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Map History

Forthcoming meetings - a quick chronology (2025-2026)


For further details of the events listed summarily below, for map society meetings, for individual talks,
and for past events, see John Docktor's Calendar

Deadlines in the history of cartography   |  Posting conference details (for organisers)

For information from previous years (from 2006) link to: < http://www.maphistory.info/confplanarchive**.html > (replacing the asterisks with the last two digits of the year in question)
For past events in the present year, right click and select 'View [page] source'


March 19-22 - Seville. Congreso Internacional. A 'Mapping Frameworks' conference: 'Cartografía y territorialidad en América'. Deadline for Call for Papers: 1 October 2024.

March 20-22 - Boston. Panel at the Renaissance Society of America's Annual Conference, 'Lost and Found in Translation: Cartographic History Between Literary and Visual Studies'. Organized by the editorial team at Imago Mundi: The International Journal for the History of Cartography. Deadline for Call for Papers: 31 July 2024.

April 4-6 - Zurich. 19. Internationale Atlastage (Ankündigung), Ein Netzwerk für Fachleute und Sammler von Atlanten, 'Die Schweizer Atlaskartographie - Präzision und Innovation zwischen Schnee und Fels', at the Zentralbibliothek Zürich.

May 15 - - Aberystwyth. Carto-Cymru - The Wales Map Symposium 2025, with the theme: 'The Art of Maps'.

June 1-6 - Charlottesville. A week-long seminar, 'H-65, Material Foundations of Map History, 1450-1900', taught by Matthew Edney, at the University of Virginia. Deadline for first round of admissions, 17 February.

June 12 - Vienna. A one-day conference on the History of Map Collecting, Vienna, Central Europe and Beyond, at the University of Vienna, organised jointly by the Vienna Center for the History of Collecting (Austria) and Moravian Library in Brno (Czech Republic) and will be accompanied by a poster exhibition on Bernard Paul Moll composite atlas preserved at Moravian Library which originated in Vienna in the 18th century. Contact: chodejovska(at)mzk.cz. Deadline for Call for Papers: 17 March 2025.

June 16-20 - London. 'A History of Maps and Mapping', the London Rare Book School course, convened by Katherine Parker.

June 16-20 - Mexico City. The National Autonomous University of Mexico will host the XX Meeting of Geographies of Latin America and the Caribbean, at the Ciudad Universitaria campus. This will include a sessioh: 'History of cartography and geographical imagination in Latin America'. More information from: mariana.lamego(at)uerj.br.

June 16-20 - Mexico City. The National Autonomous University of Mexico will host the XX Meeting of Geographies of Latin America and the Caribbean, at the Ciudad Universitaria campus. This will include a sessioh: 'History of cartography and geographical imagination in Latin America'. More information from: mariana.lamego(at)uerj.br.

July 8-11 - Paris. International Society for the History of the Map (ISHMap) will hold their annual conference at Campus Condorcet, Paris, Aubervilliers. The theme is 'Mapping the Cultural Crossroads'. 8-9 July will be a Workshop and 10-11 the Symposium. Deadline for Call for Papers: 31 October 2024.

August 11-15 - Los Angeles. A California Rare Book School (CalRBS) course on the History of Cartography taught by Ian Fowler, Curator of Maps, History, and Government Information, New York Public Library.

August 26-29 - London. The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers): 'Annual International Conference 2025'. Additional details to be announced.

September 11-14 - Portland, Maine. The 42nd International Map Collectors' Society annual symposium: 'New Perspectives on Mapping New England and Maritime Canada', at the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education.

October 8-10 - Stanford, Califonia. The Fifth biennial Barry Lawrence Ruderman Conference on Cartography.

October 16-18 - Chicago. The Newberry Library will be hosting the 22nd Kenneth Nebenzahl, Jr. Lectures in the History of Cartography, on the theme "Mapping from Mexico: New Narratives for the History of Cartography".

October 17-18 - Hobart, Tasmania. Annual conference of the Australian and New Zealand Map Society ANZMaps, 'Southern Frontiers', at the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA). Deadline for Call for Papers: 9 May 2025.

October 23-25 - Denver. Annual conference of the Society for the History of Discoveries, 'Mountains as Sites of Myth, Barriers, and Exploration', hosted by the Denver Public Library and the Rocky Mountain Map Society.

October 31-1 November - Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Seminar: 'Mapping America and its Expansion', at the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts. It will include a map fair.


July 7-11 - Prague, Czech Republic. The 31st International Conference on the History of Cartography, to be held at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, with the theme: 'Bridging the Past and Present in Cartography'.

November 8-14 - Tokyo & Kyoto. The International Map Collectors' Society has been invited by the Japan Map Society to participate in a conference that they would host for international guests with most of the programme in English. Date and programme are currently tentative.


Posting conference details (for organisers)

Those who organise conferences, seminars or symposiums are advised to post details to:-

  • AllConferences.com
  • AttendConferences
  • Calenda (a French site for the social sciences run by Revues.org, but including events outside France as well)
  • Conference Alerts: Academic Conferences Worldwide
  • Gateway for Historical Geographical-Information-Systems (GIS) in history, for Historical Cartography and for Historical Geography (his-GIS.net)
  • Transnational, Cross-regional and Global Connections (a German site which, inter alia, posts conference 'Announcements'; it is related to H-Soz-u-Kult and Clio-Online)
  • H-Maps
  • H-Net announcement. See also the H-Net Discussion Logs Search (which can be searched for all or specific lists, and for a range of dates)
  • H-Net 'call for papers'
  • H-Soz-u-Kult. 'Termine' [deadlines] (a German calendar site)
  • Maps-L
  • PapersInvited ('World's largest listing of Calls for Papers')
  • ResearchBib.Com ('Research Events' - managed from Tokyo)
  • If you need to select a date and day of the week some years ahead, consult one of the online perpetual calendars, such as Calendar Date (just adjust the year).

    Other ