da Costa. University of London, King’s College, 2020. ‘Decoloniality and Early Colonial Thought: Grammar and Cartography in the Sixteenth Century Portuguese Expansion’.
Franz Peter Dammerer, Institut für Geschichte Universität Wien, 2007. 'Vinzenz von Haardt (1843-1914): Ein Kartograph der Franzisko- Josephinischen Zeit, der "die vollendete Technik der Kartographie mit pädagogischem Geschicke vereint"' [Vinzenz von Haardt (1843-1914): A cartographer from the time of Franz Joseph I, who "combines the perfect technology of cartography with pedagogical skill"].
Helen Rachel Davies, University of Rochester, 2020. ‘Translating Space: The Vercelli Mappa Mundi and Visual Pedagogy’.
Surekha Davies, Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London, February 2009. 'Representations of Amerindians on European Maps and the Construction of Ethnographic Knowledge, 1506-1624'.
Lisa Davis Allen, University of Texas at Arlington, Department of History, May 2001. 'The color of nationalism: the use of formal elements as a vehicle for projecting national identities in early modern European maps and paintings'.
* Martin Davis, Canterbury Christ Church University, 2018. 'A Cartographic Analysis of Soviet Military City Plans'. Abstract.
Ségolène Débarre, Université Paris 1, November 2011. 'Du Méandre à l'Euphrate: L'Anatolie au prisme des savoirs géographiques allemands (1836-1895)'.
Enali Maria De Biaggi, Université de Paris III, December 2000. 'La cartographie et les représentations du territoire au Brésil'.
Karen De Coene, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2006. 'Navelnacht. Kosmologie en regeneratie in de middeleeuwen' ['Navel-Night'. Cosmology and regeneration in the Middle Ages.] [Dealing with Lambert of Saint-Omer's 12th-century encyclopedia 'Liber Floridus' and its mappaemundi.]
Lina Maria Del Castillo, University of Miami (History), Coral Gables, 2007. 'The Science of Nation Building: A History of Geographic Sciences in Colombia, 1821-1921'. AAT 3285380.
Veronica Della Dora, University of California Los Angeles, Department of Geography, September 2005. 'Geographies of the Holy Mountain: Post-Byzantine and Western Representations of the Monastic Republic of Mount Athos' [including maps and coastal profiles].
Felix De Montety, University of Nottingham (Geography), 2018. ‘Mapping Other and Self. Language, Space and Identity in the Modern European Geographical Imagination of Central Asia’.
Jacqueline Derrick, University College London (History), 2023. 'Marino Sanudo: the geographical knowledge of an Italian merchant in the fourteenth century [including a study of the maps appended to the 'Liber Secretorum Fidelium Crucis': "the second part . concentrates on a search for new evidence and answers to the origin of his unique atlas"]. Thesis text (restricted until 1 November 2025).
Valentina De Santi, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (Territoires, Société, Développement) and Università degli Studi di Genova (Geografia storica per la valorizzazione del patrimonio storico-ambientale), December 2016. 'Topographie pittoresque. Art et technique militaires dans la mise en oeuvre du Plan-relief du Siège de Rome'. French abstract
Debra Lynn Diamond, Columbia University, 2000. 'The politics and aesthetics of citation: Nath painting in Jodhpur, 1803-1843' [including a discussion of pilgrimage maps].
Sebastian Diaz Ángel, Cornell University, Ithaca (History), August 2023. 'Weaponizing Geography: An Environmental and Technological History of Cold War Mega-Projects in Latin America'.
J. Keith Doherty, Boston University (Art History), 2009. ‘Roman Landscape Painting and Ancient Cartography’. UMI No. AAT 3382569.
Andrew Doll, University of Oxford (History). 2022. ‘Confession and cartography: religion and the mapping of Poland-Lithuania’.
Lucy E. G. Donkin, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London, February 2005. ' "Ornata Decenter". Figurative Ecclesiastical Floor Mosaics in Northern Italy, 1030-1213' [including a discussion of geographical thought and imagery, and mappaemundi].
* Andréa Carla Doré , Universidade Federal Fluminense, Department of History (Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), February 2002. 'Império sitiado: as fortalezas portuguesas nas Índias (1498-1622)' [A beseiged empire: the Portuguese fortresses in India (1498-1622)]. [Including a discussion of 16th century Portuguese cartography.]
Eduardo de Jesus Douglas, University of Texas at Austin, 2000. 'In the palace of Nezahualcoyotl: History and painting in early colonial Tetzcoco' [discussing the 16th century Quinatzin and Tlohtzin maps and the Codex Xolotl].
Cornelia Dreer, Universität Kassel (Mittelalterliche Geschichte), June 2022. 'Weltkarten für Ranulph Higdens Polychronicon'.
Emilie Dreyfus, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, December 2023: 'Les animaux sur les cartes géographiques anciennes (1550-1800): espaces, savoirs et représentations'.
Yongtao Du, University of Illiois at Urbana-Champaign (History), 2006. 'Locality, Identity, and Geography: Translocal Practices of Huizhou Merchants in Late Imperial China' [the translocal merchants in early modern China published their own geographical works].
Graham David Dudley, University of Waterloo (Canada), 1998. 'Political aspects of geographical information technologies with examples from Imperial and post-Independence India'.
Justine Dujardin, École nationale des chartes, Sorbonne, Paris, 2008. ‘Cartographier la Louisiane française au XVIIIe siècle’. Summary.
Catherine Tatiana Dunlop, Yale University, Department of History, 2010. 'Borderland Cartographies: Mapping the Lands between France and Germany, 1860-1940.
Colin Dupont, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (History) / Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Brussels (Cartes et Plans), November 2017. ‘Cartographie et pouvoir au XVIe siècle, l’atlas de Jacques de Deventer’.
Rémy Durrens, Université de Limoges, December 2011. 'Le Périgord et ses cartes, de la Renaissance au XIXe siècle'.
Megan Easley-Walsh, Zambian Open University (History), 2023. '1884: Determining the Meridian to Map a Changing World. How a Scientific Problem Established a New World Order'.
Kathryn A. Ebel, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geograpahy, August 2002. 'City views, imperial visions: cartography and the visual culture of urban space in the Ottoman Empire, 1453-1603'.
Marco van Egmond, Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Geowetenschappen, May 2005. 'Covens & Mortier: Productie, organisatie en ontwikkeling van een commercieel-kartografisch uitgevershuis in Amsterdam (1685-1866)' [Covens & Mortier: Production, organization, and development of a commercial-cartographic enterprise in Amsterdam (1685-1866)].
Christian Eichenmüller, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2022. 'The Coloniality of Smart Cities: Developmentalist Agendas and the Production of Legibility in India's Smart Cities Mission'.
Felicia M. Else, Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Art History and Archaeology, May 2003. 'Water and Stone: Ammannati's Neptune Fountain as Public Ornament' [Chapter 4, 'On aqueducts' is concerned with contemporary city plans]. UMI No. AAT 3095512.
M. Pinar Emiralioglu, University of Chicago, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, August 2006. 'Cognizance of the Ottoman World: Visual and Textual Representations in the Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Empire (1514-1596)'.
Jeffrey Alan Erbig, Jr. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2015. 'Imperial lines, indigenous lands: Transforming territorialities of the Rio de la Plata, 1680-1805'. ProQuest 3719744.
Natal’a Michailovna Erman, S.I. Vavilov Institute of History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Science (History of Science), Moscow, April 2014. 'Istorija geograficheskogo izuchenija territorii Smolenskoi Gubernii v XVIII - nachale XX vekov' [The history of geographical study of the Smolensk region in the XVIIIth to the beginning of the XXth centuries].
Rhiannon Menai Evans, University of Southern California, 1999. 'Forma Orbis: geography, ethnography and shaping the Roman Empire'.
Robert Evans, Carleton University (Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture), 2011. 'A Bird's-Eye View of Modernity: The Synoptic View in Nineteenth-Century Cityscapes'.
* Cyril Everard, University of London, 2004. ‘The Isles of Scilly and the Channel Islands: ‘benchmark’, hydrographic, and geodetic surveys 1689-1980’ [who, sadly, died in 2006].
Deyse Cristina Brito Fabrício, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil (Instituto de Geociências. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino e História de Ciências da Terra). [November 2023]. 'Permanências do maravilhoso oceânico medieval: ilhas, monstros e outros "detalhes" na cartografia do século XVI'. Full thesis text.
Emmanuel Falguières, EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Paris, at the Center for North-American Studies (CENA), December 2023. 'La construction du local dans les Grandes Plaines des Etats-Unis: appropriations coloniales et enracinement rural (Kansas, 1870-1930)' [The Construction of Place in the U.S. Great Plains: Colonial Appropriations and Rural Settlement (Kansas 1870-1930)]. Abstract in French
Anna Feintuck, University of Edinburgh (Economic and Social History), 2017. 'Producing spatial knowledge: Map making in Edinburgh, c.1880-c.1920'.
Paul Fermon, Paris, École Pratique des Hautes Études (History), December 2016. 'Les représentations des espaces locaux dans les documents juridiques et iconographiques entre Alpes et Rhône (début XIVe s. - début XVIe s.)'.
* Mário Gonçalves Fernandes, Universidade do Porto (Letras), Oporto. 2002. 'Urbanismo e morfologia urbana no Norte de Portugal, 1852-1926' [including a chapter on Portuguese urban cartographic documents from the 16th century].
* Margot Ferrand, Avignon Université (History), December 2022. 'Usages et représentations de l'espace urbain medieval: Approche interdisciplinaire et exploration de données géo-historiques d'Avignon à la fin du Moyen Âge'.
Jean-Marie Feurtet, Ecole nationale des chartes, Paris, 2005. ‘Le Bureau des longitudes (1795-1854): De Lalande à Le Verrier’. Abstract.
Daniela Marzola Fialho, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Programa de Pós- graduação em Historia (History), Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil, April 2010. ‘Cidades Visíveis: Para uma história da cartografia como documento de identidade urbana’ [Visible cities: a history of cartography as a document of urban identity].
Nicholas Field, University of Toronto (Study of Religion), 2024. '"Halfway between Peking and Western Europe": Imperial Knowledge Creation and the Geography of Buddhism in Sir Aurel Stein's Last Major Maps of China'. Abstract
Christian Fieseler, Universität Augsburg (Institut für Europäische Kulturgeschichte), December 2009. ‘Die Vermessung des Staates. Politik und Kartographie im 18. Jahrhundert’ [The Measurement of the State. Politics and Cartography in the 18th Century].
Manonmani Filliozat, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris), November 2002. 'L'océan Oriental: connaissances hydrographiques françaises aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles'.
Hannah Fitzpatrick, University of St. Andrews, 2016. ‘The Parallel Tracks of Partition, India-Pakistan 1947: Histories, Geographies, Cartographies’.
Lucie Georgina Folan, Australian National University, Canberra, 2024. 'Moving mountains: Tracing the history, creation and meaning of Jain sacred-site images (tirtha pa?a)'.
Charlotta Forss, Stockholm University (History), March 2018. 'The Old, the New and the Unknown: The continents and the making of geographical knowledge in seventeenth-century Sweden'.
Gustav Forstner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät für Bauingenieur- und Vermessungswesen, March 2005. 'Längenfehler und Ausgangsmeridiane in alten Landkarten und Positionstabellen'.
Guenièvre Fournier-Antonini, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Marseilles, October 2008. 'Barcelone, Gênes et Marseille. Cartographies & images, XVe-XIXe siècles'.
Pierre Fournier, École pratique des hautes études IVe section, Paris, December 2003. 'Les cartes d’État-major en Europe centrale: cartographie, frontières et fortifications en Europe centrale, autour de la période 1750-1914'.
Matthew E. Franco, Johns Hopkins University (History), 2016. ‘The Science Reform: Geography in Bourbon Spain’.
* Stanislav Franges, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, 1998. [Map Graphics in Digital Mapping]. (Dealing with both old and new maps - in Croatian with English summary).
Boris Freedman, Russian Ministry of Defence, Chief Administration of Navigation and Oceanography, March 2003. 'Istoriya morskogo kartograficheskogo proizvodstva v Rossii (konets XIX - nachalo XX vv.)' [A history of chartmaking by the Russia Navy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (in its technological aspects)]. Candidate of Science (Technology), defended in the History of Science and Technology's Scientific Council on the History of Technology.
Emily R. French, University of Pennsylvania. 2022. ‘Walking on the World: Landscape and Geographic Microcosms in Roman Floor Mosaics’.
Liangyu Fu, University of Pittsburgh (Communication), 2013. 'Found in Translation: Western Science Books, Maps, and Music in China, 1860s-1920s'.
Stefan Fuchs, Universität Zürich (Philosophy), 2015. 'Herrschaftswissen und Raumerfassung um 1500. Karten und Landesbeschreibungen im Dienste des Nürnberger Stadtstaates' [Knowledge of space as a means of power c. 1500. Maps and written land surveys in the service of the Nuremberg city state]. Christine Gadrat-Ouerfelli, École Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Section des Sciences historiques et philologiques, Paris, December 2010. 'Traduction, diffusion et réception du livre de Marco Polo' [examining the work's impact on maps and geographical treatises].
Marcus Terran Gallo, University of California, Davis (History), 2012. 'Imaginary Lines, Real Power: Surveyors and Land Speculation in the Mid-Atlantic Borderlands, 1681-1800'.
Natalia Gandara-Chacana, University of London, University College London, 2021. ‘Thalassologies of Empire and Republic: Competing for Knowledge of the South Eastern Pacific in the Age of Revolutions’. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 28980167.
Johan Gärdebo, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Philosophy and History), 2019. 'Environing Technology: Swedish Satellite Remote Sensing in the Making of Environment 1969–2001'. (KTH Royal Institute of Technology: Stockholm Papers in the History of Technology, 2019), 392 pp. ISBN 978-91-7873-126-8.
Joaquim Filipe Figueiredo Alves Gaspar, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,ISEGI, September 2010. 'From the portolan chart of the Mediterranean to the latitude chart of the Atlantic: cartometric analysis and modeling'.
Primož Gašperič, University of Primorska, Slovenia (The Faculty of Humanities, Department of Geography), April 2016. [The development of methods of cartographic elements depicted on old maps of the Slovene territory]. (In Slovenian with English summary).
Christian Germanaz, Université de Paris I, December 2005. 'Du pont des navires au bord des cratères : regards croisés sur le piton de la Fournaise (1653-1964). Itinéraires iconographiques et essai d’iconologie du volcan actif de la Réunion' [including a significant cartographic element].
Jaap Gestman Geradts, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (Arts). June 2019. 'Altijds vernedert, nochtans De Hooghe' [Always humiliated, nevertheless De Hooghe (i.e. 'the high one')]. About the Dutch-Belgian mapmaker and engraver Cornelis de Hooghe (1541-1583). Full dissertation text (with additional information, includng English summary); also here (text only).
Catherine Gibson, European University Institute, Florence (History & Civilization). May 2019. 'Nations on the Drawing Board: Ethnographic Map-Making in the Russian Empire’s Baltic Provinces, 1840-1920’. Abstract.
* Nicholas Gliserman, University of Southern California (History), 2016. ‘Landscapes of Conflict: Cartography and Empire in Northeastern America, 1680–1713’.
Valeriy Glushkov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of the History of Science and Technology, September 2003. 'Proiskhozhdeniye i razvitie voennoy kartografii v Rosii (XVIII - nachalo XX stoletiya)' [Origin and development of military cartography in Russia (18th to early 20th century)]. The higher degree: Doctor of Science Dissertation (Geography).
Prasad Gogate, University of Mumbai, Department of Geography, December 1998. `Indigenous maps of Western India - a study in historical cartography'.
Maria do Carmo Andrade Gomes, Universidade de Minas Gerais (History), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, November 2005. ‘Mapas e Mapeamentos: dimensões históricas; políticas cartográficas em Minas Gerais, Brasil (1850-1930’ [Maps and mappings: historical dimensions; cartographic policies in Minas Gerais, Brazil (1850-1930)].
Anton Gordieiev, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (Ukraine), Geography Department, May 2010. 'Portolani: teoria i metodika istorico-kartografichnogo doslidzenia'. (Portolan charts: the theory and method of historical-cartographical research). The higher degree: Doctor of Science Dissertation (Geography).
Ari Michael Gordon, University of Pennsylvania (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations), 2019. ‘Sacred Orientation: The Qibla as Ritual, Metaphor, and Identity Marker in Early Islam.
Svetlana Gorshenina-Rapin, Université de Lausanne and Université Paris I-Sorbonne, March 2007. 'De la Tartarie à l’Asie centrale: le coeur d’un continent dans l’histoire des idées entre la cartographie et la géopolitique'.
Danielle Gravon, University of Manchester (Art History), 2021. 'The Fabrica of Mercator’s Atlas: Making maps during the Reformation image debates’.
Ryan E. Gregg, The Johns Hopkins University, 2009. ‘Panorama, Power, and History: Vasari and Stradano’s City Views in the Palazzo Vecchio’. UMI No. AAT 3339721.
Jason William Grek Martin, Queen's University (Canada), 2009. 'Making settler space: George Dawson, the Geological Survey of Canada and the colonization of the Canadian west in the late 19th century'.
Dori Griffin, Arizona State University, 2010. 'Reading maps, writing landscapes: Cartographic illustration in Arizona, 1912-1962'.
Michiel van Groesen, University of Amsterdam, April 2007. 'The De Bry collection of voyages: editorial strategy and the representations of the overseas world' [Chapter 11 deals with the influence of the De Bry iconography on illustrated maps of the seventeenth century; a revised version to be published as: The Representations of the Overseas World in the De Bry collection of voyages (1590-1634) (Leiden: Brill, 2008).]
Erlend de Groot, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, March 2001. 'De Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem: De verzamelde wereld van een 17de-eeuwse liefhebber' ['t Goy-Houten: HES & De Graaf Publishers, 2001]. An English language edition is in preparation.
Brice Gruet, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne (Laboratoire Géographie et Cultures) - though actually working at the CNRS and Institut de France, December 2003. 'La rue à Rome, miroir de la ville: entre l'émotion et la norme'.
Nicolas Guilhot, Université de Lyon II, November 2005. 'Histoire d’une parenthèse cartographique. Les Alpes du Nord dans la cartographie topographique française aux 19e et 20e siècles'.
Jorge Guzmán-Gutiérrez, University of Cambridge (Geography), Scott Polar Research Institute, December 2014. 'Historical Geography of the Far and the Farthest South of the World During Early Modern Times'. [Covering the period 1488-1820.]
Hilary Haakenson, Rutgers University (Art History), 2015. 'Global Designs: Art and Empire in the Maritime Republics of Trecento Italy'.
Rudolf Hafeneder, Bundeswehr University Munich, 2008. ‘Deutsche Kolonialkartographie 1884-1919’. [Euskirchen: Amt für Geoinformationswesen der Bundeswehr, 2008 (ISSN: 1865-6978)].
Lucile Haguet, Université de Paris IV Sorbonne (Egyptology), December 2007. 'Aegyptus, l'Egypte de l'Occident: concept et représentation de l'Egypte dans la cartographie occidentale du XVe et du XVIIIe siècle'.
Elizabeth Haines, Royal Holloway University of London (Geography), and the Science Museum, London, March 2016. 'A Colonial Cartographic Economy: the Contested Value of Mapping in Northern Rhodesia, 1915-1955'.
Bruce Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2006. 'Mapping the River in Black and White: Trajectories of Race in the Niger Bend, Northern Mali'.
* William Keith Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1995. 'From chronicle to chorography: truth, narrative, and the antiquarian enterprise in Renaissance England (William Lambarde, William Camden, John Stow, Michael Drayton, Christopher Saxton)'.
Galia Halpern, New York University (Fine Arts), January 2015. 'Open Geography and the Illuminated Mandeville's Travels'. UMI No. 12084.
M.M.Th.L. (Marc) Hameleers, Utrecht University, June 2015. 'Gedetailleerde kaarten van Amsterdam' [detailed plans of Amsterdam].
Erkki-Sakari Harju, Aalto University (Department of Built Environment), 2023. 'Kabinettikartastoista koko kansan kartoiksi: Suomen aluetta kuvaavien viranomaiskartastojen kehitys ja muuttuvat yhteiskunnalliset merkitykset vuosina 1776-1960' [From the Carte de Cabinet Maps to the Maps of Society: The Development of Finland's Institutional Mapping Projects and the Changing Societal Meanings of Maps, 1776-1960]. Abstract in Finnish and English: https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-64-1191-0.
Jason Harris, Trinity College, Dublin, 2004. 'Abraham Ortelius and collaborative humanism: virtuous pursuits in war and peace'.
Paulette Hasier, University of Texas at Arlington (History), 2004. ‘French Mapping of Illinois County, 1650-1750: A Cartobibliography’. UMI AAT 3159851. Abstract .
Guofan He, Fudan University, Shanghai, Center for Historical Geographical Studies, January 2023. 19?20????????????????????????. [The Introduction of British Admiralty Charts during the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries and Their Influence on the Mapping of Marine Charts in Modern China.] [In Chinese, with English abstract.]
Quintana Roo Irigon Heathman, University of Pennsylvania, 2018. ‘Beyond Landscape: Imagining Place in Later Edo Print Culture’.
Elger Heere, Utrecht University (Geowetenschappen), June 2008. 'GIS voor historisch landschapsonderzoek: Opzet en gebruik van een historisch GIS voor prekadastrale kaarten' [GIS for historical landscape research: design and use of a historical GIS for pre-cadastral maps]. Utrecht: KNAG / Faculteit Geowetenschappen, 2008 [Netherlands Geographical Studies; 375], ISBN 978-90-6809-418-3.
Henk A.M. van der Heijden, Leuven University, 2 December 1996. `Oude kaarten der Nederlanden 1548-1794. Historische beschouwing, kaartbeschrijving, commentaar'.
Markus Heinz, University of Vienna, Department of History, February 2003. 'Modell eines Werkskataloges des kartographischen Verlages Homann, Homanns Erben und Fembo in Nürnberg (1702-1848)'.
Bernard W. Heise, Cornell University, 1998. `Visions of the world: geography and maps during the Baroque age, 1550-1750'.
M.G.J. (Martin) Hendriks, Open Universiteit, Heerlen, September 2020. ‘Isaac van Geelkercken (1615-1672). Landmeter, cartograaf en vestingingenieur in Gelderland en Noorwegen’.
Mónica Herrera-Casais, Universidad de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, September 2017. 'El atlas de 1571 de Ali al-Sharafi de Sfax: Estudio parcial, edición crítica y traducción anotada'.
Rachel Hewitt, Queen Mary, University of London, 2007. '"Dreaming O’er the Map of Things": The Ordnance Survey and Literature of the British Isles, 1747-1842)'.
Alfred Hiatt, University of Cambridge, 1999. 'The use and reception of forged documents in fifteenth-century England'. [Including a chapter on the forgeries of John Hardyng's Chronicle and its map].
Alexander Hidalgo, University of Arizona, Tucson (History), August 2013. 'The Indian Map Trade in Colonial Oaxaca' [dealing with exchanges in cartographic techniques and geographic knowledge between Spanish Americans and Amerindians in the period leading up to the Enlightenment.]
Elisabeth Danielle Hodges, Harvard University, Romance Languages & Literatures, May 2002. 'City views: writing and the topography of Frenchness in the Renaissance'. UMI No. AAT 3051186.
Donald Hodson, University of Exeter, Department of Geography and Archaeology, November 2000. 'The early printed road books and itineraries of England and Wales'.
Yolande Hodson, Birkbeck College, University of London, Faculty of Science, 1995. `The Ordnance Survey Popular Edition One-Inch Map 1919-1942: a Cartographic Anatomy'.
Monica A. Hoffman, University of California, San Diego. 2016. ‘Malaria, Mosquitoes, and Maps: Practices and Articulations of Malaria Control in British India and WWII’.
Gavin R. Hollis, University of Michigan (English Language and Literature), 2008. 'The Absence of America on the Early Modern Stage' [how the space of America and its inhabitants was constructed in the English colonial imaginary through literary, visual, and cartographic representations, and how these constructions impacted the stage plays of the Shakespearean era]. AAT 3328847
Margriet Hoogvliet, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands), Faculty of Arts, November 1999. 'Mappae mundi: pictura et scriptura. Textes, images et hermeneutique des mappemondes du Moyen Age long (XIIIe-XVIe siècles). Publication forthcoming from Peter Lang, Hamburg.
Donald J. Hopkins, University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University, 2003. 'City/stage/globe: A genealogy of space in Shakespeare's London'. UMI No. AAT 3091215.
Thomas Horst, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, October 2007. 'Die Entwicklung der Manuskriptkarten Altbaierns: Eine kartographiehistorische Studie zum Augenscheinplan (Tyberiade) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kultur- und Klimageschichte' [The development of manuscript maps from Bavaria: litigation maps (tyberiade) as sources for the history of culture and climatology.]
Captain Paul Hughes, Liverpool John Moores University, May 2005. 'A study in the development of primitive and modern tide tables'.
Krisztina Irás, Eötvös Loránd University (Cartography and Geoinformatics), Budapest, July 2010. 'Cartographic analysis of portolan charts with use of digital methods'.
Marco C. Iuliano, University of Naples Federico II and Université de Provence Aix- Marseille I, December 2004. 'Topographies and urban structure: Constantinople in the XVIth century'.
Annaliese Jacobs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015. 'Arctic circles: the Franklin family, networks of knowledge, and early nineteenth century Arctic exploration, 1818-1859'. ProQuest 3737712.
Anna-Telse Jagdmann, Freie Universitat Berlin, 2007. 'Del poder y la geografía. La cartografía como fuente de legitimación en Colombia'. Dissertation text
Philip Jagessar, University of Nottingham (Geography), August 2021. ‘Mapping the Linguistic Survey of Colonial India, 1886-1936.’
Luc Janssens, KU Leuven [Catholic University, Louvain], October 2006. 'Kaarten op bestelling. De beroepsorganisatie der land- en edificiemeters in het hertogdom Brabant en de Landen van Overmaas, 1680-1795' [Maps on command. The professional group of land surveyors in the Duchy of Brabant and in the Overmaas region, 1680-1795].
Bernhard Jenny, ETH Zurich, Institute of Cartography, March 2010. 'Automated cartographic techniques for terrain representation, map distortion analysis, projection design, and interactive mapping'.
Martin Jeske, University of Basel, February 2018. ‘Ein Imperium wird vermessen: Kartographie, Kulturtransfer und Raumerschließung im Zarenreich (1797-1919’. German abstract.
Alexander J. C. Johnson, University of Exeter, Department of History, March 2012, 'Charting the Imperial Will: Colonial Administration and the General Survey of British North America, 1764-1775'.
Eric Johnson-Debaufre, Boston University, 2010. 'A globe of countries: Carto-geographic consciousness and the production of early modern English literature, 1516-1616'.
Lowri M. Jones, Royal Holloway, University of London (Geography), 2010. 'Local knowledge and indigenous agency in the history of exploration: studies from the RGS-IBG Collections'.
Jenny Jordan, University of California, Los Angeles, 2004. ‘Imagined Lepanto: Turks, mapbooks, intrigue, and spectacular in the sixteenth century construction of 1571’. UMI No. AAT 3135517.
Dina Jovanovic, Politecnico di Milano (Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering), May 2024. 'Mapped heritage: a methodology for using historical cartography in the valorisation of minor widespread heritage in Lombardy'. Abstract in English and Italian.
Tarek Kahlaoui, University of Pennsylvania, History of Art, May 2008. 'The Depiction of the Mediterranean in Islamic Cartography (11th-16th centuries): The Suras (Images) of the Mediterranean from the Bureaucrats to the Sea Captains'.
Philip Gerald Kaplan, University of Pennsylvania, 1999. 'Multiple geographies: the Greek view of Asia in the Archaic Period'.
Robert W. Karrow, Loyola University of Chicago, Department of History, 1999. `Intellectual foundations of the cartographic revolution'.
Nanka Karstkarel, University of Groningen, Arctic Centre, June 2005. 'Changes in shelf ice extent in West Antarctica between 1840 and 1960: analysing historical maps in a Geographical Information System'. Published by Rijksuniversiteit Groningen as Circumpolar Studies (ISSN 1574-0374), Vol. 3. ISBN 90-77922-04-0.
Olof Karsvall, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (October 2016). 'Utjordar och ödegårdar. En studie i retrogressiv metod' ["Utjorda" (i.e. uninhabited cadastral units) and deserted farms. A study using a Retrogressive Method.] [Making extensive use of the oldest large-scale maps, 1630-55.] Published version: Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2016 (ISBN 1652-6880 ; 2016:92, ISBN 978-91-576-8686-2; ISBN 978-91-576-8687-9). English abstract, leading to the full text.
Dale Kedwards, University of York (English and Related Literature), 2014. 'Cartography and Culture in Medieval Iceland'.
James William Kelly, University of Oxford, English Faculty, May 2002. 'Daniel Defoe's voyage narratives' [including discussion of maps and geographical speculation 1719-1725].
Meghan Kelly, University of Wisconsin–Madison (Geography), 2020. ‘Feminist Cartographies: Form, Content, Process’.
Robin E. Kelsey, Harvard University, 2000. 'Photography in the field: Timothy O'Sullivan and the Wheeler Survey, 1871-1874'.
Taylor Rebecca Kennamer, City University of New York, 2014. 'Standard Deviations: Genre, Gender, and the Cartographical imagination in Popular British Literature, 1830–1880'.
Jaecheol Kim, State University of New York at Buffalo (English), 2011. 'Staging nationhood: Topographical liminality and chorographical representations in Elizabethan and Jacobean drama'.
Michael Anthony Kimaid, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, Department of History, 2003. ‘"West of the Line Extended": Cartography and Conflict in Post-Revolutionary North America’. AAT 3099416.
* Thomas P. Kinnahan, West Virginia University; 2003. 'Framing the view: the Western landscape and nineteenth-century narratives of expansion'. AAT 3142907.
Rebecca Brookfield Kinraide, University of Wisconsin-Madison, History of Science, 2006. ‘The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge and the Democratization of Learning in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain’. UMI No. AAT 3222947.
Christi M. Klinkert, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, December 2005. 'Nassau in het nieuws. Nieuwsprenten van Maurits van Nassaus militaire ondernemingen uit de periode 1590-1600' [Nassau in the news: news prints of the military expeditions of Maurits of Nassau, 1590-1600].
* Günter Klüser, University of Bonn, 1998. `Zum Quellenwert von handgezeichneten Altkarten mongolischer Siedlungsgebiete des späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts, insbesondere im Hinblick auf deren historisch-geographische Bearbeitung´. Published as: Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft vol. 23 (Hamburg, 1999).
* Peter James Koby, Pennsylvania State University (Geography), February 2017. 'Updating the Colonial Cartographic Representation of Barbados: Digital Inquiries of a Sugar Island'.
Pellervo Kokkonen, University of Helsinki, Department of Geography, May 1997. `Practice of marine cartography and the Russian representation of the Baltic Sea in the eighteenth century'. [Published in Fennia 175 (1997):1, 1-96].
Maja Kominko, Exeter College, Oxford (School of Archaeology), November 2006. 'Sources of the miniatures in the Byzantine Manuscripts of the Christian Topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes' [discussing maps and the other illustrations]. [See summary in Imago Mundi 58:1 (2006) pp.112-3.]
* Andrzej Konias, Wroclaw University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, 2000. [Topographic cartography of Cieszyn Silesia and Austrian partition from the second half of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century]. Published by the Silesian University Press, Katowice, 2000 (Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, no.1866)
Katariina Kosonen, University of Helsinki, Department of Geography, September 2000. 'Kartta ja kansakunta: suomalainen lehdistökartografia sortovuosien protesteista Suur-Suomen kuviin 1899-1942' [The map and the nation: Finnish press cartography from the protests of oppression years to the images of Greater Finland 1899-1942]. Published in Finnish, with a short English abstract.
Phillip Michael Koyoumjian, University of Rochester, New York, Department of History. November 2019. 'Maps and the Making of Geographical Knowledge in Britain, 1660-1730'.
* Kazimierz Kozica, University of Wroclaw (Poland), Institute of Geography, Department of Cartography, September 1998. 'Wystepowanie stawów milickich i zmiany ich linii brzegowej na dawnych i wspólczesnych mapach wielkoskalowych' [The representation of the Milicz fish ponds and changes in their shorelines based on old and present-day large-scale maps.]
Zoltán Krasznai, EHESS, Paris and ELTE, Budapest, March 2011. 'Géographie scientifique, enseignement et propagande. Les représentations du territoire national en Hongrie à l'époque de l'entre-deux-guerres' [Geography, education and propaganda. Representations of the national territory in Hungary during the inter-war years].
Bettina Krenn, Universität Wien, May 2003. 'Verkehrsgeschichte im Kartenbild: Verkehr und Kartographie in Österreich von der Römerzeit bis zum Beginn des Eisenbahnzeitalters' [History of traffic in maps: traffic and cartography in Austria from Roman times up to the beginning of the railway era].
Vipin Anantha Krishna, University of California, Los Angeles (History), 2024. 'Philological Encounters and the Making of Cultural Geographies of South Asia, 1750-1950' [dealing with linguistic mapping].
Anne-Flore Laloë, University of Exeter (Geography), December 2009. ‘Knowing the Ocean-Space: An Atlantic Case Study’. [Includes an analysis of cartographic material, 1500-1850.]
Rita Lambert, University College London, 2019. ‘Cartographic calculation and coordination in the urbanisation of the peripheral slopes of Lima’.
K. Maria D. Lane, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geography, May 2006. 'Imaginative Geographies of Mars: The Science and Significance of the Red Planet, 1877-1910'. AAT 3263361.
Imants Ļaviņš, University of Latvia (History and Philosophy), Riga, June 2013. 'Skandināvijas un Austrumeiropas reģiona attēlojums viduslaiku arābu un persiešu vēstures avotos' [Depiction of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe in Medieval Arabic and Persian Historical Sources.] A 59-page summary: (Riga: University of Latvia, 2013). ISBN 978-9984-457-30-7.
Radu Leca, SOAS Unversity of London (History of Art), September 2015. ‘The Backward Glance: Concepts of “Outside” and “The Other” in the Japanese Spatial Imaginary between 1673 and 1704'.
Min Kyung Lee, Northwestern University (Art History), 2012. 'The Tyranny of the Straight Line: Mapping and Constructing Paris, 1791-1889'.
Sunkyu Lee, University of California, Los Angeles (History). 2021. ‘The Cartographic Construction of Borders in Ming China, 1368–1644’.
Martin Lehmann, Universität Freiburg, 2010. 'Die Cosmographiae Introductio Matthias Ringmanns und die Weltkarte Martin Waldseemüllers aus dem Jahr 1507. Ein Meilenstein frühneuzeitlicher Kartographie'.
Patrick Lehn, Heidelberg University, 2007. ‘Medien des nationalen zeitgeists. Historische Schulatlanten und ihre Deutschlandbilder von 1871 bis 1990. [Deutschlandbilder. Historische Schulatlanten zwischen 1871 und 1990. Ein Handbuch. Köln: Böhlau, 2008 (ISBN: 10: 3412201227 and 13: 9783412201227)].
Lada Lekay, Institute of the History of Science and Technology's Scientific Council on the History of Geography and Geology, March 2005. 'Istoriya geogficheskogo izucheniya i kartografirovaniya Kamchatki (vo vtoroy polovine XIX - nachale XX stoletiya)' [A history of the geographical exploration and mapping of Kamchatka (from the second half of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century)]. Candidate of Science Degree.
Jeffers L. Lennox, Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia), 2010. 'L’Acadie Trouvée: Mapping, Geographic Knowledge, and Imagining Northeastern North America, 1710-1763'.
Gustave Lester, Harvard University, 2023. 'Mineral Lands, Mineral Empire: Mapping the Raw Materials of US Industrial Capitalism, 1780-1880'.
Michael Letzring, University of Alaska Fairbanks. 2022. ‘Cartography, Territory and Empire Mapping the Alaska Boundary Dispute, 1821–1903’.
Hélène Lhoumeau, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Ecole nationale des chartes, 2000. 'Les expéditions françaises en Floride (1562-1568)'. See, for long summary.
Liting Li, Fudan University, Shanghai, Center for Historical Geographical Studies, January 2024. ????????????? [The Collation and Research of Guangdong Provincial Map during the Ming and Qing Dynasties]'. [In Chinese, with English abstract.]
Georgios C. Liakopoulos, Royal Holloway, University of London, Department of History / The Hellenic Institute, February 2009. ‘A Study of the Early Ottoman Peloponnese in the Light of an Annotated editio princeps of the TT10-1/14662 Ottoman Taxation Cadastre (ca. 1460-1463)’. [A detailed toponymic study.]
Shuo Liang, Arizona State University (East Asian Languages and Civilizations), 2024. 'Placing Heaven, Earth, and Man: Lü Fu's Map and Writing'.
María Pilar Alonso Lifante, Universidad de Murcia (Letras), December 2014. 'Recuperación de información astronómica: nuevas perspectivas de análisis de la cartografía celeste histórica' [Astronomical information retrieval: new perspectives on historical celestial cartography]. Abstract, leading to the full text.
Fan Lin, McGill University (Art History and Communication Studies & East Asian Studies), Montreal, 2015. 'Cartographic Empire: Production and Circulation of Maps and Mapmaking Knowledge in the Song Dynasty (960-1279)'.
* Hong Lin, Fudan University, Shanghai, Center for Historical Geographical Studies, June 2016. ‘The Geosophy and Mapmaking of the Yangtze Estuary by the Chinese and Western People (from the Mid-10th to the Early 20th Century). [In Chinese, with English abstract.]
David C. Lipscomb, Columbia University, 1998. 'Geographies of progress: an atlas of the historical novel in English, 1790-1830'.
Fabien Locher, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (E.H.E.S.S), September 2004. 'Le Nombre et le Temps. La météorologie en France (1830-1880)' [including a chapter on 'La mise en cartes'].
Joseph F. Loh, Columbia University, New York City (Art History and Archaeology), 2012. ‘When Worlds Collide: Art, Cartography, and World View in Early Modern Japan’.
Carla Lois, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Instituto de Geografía, June 2008. 'Plus Ultra Equinoctialem: The 'Discovery' of the Southern Hemisphere in Renaissance Maps and Science Books'.
Thomas G. Lolis, University of Miami, 2007. 'The Cartography of Interiority: Magic, Mapmaking and the Search for Eden in the Renaissance'. AAT 3285396.
Jonathan Zachary Long, George Mason University (Cultural Studies), 2011. 'Alphabet Soup: Social Cartography and Cultural Policy-Making in Societies of Control'.
Sheng Long, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Anthropology), 2023. 'Numbering Land: The Mathematics of Geography and Subjectivity in Agrarian Reforms'.
Jonathan Felix Ribeiro Lopes, IGOT-University of Lisbon (Geography and Spatial Planning), December 2016. 'Cartografia histórica e geopolítica do espaço brasileiro no contexto da colonização da América do Sul: séculos XVI- XVIII' [Historical cartography and geopolitics of the Brasilian space in the context of the colonization of South America: 16th-18th centuries].
Dariusz Lorek, Zaklad Kartografii i Geomatyki, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznan, Poland, June 2011. 'Potencjal informacyjny map topograficznych z lat 1822-33 (Urmesstischblätter) z terenu Wielkopolski' [The information potential of topographic maps dated to 1822-33 (Urmesstischblätter) from the area of Wielkopolska, western Poland]. Published in Polish with English summary. ISBN: 978-83-920562-3-2
Eric James Lovell, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2018. ‘Range of Lines: Exploring the Mobilities, Maps, and Technologies That Shape Tanzania’s Northern Rangelands’.
Natalia Lozovsky, University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of History, 1997. ` "The Earth is our Book": geographical knowledge in the Latin West, A.D. 400-1000'.
Julie McDougall, University of Edinburgh (Institute of Geography) and in collaboration with the National Library of Scotland, July 2013. 'The publishing history and development of school atlases and British geography, c.1870-c.1930'. Full text.
Jamie McGowan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Geography), December 2013. 'Conventional Signs, Imperial Designs: Mapping the Gold Coast, 1874-1957'. Abstract.
Stephen J.L. McKenzie, Adelaide University, Department of English, December 2000. 'Conquest landmarks and the medieval world image: a study in cartography, literature and mythology'.
Anne Margaret MacLeod, University of Glasgow (History - Scottish Area), 2006. ‘The Idea of Antiquity in Visual Images of the Highlands and Islands, c.1700-1880’.
* Ian Macmillan Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario (History), 2003. 'Robert Marshall: The Red and Green "Map Maker of Utopia"'.
José María Moreno Madrid, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon (History and Philosophy of Sciences), July 2024. 'Los pilotos siempre ganan. Una historia socio-epistémica de la navegación en la Europa de Edad Moderna'.
Alistair Simon Maeer, University of Texas at Arlington, 2006. 'The cartography of commerce: the Thames School of nautical cartography and England's seventeenth century overseas expansion'. AAT 3229566.
Erin Maglaque, University of Oxford - University College (History), January 2015. 'Venetian Humanism in the Mediterranean World: Writing Empire from the Margins'.
Jessica Maier, Columbia University, New York City, Art History and Archeology, February 2006. ' "Imago Romae": Renaissance Visions of the Eternal City.' AAT 3237370. [See summary in Imago Mundi 58:1 (2006) p.113.]
Valeria Manfrè, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, June 2014. 'Imágenes urbanas y coleccionismo geográfico en la Sicilia de Edad Moderna' [Urban images and geographical collecting in early modern Sicily], 2 vols. [See English summary here]
Tome Marelić, University of Zadar, December 2020. ‘Toĉnost prikaza Jadranskog mora na portulanskim kartama’ (The Accuracy of Adriatic Sea Renderings on Portolan Charts). With English abstract Here.
Annaleigh Margey, National University of Ireland, Galway, Centre for the Study of Human Settlement and Historical Change, Departments of History and Geography, June 2004. 'Mapping during the Irish Plantations, c.1580-1636'.
Rebecca Marisseau, Brown University (History), 2023. 'The New Bedford Whale Fishery and the Production of the Early American State'. [Deals with marine charting.]
Caroline Marris, Columbia University (History), June 2021. '"The Silver Sea" and the Nation-State: The Multifaceted Geopolitics of the Early Modern English Channel'. Abstract.
Pieter Martens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, 8 May 2009. ‘Militaire architectuur en vestingoorlog in de Nederlanden ten tijde van Maria van Hongarije (1531-1555). De ontwikkeling van de gebastioneerde vestingbouw’.
William Karl Martin, University of Utah, 2014. 'Cartography as an Expression of Empire: Mapping Colonial North America and the Young American Republic'.
Luciana de Lima Martins, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Department of Geography, October 1998. `Paisagens brasileiras, olhos britâ nicos: o Rio de Janeiro dos viajantes, 1800-1850'.
* J. Mastro, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2008. 'Jules Verne's textual mapping: Plotting geography'.
Antje Matthews, University of Leicester, Department of History of Art and Film, 2005. 'John Russell (1745-1806) and the Impact of Evangelicalism and Natural Theology on Artistic Practice' [Chapter 5. "This Beautiful Object": Russell’s Moon].
Tine Luk Meganck, Princeton University, 2003. 'Erudite eyes: Artists and antiquarians in the circle of Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598)'. UMI No. AAT 3080856.
Edgar Mejia, Boston University, 2006. ‘Politicas del espacio en Mexico: Cronica de viaje y cartografia en el siglo XIX (Manuel Payno, Garcia Cubas, Porfirio Diaz, Manuel Gutierrez Najera, Justo Sierra)’. UMI No. AAT 3214964.
* Ana del Cid Mendoza, Universidad de Granada, 2015. 'Cartografía urbana e historia de la ciudad. Granada y Nueva York como casos de estudio'.
Andrew Merrills, Trinity College, Cambridge, May 2001. 'Geography in early Christian historiography'.
Bernardo A. Michael, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, December 2001. 'Separating the yam from the boulder: statemaking, space, and the causes of the Anglo-Gorkha War of 1814-1816'.
Jeremy Marcus Mikecz, University of California, Davis (History), 2017. ‘Mapping Conquest: A Spatial History of Indigenous Peru during the Spanish Invasion (ca. 1528–1537)’.
Mira Miletić-Drder, University of Zagreb, Croatia (Philosophy), February 2012. 'Kartografske zbirke u Hrvatskoj: model virtualnog povezivanja' [Map Collections in Croatia: a virtual connecting model].
Caroline Millot, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (History of Art), December 2010. 'Jacques- Philippe Mareschal (1689-1778), ingénieur du roi et architecte au XVIIIe siècle'.
Bronwyn Mills, New York University, 2004. ‘Caribbean cartographies: Maps, cosmograms, and the Caribbean imagination’. UMI No. AAT 3114212.
Daniel V. Mintz, University of St. Andrews, 2011. 'Mathematics for history's sake: a new approach to Ptolemy's Geography'.
Kenneth Pearce Mitchell, University of Minnesota, July 2002. 'In pursuit of empire: French and Spanish colonialism in North America, 1590-1640'. UMI No. AAT 3056342.
Florian Mittenhuber, Universität Bern, Institut für Klassische Philologie, May 2005. 'Das Verhältnis von Text- und Kartentradition in der Geographie des Ptolemaios' [Tradition of texts and maps in Ptolemy's Geography]. (The dissertation was issued on CD-Rom in May 2005, and a book is due for summer 2006).
John Montague, Trinity College Dublin (History of Art), July 2009. ‘John Rocque and the Making of the 1756 Exact Survey of Dublin’.
Carme Montaner, University of Barcelona, Department of Human Geography, 1995. `Topographic mapping in Catalonia: from private initiatives to the regional administrative projects (1833-1941).'
Florin-Stefan Morar, Harvard University (History of Science), May 2019. 'Connected Cartographies: The Translation of Geographical Knowledge between China, Inner Asia and Early Modern Europe'.
Quentin Morcrette, Université de Lyon (Geography), December 2018. 'Tracer la route - Les cartes d'itinéraire du papier à l'écran, usages et représentations : contribution pour une étude diachronique comparée (France / Etats-Unis)'.
William Edgar Morea, University of Toronto, Department of English, 1997. `David Thompson's writing of his Travels: the genesis of an emerging exploration text'.
Luís Miguel Moreira, Universidado do Minho (Social Sciences}, April 2013. 'Cartografia, Geografia e Poder: a construção da imagem cartográfica de Portugal, na segunda metade do século XVIII' [Cartography, Geography and Power: building the cartographic image of Portugal in the second half of the eighteenth century].
Renaud Morieux. University of Lille 3, June 2005. 'La Manche au 18e siècle: la construction d'une frontière franco-anglaise' [The Channel in the 18th century: the Building of a Border between England and France]. [Due to be published by Presses Universitaires de Rennes in 2007; maps are discussed in: Chapter 2, ‘Noms de mer’ & Chapter 3, ‘Situer la Manche’.]
Victoria Morse, University of California, Berkeley, Medieval History, Berkeley, 1996. `Church, Society, and Individual in the Works of Opicino de Canistris'.
Matthew William Mosca, Harvard University, 2008. 'Qing China's perspectives on India, 1750-1847'. ['Chapter Three examines official cartography and its relationship to Jesuit world maps'.]AAT 3312940.
Jana Moser, Technische Universität Dresden (Institut für Kartographie), 2007. 'Untersuchungen zur Kartographiegeschichte von Namibia. Die Entwicklung des Karten- und Vermessungswesens von den Anfängen bis zur Unabhängigkeit 1990'. Published online.
Sayantani Mukherjee, Columbia University, New York (History), 2021. ‘Geography Triumphant: Maps, Cartographic Truths, and Imperial Frontier-Making in Tibet in the Long Nineteenth Century’.
Ian Mumford, University of Reading, Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, December 1999. 'Milestones in lithographed cartography from 1800'.
Kristen Alexandra Murphy, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2020. ‘Woven World: The Creation Tapestry of Girona’.
Jamil Muhammed Mustafa, University of Chicago, 1999. 'Mapping the late-Victorian subject: psychology, cartography and the Gothic novel'.
Andrei Nacu, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu and Romanian Academy, Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities in Sibiu, November 2018. 'Provincia Sibiului în documente cartografice din zorii Epocii Moderne' [The province of Sibiu in cartographic documents from the Early Modern Age]. (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române, 2020. (ISBN 978-973-27-3265-6)). [Also covers the representation of Transylvania on portolan charts and early maps produced between the 14th and early 16th centuries.] English abstract.
Lena Näser, Universität Kassel (Medieval History), July 2021, 'Die Weltkarte des Andreas Walsperger. Kartographische Wissenskulturen um 1448'. Available online.
Julien Nègre, Université Paris Diderot, 2014. 'L'arpenteur et le vagabond: cartes et cartographies dans l'oeuvre de Henry David Thoreau'.
Peter Nekola, The New School for Social Research, New York City , 2015. 'The concept of the geographical, 1919-1939'. ProQuest 3715670.
Zsombor Nemerkényi, Eötvös Loránd University (Cartography and Geoinformatics), Budapest, Hungary, 2008. [Comparative analysis of the cartographical works of László Magyar']. Full dissertation text; English summary.
Tomaš Nenartovič, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany, May 2015. ‘Kaiserlich-russische, deutsche, polnische, litauische, belarussische und sowjetische kartographische Vorstellungen und territoriale Projekte zur Kontaktregion von Wilna 1795–1939’ [Russian, German, Polish, Lithuanian, Belarusian, and Soviet cartographic visions and territorial projects of the Vilnius region 1795–1939]. eBook (München: Collegium Carolinum e.V. 2016).
Nóirín B. Ní Bheaglaoi, University College Cork, Ireland (History), March 2012. 'Editio Anceps: The Manuscript Tradition of Giraldus Cambrensis' Topographia Hibernica’. [Two chapters focus on the maps in the 'Topographia'].
Patrick J. Nichols, Georgia State University, Atlanta (History). 2022. ‘Geographies of Resistance: Interpreting Blank Spaces and Locating Marronage on Imperial Maps of Colonial Jamaica’.
Roel Nicolai, University of Utrecht (Science), March 2014. 'A critical review of the hypothesis of a medieval origin for portolan charts'.
Jana Niederöst, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, June 2005. 'Das
Relief der Urschweiz von Franz Ludwig Pfyffer (1716-1802): 3D-Rekonstruktion, Analyse und
Interpretation' [The relief of central Switzerland by Franz Ludwig Pfyffer (1716-1802): Three-dimensional reconstruction, analysis and interpretation] (Diss. ETH Nr.16077). [See
Cartographica Helvetica 32 (July 2005), inside front cover, and, for Abstract
Kamil Niescioruk, University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska (Cartography), Lublin, Poland,
November 2006. 'Metodyczne aspekty kartograficznej analizy i oceny dawnych planow miast na
przykladzie planu Lublina z 1716 roku C. d'Orkena' [Methodical aspects of cartographic
analysis and evaluation of early city plans based on the example of the plan of Lublin by C.
d'Örken (1716)]. Full dissertation text and the presentation used during the defence is
available via the author's site
* Magali Gomes Nogueira, University of São Paulo (Human Geography), 2013. 'The Manuscript Espagnol 30 and the Jewish Family
Cresques Abraham. A study on the Majorcan Cartographic Sources. (Century XII-XIV).'
Clare Norcio, Brandeis University, Massachusetts (History), 2012. 'Degrees of Change: Mapping
Ulster, 1824-1925'.
Eva Novotná, Charles University, Prague, May 2021. ‘Kartografické kulturní dedictví’ [Cartographic cultural
heritage] – Academic dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
Carmen Tânia Macleroy Obied, University of Southampton (Archaeology), 2016. 'Rethinking Roman perceptions of
coastal landscapes: a case-study of the Levant'. [Full thesis available via Academia.edu.]
Finnian Ó Cionnaith, National University of Ireland Maynooth, 2011. 'Land surveying in eighteenth
and early nineteenth century Dublin'. Published as: Mapping, measurement and metropolis: How land
surveyors shaped eighteenth-century Dublin (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2012). ISBN
Marianne O'Doherty, University of Leeds, Institute for Medieval Studies, 2006.
'Eyewitness Accounts of "the Indies" in the Later Medieval West: Reading, Reception, and Re-use
(c.1300-1500)' [including the impact of travellers' accounts on cosmological
writings and cartography].
Kory E. Olson, Pennsylvania State University, University Park (French), August 2006. ‘Mapping Modernity: Representations of Paris in
the Early Third Republic, 1870-1900’.
Bart Ooghe, Ghent University, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 2007. 'Off the Beaten Tracks:
Travellers, maps and the landscapes of Ottoman Mesopotamia'.
Iffet Orbay, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of
Architecture, June 2001. 'Istanbul viewed: the representation of the city
in Ottoman maps of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries'.
Sven Outram-Leman, University of Stirling (History and Politics), November 2017. 'The Nature of British Mapping of
West Africa, 1749-1841'. Available Online
Jean-François Palomino, Université de Montréal (History), June 2018. ‘L'état et l'espace colonial: savoirs
géographiques entre la France et la Nouvelle-France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles’.
Available Online
Valeria Pansini, École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris,
November 2002. 'L'oeil du topographe et la science de la guerre: travail scientifique et
perception militaire (1760-1820)'.
Hyunhee Park, Yale University, 2008. 'The Delineation of a Coastline: The Growth of Mutual Geographic
Knowledge in China and the Islamic World, 750-1500'.
Katherine A. Parker, University of Pittsburgh (History), April, 2016. 'Contentious waters: the
creation of Pacific geographic knowledge in Britain, 1669-1768'.
Christopher Andrew Parkes, Queen's University at Kingston (Canada),
1997. 'With the assistance of maps: the eighteenth-century English novel and
the rise of the nation-state'.
Cóilín Parsons, Columbia University, New York, English and Comparative Literature,
2008. 'Literary maps: Cartography in Anglo-Irish literature'.
Robert Edward Paulett, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, 2007. 'Trading lives: Mapping the pathways and peoples of the
southeastern deerskin trade, 1732-1775'. AAT 3268808.
Maria Pazarli, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Engineering, School of Rural and Surveying
Engineering, Department of Cadastre, Photogrammetry and Cartography, March 2014. [Righas Velestinlis Map (Charta) of
Greece: A Cartographic Approach]. Available Online (with English summary, pp.6-9).
Margaret Pearce, Clark University, Worcester, MA, Graduate School,
May 1998. `Native and Colonial Mapping in Western Connecticut Land Records'.
Yvonne Elizabeth Pelletier, University of Toronto, Department of English, February
2003.'Mapping, Mobility, and Selfhood in Nineteenth-Century Narrative: Sir Richard F.
Burton, Herman Melville, and Charles Dickens'. UMI No. AAT NQ78353.
* Damien Petermann, Université de Lyon - Jean Moulin Lyon (Geography), April 2022. 'L'image de Lyon d'après les guides de voyage aux XIXe et XXe siècles, une étonnante permanence'.
* Jeffrey Nolan Peters, University of Michigan, 1996. ' "Sçavoir
la carte": allegorical maps and the cartographics of culture in
seventeenth-century France'.
* Marco Petrella, University of Bologna (History), 2004. 'Il ritratto della Borgogna: il ruolo delle geografie nella
costruzione di un territorio tra XVIII e XIX secolo'. [Due for publication in 2008.]
Vytautas Petronis, Stockholm University, 2007. 'Constructing Lithuania: Ethnic Mapping in Tsarist Russia, ca. 1800-1914'. Stockholm
Studies in History, 91 / Södertöm Doctoral Dissertations, 21. Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2007. [ISBN 978-91-85445-79-0 or
978-91-89315-78-5, distributed by Almqvist & Wiksell International.]
Geoffrey Phelippot, EHESS, Paris, January 2024. 'La sphère royale : l'entreprise cartographique de Nicolas de Fer à Paris (v. 1640-1720)'
Catherine Phipps, Duke University (Durham, North Carolina), 2007. 'Imperial Geographies: Remapping Northern Kyushu in Asia, 1889-1930'.
Katharina N. Piechocki, New York University (Comparative Literature), 2013. 'Cartographic Humanism: Defining
Early Modern Europe, 1400--1550'.
Katherine Pilhuj, University of Miami, 2008. 'A mirror for the world: Gender, geography, and identity in early
modern English drama' [how "early modern English playwrights connect geographical territory depicted in charts,
travel, and colonial literature to the female body"]. AAT 3306733.
Nydia Pineda De Avila, Queen Mary, University of London, 2017. 'Collecting Selenographies: Lunar maps as
Crossroads of Astronomical Theory, Practice and Pleasure in the Seventeenth Century'.
Karen Pinto, Columbia University, February 2001. 'Ways of seeing. 3:
scenarios of the world in the medieval Islamic imagination'.
Jacob Pollock, University of Pittsburgh (History), 2012. 'The "Geographicall Compass": History,
Authority, and Utility in the English Voyage Account, 1600-1730'.
Bárbara Polo Martín, University of Barcelona (Human Geography), February 2020. 'Historia de la cartografía urbana de
Burgos: siglos XIX-XX'.
Marina Sergeevna Popova, S.I. Vavilov Institute of History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Science (History
of Science), Moscow, April 2014. 'Pomorskije lozii i geografocheskije znanija pomorov' [Pomorian sailing directions and
the geographical knowledge of Pomors].
Catherine Porter, Queen's University Belfast. [2014]. 'Mapping Spaces: Towards a quantitative methodology for exploring maps
and early mapping in early modern Ireland, c.1530-1610'.
* Maria M Portuondo, Johns Hopkins University, 2005. 'Secret science: Spanish cosmography and the New World'.
AAT 3189091.
Anne-Sophie Pratte, Harvard University, 2021. ‘Mapping the Steppe: The Politics of
Cartography in Qing Mongolia, 1780–1911’.
Ignacio Prieto Sarro , Universidad de León (Philosophy and Letters), 2021.
Amy Prior, University of Edinburgh (Institute of Geography) and in collaboration with the
National Library of Scotland, July 2013. 'British Mapping of Africa: Publishing
Histories of Imperial Cartography, c.1880 - c.1915'. Full text.
* Aybulat Psyanchin, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
[Ufa], Institute of Ethnology, April 1998. 'Istoriya geograficheskogo
izucheniya i kartografirovaniya Bashkortostana do 20-go veka' [A history of
the geographical exploration and mapping of Bashkortostan (pre-20th
century)]. Candidate of Science Dissertation (Geography).
Aybulat Psyanchin, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of
Ethnology, November 2004. 'Istoriya etnograficheskoy kartografii v Rossii do nachala XX veka'
[A history of ethnological cartography in Russia before the twentieth century]. The (higher)
Doctor of Science Degree.
Ismo Pentti Kalervo Puhakka, European University Institute, Florence, September 2015. 'Images of
Providence: Sebastian Münster's Cosmography and the Study on Nature within the Reformation'.
Ramon J. Pujades i Bataller, Universitat de València. Estudi General (Historia de
l'Antiguitat i de la cultura escrita) - though actually working at the Archivo de la Corona de
Aragón, Barcelona (Facultativo de archivos), September 2005. 'Escriure l'espai baixmedieval: la
producció cartogràfica al Mediterrani occidental del segles XIII, XIV i XV' [Writing late
medieval space: cartographic production in the western Mediterranean in the XIIIth, XIVth and
XVth centuries].
Ana Pulido Rull, Harvard University (History of Art and Architecture). 2012. 'Land Grant painted
maps: Native artists and the power of visual persuasion in colonial New Spain.'
Siomonn Pulla, Carleton University, 2023. 'Anthropological Advocacy? Frank Speck and the Mapping of Aboriginal Territoriality in Eastern Canada, 1900-1950'.
Kathleen Pullum, Birkbeck, University of London, January 2013. 'Mapping the
Transfrontier: Survey, Mapping and Boundary-Making on the North-West Transfrontier of British
India, Late-Nineteenth Century to the Present'.
Alex Claire Purves, University of Pennsylvania, 2002. 'Telling
space: topography, time, and narrative from Homer to Xenophon (Greece)'.
UMI No. AAT 3043943.
Jasper Cornelis van Putten, Harvard University, 2015. 'The Networked Cosmos: Sebastian Münster's City
Views'. ProQuest 3739153.
Jean-Yves Puyo, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, December 2009 [for the higher degree:
Mémoire d’habilitation]. ‘Représenter et aménager l’espace: quelques expériences du XIXe et XXe
Lucas Montalvão Rabelo, Universidade de São Paulo. 2023. ‘O Espaço Platino nas Expedições de Sebastião Caboto
e Diego García (1526-1530): estudo histórico e historiográfico’.
Félix Racine, Yale University, Department of History, 2009. 'Literary Geography in Late
Patrice Ract, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Ecole nationale des
chartes, 2000. 'Les ingénieurs géographes des camps et armées du roi, de
la guerre de Sept Ans à la Révolution (1756-1791): étude
institutionnelle, prosopographique et sociale'. See, for long summary.
Richard Raiswell, University of Toronto, Department of History,
2003. 'Before the Company: English perceptions of India in the sixteenth
David Alejandro Ramírez Palacios, University of São Paulo (Geography), 2015. 'A Nueva Geografía de
Colombia de Francisco Javier Vergara y Velasco (1901) [1902]'. Full text,
two volumes, 13 October 2015
William Rankin, Harvard University (History of Science), 2011. 'After the Map: Cartography,
Navigation, and the Transformation of Territory in the 20th Century'.
Karen Rann, Queens University Belfast (Geography), December 2022. ‘Horizontal Hills: A Creative Historical Geography of the
Emergence of Contour Lines in Nineteenth-Century Britain and Ireland’. Abstract.
Gabriele Recker, Bonn University, 2003. ‘Von Trier nach Köln 1550-1850.
Kartographiehistorische Beiträge zur historisch-geographischen Verkehrswegeforschung.
Betrachtungen zum Problem der Altkarten als Quelle anhand eines Fallbeispieles aus den
Rheinlanden’. [Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2003 (ISBN: 3-89646-025-0).]
Paul G. Regan, University of Southampton, 1996. `The construction of patriotic sentiment in the 16th-
century Low Countries: cartography, Calvinism and rebel propaganda'.
Wesley J. Reisser, University of California, Los Angeles, 2010. 'From a world of empires to a
world of nation states: America at the Paris Peace Conference'.
Francesc Relaño, European University Institute,
Department of History and Civilisation, Florence, 1997. `The idea
of Africa within myth and reality: cosmographic discourse and
cartographic science in the late middle ages and early modern
* David West Reynolds, University of Michigan, 1996. 'Forbis Urbis Romae: the Severan
Marble Plan and the Urban Form of Ancient Rome'.
Martin Rickenbacher, Universität Basel, Philosophisch Historische Fakultät, 2009. 'Napoleons Karten der Schweiz: Landesvermessung als Machtfaktor
zwischen 1798 und 1815' [Napoleon's maps of Switzerland: surveying as factor of power between
1798 and 1815].
Christopher Jacob Ries, University Centre of Roskilde, Institute
for History and Society, European Cultural Studies, September 2002.
'Lauge Koch sagen den danske geolog strid 1935-38' [about the Danish
geologist who mapped North East Greenland].
James Russell Risk, University of South Carolina (History), 2017. ‘Lamps, Maps, Mud-Machines, and Signal Flags: Science,
Technology, and Commerce in the Early United States’.
Caroline Anjali Ritchie, University of York (English and Related Literature), 2023. 'Visionary Mapping: Cartography in William Blake's Networks, Poetry, Visual Art, and Reception'.
Etienne Rivard, University of British Columbia, 2005. 'Prairie and Quebec Metis
territoriality: Interstices territoriales and the cartography of in-between identity' ["largely
based on an investigation of colonial maps"]. UMI No. AAT NQ99540.
Sean Roberts, University of Michigan (History of Art), August 2006. ‘Cartography between Cultures: Francesco Berlinghieri's
Geographia of 1482’.AAT 3224732.
Jessica C. Robey, University of California, Santa Barbara (History of Art & Architecture), 2006. 'From the
City Witnessed to the Community Dreamed: The "Civitates orbis terrarum" and the Circle of Abraham Ortelius
and Joris Hoefnagel.' AAT 3238799.
Michael Frederick Robinson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002.
'The coldest crucible: Arctic exploration and American culture,
1850-1910'. UMI No. AAT 3049319.
Luis A. Robles Macias, Université Libre de Bruxelles (History), January 2024. 'Juan Vespucci (1487 - ca. 1527): A Cosmographer, Seaman and Merchant at the Heart of Spanish Charting of the New World.'
Carmem Marques Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2022. ‘Prima Brasil: Diálogos entre Luís
Pinto de Sousa Coutinho e William Faden na consolidação cartográfica do Brasil no mapa Colombia Prima or
South América (1807)’.
Lucía Rodríguez Arrillaga, Universidade de São Paulo, 2024. 'Fisiografías apasionadas: territorio y patriotismo en el cruce de los imperios ibéricos: el Río de la Plata, 1750-1810'. [DOI: 10.11606/T.8.2024.tde-09102024-182235].
Kevin Rodríguez Wittmann, Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain), September 2021. 'El imaginario oceánico. Las
islas del Atlántico Meridional en los mappaemundi medievales (siglos IX-XIV)'. Abstract and general conclusions (Spanish and English). [Full thesis available via Academia.edu.]
Catharine Dann Roeber, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia (History). [August 2011]. 'The
Material World, Memory, and the Making of William Penn's Pennsylvania, 1681-1726' [including discussion of
the maps by Thomas Holme and others.].
Olga Sergeevna Romanova, Yakutsk State University, Russia (Biology-Geography), March
2005. 'Istoriya geograficheskogo izucheniya i kartografirovaniya Yakutii (v XVII - nachale XX
veka)' [Mapping Yakutia territory from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century].
Candidate of Science Degree.
Stephanie Roper, University of Kansas, Department of History,
May 1998. `Paper conquests: early modern English mapping of North
America as promotional tools'.
Mark Rosen, University of California, Berkeley, Department of the History of Art, December 2004. 'The Cosmos in the Palace: The Palazzo Vecchio Guardaroba and the
Culture of Cartography in Early Modern Florence, 1563-1589'. AAT 3167217.
Rhoda Rosen, University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of History, 2009. 'Mapping Dystopia: Maps,
Museums, and the Nation'.
Elizabeth Ross, Harvard University, History of Art and Architecture, 2004. 'Picturing Knowledge and Experience in the Early Printed Book: Reuwich's
illustrations for Breydenbach's Peregrinatio in terram sanctam (1486)'. AAT 3131975.
* Jason Ross Rozumalski, University of California, Berkeley (History), 2017. ‘Lords of All They Survey: The
Social and Economic Origins of the English State, c.1520–1620’.
Ralph Ruch, Universität Zürich, Historisches Seminar, 2012. 'Kartographie und Konflikt im
Spätmittelalter. Untersuchungen zu Manuskriptkarten des 15. Jahrhunderts anhand von Beispielen
aus dem oberrheinischen und schweizerischen Raum'.
Marie de Rugy, Université Paris 1 (History), November 2016. ‘Cartes et constructions de territoires
impériaux dans le nord de la Péninsule indochinoise, 1885-1914’.
* Andrea Ruiz-Esquide, Columbia University (History), 2001. 'From Mapuche Frontier to
Chilean Province: A History of Malleco in the Second Half of the 19th Century'.
Afef Saada, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Geography) & Université de Sfax, January 2015. 'L'espace tunisien vu de l'Occident, au
croisement des notions territoriales Africa et Tunis: Concept et représentation dans la cartographie occidentale, du XVIe
au XVIIIe siècle'.
Benjamin J. Sacks, Princeton University, 2018. ‘Creating the Atlantic Port Town: Surveyors, Networks, and Geographies,
Sandra Sáenz-López Pérez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (History of Art I (Middle
Ages)), December 2007. 'Imagen y conocimiento del mundo en la Edad Media a través de la
cartografía hispana' [Image and knowledge of the world in the Middle Ages through Spanish
Neil F. Safier, The Johns Hopkins University, Department of History, September
2003. 'Writing the Andes, reading the Amazon: voyages of exploration and the itineraries
of scientific knowledge in the eighteenth century'.
Antonio Sánchez Martínez, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de Madrid
(Instituto de Filosofía) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, May 2010. 'La representación
cartográfica en el siglo de oro de la cosmografía española: categorías epistémicas en la
fabricación de modelos visuales' [Cartographic representation in the golden age of Spanish
cosmography: epistemic categories in the manufacture of visual models].
Alison Sandman, University of Wisconsin-Madison, History of Science
Department, 2001. 'Cosmographers vs. pilots: navigation, cosmography, and
the state in early modern Spain'.
Rhonda Lemke Sanford, University of Colorado at Boulder,
Department of English Renaissance Literature, December 1998. `A
sense of place: maps and their representations in English Renaissance
Alvaro Agustin, Santana-Acuna, Harvard University, 2014. 'The Making of a National Cadastre (1763-1807): State Uniformization, Nature Valuation,
and Organizational Change in France'. ProQuest 3645058.
Jennifer Saracino, Tulane University, New Orleans, 2018. ‘Shifting Landscapes: Depictions of Environmental & Cultural
Disruption in the Mapa Uppsala of Mexico-Tenochtitlan’.
Alessandro Scafi, Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study,
Universityof London, December 1999. 'The notion of earthly paradise from the
Patristic era to the fifteenth century'.
Berndt Schippler, University of Vienna, 2017. 'Österreichs Territorialstaatsverträge vom Wiener Kongress bis zur
Gegenwart. Die Umgestaltung von Staatsgebiet und Hoheitsbereich im Spiegel urkundlicher Quellen 1815-2015'.
Daniel Schlögl, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Fakultät für
Geschichts- und Kunstwissenschaften, February 2001. Published as: Der planvolle Staat. Raumerfassung und Reformen in
Bayern 1750-1800. - München : Beck, 2002. - LXIV, 282 S. : Ill., Kt. &
Beil. - (Schriftenreihe zur bayerischen Landesgeschichte ; 138)
Jost A. Schmid-Lanter, University of Zurich (Philosophy), 2019. ‘Der St. Galler Globus – Ein kosmographisches Modell
des Tilemann Stella’. [Published in German by Schwabe Verlagsgruppe (October 2019)
Bettina Schöller, Universität Zürich, Historisches Seminar, February
2012. 'Wissen speichern, Wissen ordnen, Wissen übertragen. Die Londoner Psalterkarte und die Descriptio Mappe
Mundi'. [Publication in Summer 2013.]
Margaret E. Schotte, Princeton University, 2014. 'A Calculated Course: Creating Transoceanic Navigators,
Stefan Schröder, University of Kassel, Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften, 2007.
'Zwischen Christentum und Islam. Kulturelle Grenzen in den spätmittelalterlichen
Pilgerberichten des Felix Fabri' [Between Christianity and Islam. Cultural Borders in the Late
Mediaeval Pilgrimage Accounts of Felix Fabri.] Published as Orbis mediaevalis 11
(Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2009). ISBN 978-3-05-004534-4. [One chapter is concerned with the
geographical perceptions of the time.]
Susan Schulten, University of Pennsylvania, Department
of History, 1995. `The Transformation of World Geography in American
Life, 1880-1950'.
Maren Elisabeth Schwab, Georg-August University Goettingen (NeoLatin Studies), April 2018. 'Rom in
Beschreibungen des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts' [Descriptions of Rome between the 14th and 16th centuries]. [Only chapter
7 concerns cartography. ] To be published by Hiersemann in May 2019, as "Antike begreifen, Antiquarische Texte und
Praktiken in Rom von Francesco Petrarca bis Bartolomeo Marliano", in the series Quellen und Untersuchungen zur
lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters.
Richard Joseph Scully, Monash University (Clayton, Melbourne, Australia), School of Historical
Studies, 2008. 'Admiration, Antagonism, Ambivalence: British Images of Germany, 1860-1914'. [One
section, 'Mapping Germany', deals with the image of Germany presented in British-made maps and atlases,
and also the 'Anglo-German Freemasonry' between British and German cartographers.]
Steven J. Seegel, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, Department of History,
August 2005. 'Blueprinting Modernity: Nation-State Cartography and Intellectual Ordering in
Russia's European Empire, Ukraine, and Former Poland-Lithuania, 1795-1917'. AAT 3227929.
Jörn Seemann , Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Geography & Anthropology, December 2010.
'Regional Narratives, Hidden Maps, and Storied Places: Cultural
Cartographies of the Cariri Region, Northeast Brazil'. [One chapter is focused on the
cartographic history/histories of the region.] The full text is available Here.
Goran Sekulovski, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, February 2014. 'Enquêtes sur une identité nationale et
ecclésiale: la Macédoine entre territoires, Eglises et mythes nationaux'.
Caroline Seveno, Université de Paris, December 2011. 'La cartographie des Antilles françaises.
Genèse, pratiques et usages dans une perspective comparative: France, Angleterre, Espagne, XVIIe-
XVIIIe siècles'.
Cécile Shaalan, Université Lumière-Lyon 2 (Langues, histoire et civilisations des mondes anciens), May 2019.
'Alexandrie, au fil des plans. Études sur la cartographie d’Alexandrie, milieu du XIXe siècle - milieu du XXe
Kimia Rose Shahrokh Shahi, Princeton University. 2021. ‘Margin, Surface, Depth: Picturing the Contours of the Marine in
Nineteenth-Century America’.
Zur Shalev, Princeton University, Department of History, June 2004. 'Geographia
sacra: cartography, religion, and scholarship in the sixteenth and seventeenth
* Kevin Joseph Sheehan, University of California, Berkeley, 2008. 'Iberian Asia: The strategies
of Spanish and Portuguese empire building, 1540-1700'.
Kevin E. Sheehan, Durham University (Arts & Humanities), July 2014. 'The Functions of Portolan Maps: an evaluation of the
utility of manuscript nautical cartography from the thirteenth through sixteenth centuries'. The full text is available Here.
Jiaying Shen, University of Toronto (History), 2024. 'Empire at Sea: The Construction of Maritime Sovereignty in Imperial Japan (1868-1945)'.
Robert Sherwood, University of Texas at Arlington, 2008. 'The Cartography of Alexander von Humboldt: Images of the
Enlightenment in America'.
Brian C. Shipley, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (History), May 2007.
'From Field to Fact: William E. Logan and the Geological Survey of Canada'. AAT NR27185. Personal webpage
Valquíria Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), 2021. Extraído do original:
'Arte, ciência e técnica no mapa da América portuguesa do Padre Cocleo'.
Jesse Simon, University of Oxford, Faculty of History, 2012. 'Images of the Built Landscape in
the Later Roman World'.
Johanna Skurnik, University of Turku (Finland), 2017. ‘Making Geographies: The Circulation of British Geographical
Knowledge of Australia, 1829–1863’ [Vol. ser. B, 444 of Turun yliopiston julkaisuja / Annales Universitatis Turkuensis-
Joy Slappnig, Royal Holloway, University of London and Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), January 2022.
'The indigenous map: native information, ethnographic object, artefact of encounter' [considering questions of definition and approach, the
contexts in which such maps were acquired by the RGS, and how they were subsequently used.]
Nora Slonimsky, City University of New York, 2017. ‘“The Engine of Free Expression”: The Political Economy of Copyright
in the Colonial British Atlantic and Early National United States’ [discussing maps and geographical writing].
* Mirela Slukan, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Sciences, 1999. [Spatial
Development of Zagreb since the Middle of the 19th Century on the Basis of
Cadastral Sources]. (In Croatian with English summary).
Margaret Ann Small, Oxford University, St Edmund Hall College, Department of Modern History, August 2004. 'Boundaries and Balance: Classical Influences on Sixteenth Century
Geographical Thought'.
Donald Kimball Smith, University of Iowa, 2001. 'Mapping more than
the world: Shaping the cartographic imagination in late medieval and
early modern England (Edmund Spenser, Christopher Saxton, Christopher
Marlowe, Sir Walter Ralegh, Andrew Marvell)'.
Edmond Smith, University of Cambridge (History), 2015. 'Networks of the East India Company, 1600-1625' [including the
Company's relationship with the navigational and map-making communities].
Jason W. Smith, Temple University, Philadelphia (History), 2012. 'Controlling the great common:
Hydrography, the marine environment, and the culture of nautical charts in the United States
Navy, 1838-1903'.
Kelvin Smith, University of Essex, Department of Sociology, May 2007. ‘Located Interconnections: The Social Construction of
Place, Identity and Community in the Carib Territory, Dominica’ [Chapter 2 'Paper Wraps Stone' deals with the depiction of Carib
Indians in Dominican cartography 1763-1903, Chapter 3 'Big River to Big River' looks at the disputed mapping of the Carib
Reserve 1903-1970s, and Chapter 7 'An Empty Meeting Ground' contains a critique of recent tourist maps of Dominica].
Alexey Vladimirovich Sobesevich, S.I. Vavilov Institute of History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Science
(History of Science), Moscow, December 2014. 'Istorija geograficheskogo izuchenija i kartografirovanija territotii
Karelii: XVIII – pervaja chetvert’ XX stoletia' [The history of geographical study and mapping of Karelia in the XVIIIth
to the first quarter of the XX centuries].
Karl Solchenbach, University of Luxemburg (Institute for History), June 2024]. 'Historische Altkarten des Herzogtums Luxemburgs und des Erzstifts Trier vom frühen 16. Jahrhundert bis zum Ende des Ancien Regime - Bestimmung, Strukturierung und Analyse des Kartencorpus mittels historischer und digitaler Methoden. [Historical old maps of the Duchy of Luxembourg and the Archbishopric of Trier from the early 16th century to the end of the Ancien Regime - identification, structuring and analysis of the map corpus using historical and digital methods]. Abstract.
Renata Šolar, University of Zagreb, Croatia (Faculty of Philosophy, Department of
Information Science), April 2006. [Digital catalogue of selected maps from the Map
and Pictorial Collection at the National and University Library, Ljubljana, Slovenia]. (In Croatian with English summary).
Eve C. Sorum, University of Michigan, 2006. ‘Mapping Modernism: Connections between Cartography and Literature’. UMI No. AAT 3208316.
Bernardo Cunha Alves de Souza, Universidade do Porto, 2024. 'Vermoim: Um Território do Entre Douro-e-Minho Através da Cartografia Histórica (c.900-1835)'.
Daniel Speich, Universität Zürich, 2003. 'Helvetische Meliorationen: Die
Neuordnung der gesellschaftlichen Naturverhältnisse an der Linth (1783-1823)'. [Zürich:
Chronos Verlag, 2003 - ISBN 3-03-400664-0.]
Avan Stallard, University of Queensland (History). [2011]. 'Antipodes to Terra
Eva Stamoulou, University of Manchester (Art History and Visual Studies), July 2011. 'The
Venetian Oltremare: Identity and Visual Culture in the Early Modern Eastern Mediterranean.'
Diantha Steinhilper, Florida State University, Tallahassee (Art History), April 2013. 'Identity and Empire in
Colonial Maps of Mexico, 1524-1600'.
Morten Stenak, Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Denmark, Institute
for History, Culture and Society, Cartographical Documentation Center,
October 2002. 'De inddæmmede landskaber' [The reclaimed land].
Jeffrey Paul Stone, University of Texas at Arlington, 2007. 'Mapping the "Red Menace": British and American news maps in the early Cold
War period, 1945 to 1955'. AAT 3258613.
Jeppe Strandsbjerg, University of Sussex (International Relations and Politics), [2008]. 'The
Cartographic Reality of Space: Territory, Globalisation and International Relations'. [Drawing on history of
cartography theory and discussing the early modern mapping of the world and Denmark.]
Catherine Stuer, University of Chicago (Art History), 2012. 'Dimensions of place: Map,
itinerary, and trace in images of Nanjing'.
* Garrett Arthur Sullivan Jr, Brown University, 1995. 'Staging
space: the theatre and social relations in early modern England'.
Isabelle Surun, École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris,
December 2003. 'Géographie de l’exploration: la carte, le terrain et le texte (Afrique
occidentale, 1780-1880)'.
Petra Svatek, Vienna University, 2005. 'Wolfgang Lazius als Kartograph. Eine Analyse
seiner Karten in Bezug auf die Werke anderer Kartenmacher des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts'
[Wolfgang Lazius as cartographer: An analysis of his maps with reference to the works of other
mapmakers of the 16th and 17th centuries]. 2 vols., 474 pp.
Stig Roar Svenningsen, Roskilde University (Graduate School of Environmental Stress Studies) and the Royal Library,
Copenhagen, April, 2015. 'Spatial sources to the landscape: historical cartography and aerial photographs in geography
and landscape research'. [Using cartographic sources.]
Isin Taylan Cakmak, Yale University (History), December 2022. 'A History of the Ottoman Atlas: The Material Culture of Geographical Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire'.
Alan Creston Taylor, Boston University (English), 2012. 'Paper nation: American
literature and the surveying of North America'.
René Tebel, Universität Wien, Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät,
February 2004. 'Das Schiff im Kartenbild als Quelle für den Historiker. Vom Anbeginn der
Überlieferung kartographischer Zeugnisse im abendländischen Mittelalter bis zum Zeitalter
J. Blaeus (1602)' [Ship illustrations on maps as a source for the historian. From the
beginning of cartographical tradition in the occidental middle ages to the age of J.
Blaeu (1602)].
Margaret Tedford, Queen's University Belfast, 2019. 'The Anglo-Saxon Cotton Map in context'.
Simon Thode, The Johns Hopkins University (History of Science and Technology), 2013. 'The practices of
observational science and the development of the American nation in the trans-Appalachian West, 1763-1814'.
Leah Michelle Thomas, Virginia Commonwealth University (Media, Art, and Text), 2014. 'Literary Landscapes:
Mapping Emergent American Identity in Transatlantic Narratives of Women's Travel of the Long Eighteenth Century'.
Jennifer Allison Toms, Michigan State University (English), 2012. 'Subject to the nation: Official nationalism, the myth of the island nation and the literature of early modern England'
John K. Treiber, University of Hawai`i at Mânoa (History), 2005. ‘Mapping Manchuria: The Japanese Production of Knowledge in
Manchuria-Manchukuo to 1945’. AAT 3151130.
Lan-ying Tseng, Harvard University, 2001. 'Picturing heaven: Image
and knowledge in Han China'.
Angeliki Tsorlini, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Engineering,
School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, June 2011. 'Claudius Ptolemy Geō
graphikē Yphēgēsis (Geographia): Digital analysis, evaluation,
processing and mapping the coordinates of Greece, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea,
based on 4 manuscripts and 15 printed editions, from Vaticanus Urbinas Gr. 82 (13th cent.)
until today. The new Catalogue "GeoPtolemy-θ"' [English title to a dissertation in
Gene Rhea Tucker, University of Texas at Arlington (Transatlantic History), May 2011.
'Place-Names, Conquest, and Empire: Spanish and Amerindian Conceptions of Place in the New
World'. AAT 3466998.
Max Ubelaker Andrade, Boston University, 2010. 'Literary space in a cartographic frame: Miguel de
Cervantes, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Jose Donoso, and Witold Gombrowicz' [Dealing with 'some
aspects of the experience of literary space through the careful theoretical appropriation of texts
that have been written by cartographers and geographers'].
Daniel Esteban Unigarro Caguasango, Universidad Tecnológica y Pedagógica - Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi, November, 2023. 'La invención colonial de la Amazonia: imaginarios cartográficos entre los siglos XVI y XVII'.
L. Elizabeth Upper, King's College, University of Cambridge (History of Art), April 2013. 'Printing Colour in
the Age of Dürer: German ‘Chiaroscuro’ Woodcuts, 1485-c.1600' [including consideration of the first maps printed in
Emily Ann Urban, Rutgers The State University of New Jersey (Art History), 2013. 'The Sala Bologna in the Vatican
Palace: Art and Astronomy in Counter Reformation Rome'.
Cristina Urias Espinoza, University of Arizona, Tucson. 2022. ‘Spatial Legacies in the Borderlands: Land Speculation and
the U.S. Colonization of Northwest Mexico, 1853–1934’.
Emmanuelle Vagnon-Chureau,
Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne (Histoire médiévale), November 2007. 'Cartographies et
représentations de l’Orient méditerranéen en occident (du milieu du XIIIe à la fin du XVe siècle')
[Ad Orientem: cartographical representations of the East Mediterranean and the Holy Land in
western countries, (XIIIth - end of XVth centuries)].
* Martin Vailly, European University Institute, Florence, September 2020. 'Le monde au bout des doigts: Francois Le Large, le globe de Coronelli et les cultures géographiques dans la France de Louis XIV'.
Daniela Valle de Loro, École nationale des chartes, Sorbonne, Paris, 2009. ‘Le Grand
Insulaire et Pilotage d’André Thevet, Cosmographe du Roi. Édition critique partielle’. Summary.
Megan Vallowe, University of Arkansas, 2017. ‘Indigenous Resistance: Settler-Colonialism, Nation Building, and Colonial
Sarah Van Cleve, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2023. 'Misreading Maps: Maps and the British Novel in the Age of the Ordnance Survey'.
Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, Universiteit Gent, History Department, April 2008. ‘Brussel, de ontwikkeling van een
middeleeuwse, stedelijke ruimte’.
Djoeke H. Van Netten, University of Groningen, April 2012. 'Koopman in kennis: de uitgever
Willem Jansz. Blaeu (1571-1638) in de geleerde wereld van zijn tijd' [Merchant in knowledge:
publisher Willem Jansz. Blaeu (1571-1638) in the academic world of his time].
Cynthia Jean Van Zandt, University of Connecticut, 1998. 'Negotiating
settlement: colonialism, cultural exchange, and conflict in early
colonial Atlantic North America, 1580-1660'.
Jean-Michel Vasquez, Université Lyon II (History), December 2007. 'Une cartographie missionnaire. L'Afrique de
l'exploration à l'appropriation, au nom du Christ et de la science (1870-années 1930)'.
Alejandra Vega, Universidad Católica de Chile (Santiago), 2005. 'Descripcion geografica e identidad territorial:
representaciones cartograficas de la cordillera de los Andes del reino de Chile en el siglo XVI' (for which she received the
"Premio Miguel Cruchaga Tocornal 2006" of the Academia Chilena de la Historia).
Bivar Venus, University of Chicago (History), 2011. 'The Ground Beneath Their Feet: Agricultural
Industrialization and the Remapping of Rural France, 1945-76'.
Madalina-Valeria Veres, University of Pittsburgh (History), spring 2015. 'Constructing Imperial Spaces: Habsburg
Cartography in the Age of Enlightenment'.
Soetkin Vervust, Ghent University (Geography), June 2016. 'Deconstructing the Ferraris maps
(1770-1778): a study of the map production process and its implications for geometric accuracy'. Abstract.
Timothy R. Wallace, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2016. ‘Cartographic Journalism: Situating Modern News Mapping
in a History of Map-User Interaction’.
Gion Wallmeyer, Georg-August University Goettingen (History), September 2021. 'Von nützlichem Wissen und ungenutzten Chancen.
Politikberater und die Pläne zur Rückeroberung des Heiligen Landes im späten 13. und frühen 14. Jahrhundert' (Of Useful
Knowledge and Unused Chances. Political Advisors and the Plans for the Recovery of the Holy Land in the Late 13th and Early
14th Century.' [Including analysis of the maps used by Marino Sanudo, Fidenzio of Padua and others.]
Stephen Anthony Walsh, Harvard University, 2014. 'Between the Arctic & the Adriatic: Polar Exploration,
Science & Empire in the Habsburg Monarchy'. ProQuest 3645087.
* Yifan Wang, Fudan University, Shanghai, Center for Historical Geographical Studies, June 2011. ‘Geographic
surveying and mapping in the late Qing Dynasty: A study centered on the "Huidian Map" of the Guangxu Dynasty’. [In
Chinese, with English abstract.]
Wendy Waters, University of Arizona, Department of History, May 1999.
'Re-mapping the nation: road building as state formation in
post-Revolutionary Mexico, 1925-1940'.
Ruth Watson, Australian National University, 2005. 'A heart-shaped world: Johannes
Stabius, Oronce Fine and the meanings of the cordiform map'.
Adrian Web, University of Exeter, June 2010. 'The expansion of British Naval Hydrographic
Administration, 1808-1829'. Summary (leading to full thesis).
* Thomas de Wesselow, University of London, Courtauld Institute of Art, 2000. 'The
wall of the Mappamondo: the Trecento decoration of the west wall of the Sala del
Mappamondo in Siena's Palazzo Pubblico'.
Karl Whittington, University of California at Berkeley, History of Art, May 2010. 'The
Body-Worlds of Opicino de Canistris, Artist and Visionary (1296-ca.1354)'.
Mary Catherine Wilheit, Texas A&M University, Department of History, 2003. ‘Colonial
surveyors in Southern Maryland’.
Jürgen Wilke, University of Göttingen, Seminar für Mittlere und
Neuere Geschichte, Institut für Historische Landesforschung, June 1999. 'Die
Ebstorfer Weltkarte'. [To be published in two volumes: Veröffentlichungen
des Instituts für Historische Landesforschung der Universität Göttingen,
Vol. 39 (Bielefeld, 2001)].
Roberta (Bobbie) Williams, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Department of
Geography, May 2010. ‘The Cartography of Hopes and Dreams: The Bird's Eye Maps of the Midwest
and Prairie States in Nineteenth Century America’.
Ron Martin Wilson, Princeton University (Comparative Literature), 2020. ‘Meiji, Media, and Modernity: The
Politics of Optical Mimesis in Nineteenth-Century Japan’.
Heather D. Winlow, Queen's University, Belfast, 1999. 'Cartographic
representations of race, c.1850-1930'.
* Christian Witschel, University of Leipzig, 1997. `Nationalatlanten.
Entwicklung, Konzeption, Gestaltung, Funktion´. Published: Köln, 1998.
Igor Wladimiroff, State University of Groningen, March 2008. 'De kaart van een verzwegen vriendschap.
Nicolaas Witsen en Andrej Winius en de cartografie van Rusland 16e-18e eeuw' [The map of a hidden
friendship: Nicolaas Witsen and Andrej Winius and the mapping of Russia 16th-18th century].
Thomas M. Woodfin, Texas A&M University, Department of Geography, December 2007. 'The cartography of capitalism: cartographic
evidence for the emergence of the capitalist world-system in early modern Europe'. AAT 3296583.
Adèle Lorraine Wörz, Oregon State University, January 2007. 'The visualization of
perspective systems and iconology in Dürer’s cartographic works: an in-depth analysis using
multiple methodological approaches'. AAT 3247838. Abstract
Wu Chia-Jung, National Taiwan University, Taipei (Geography), February 2018. 'The Evolution of Irrigation Maps
and its Relation to Irrigation Management Policy in Taiwan under the Early Japanese Colonial Rule (1901-1921). [In
Chinese, with English abstract.]
* Handeng Xia, Fudan University , Shanghai, Center for Historical Geographical Studies, 2021. 'Research on Surveyed maps of the Pearl River Estuary and Their Application in the Study of the Estuary Evolution from the 16th to 19th Century'. [In
Chinese, with English abstract.]
Jiarui Xue, McGill University, Montreal (History and Classical Studies), 2024. 'Collecting Curiosities during Surveying Missions: French Jesuits and Natural History of China, 1687-1721'.
* Marcia Ann Yonemoto,University of California, Berkeley (History), 1995. 'Mapping culture in eighteenth-century Japan'.
Laura Suzanne York, University of California, Los Angeles (History), 2013. 'Redeeming the Truth: Robert Morden and
the Marketing of Authority in Early World Atlases'.
* Igor Antonovich Zakharenko, Beelarus State University [Minsk], Geography
Department, October 1995. 'Istoriya kartografirovaniya Ussuriyskogo kraya
Rossiyskogo Dal'nego Vostoka' [A history of the mapping of the Ussuri Region
in the Russian Far East (mid-17th to early 20th century)]. Candidate of
Science Dissertation (Geography).
Igor Antonovich Zakharenko, Institute of the History of Science and Technology’s
Scientific Council on the History of Geography and Geology, Moscow, October, 2009 [for the
higher degree of Doctor of Science]. ‘Istoriya geograficheskogo izucheniya i
kartographirovaniya Dal’nevostochnogo pogranichnogo prostranstva Rosii i Kitaya (seredina XVII
–nachalo XX v.)’ [A History of Geographical Exploration and Mapping of the Far Eastern Frontier
Regions of Russia and China (Mid-17th to Early 19th Centuries)].
Alessia Zambon, Maison de l’Archéologie et de l’Ethnologie (Nanterre), September 2009. ‘L. F.
S. Fauvel (1753-1838): les découvertes d’antiquités en Grèce à la fin du XVIIIe et au début du
XIXe siècle’. [Including a section on his cartography.]
Kees Zandvliet (formerly of the General State Archives,
The Hague, now Curator for Dutch History at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam),
Leiden University, April 1998. `Mapping for Money: maps, plans
and topographic paintings and their role in Dutch overseas expansion'.
[Published in English - see Imago Mundi `Bibliography'
Jennifer S. Zarro, Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, 2007. 'Views of Philadelphia and the culture of
geography, 1780-1800: Maps, magazine engravings, and William Birch'. AAT 3277332.
Xue Zhang, Princeton University (East Asian Studies), 2020. ‘Qing China’s Discovery of Central
Eurasia: Geography and Statecraft, 1759–1881’.
Huimin Zhu, Fudan University, Shanghai, Center for Historical Geographical Studies, June 2022. ???????? [Study on Huizhou Map in the Qing Dynasty.] [In Chinese, with English abstract.]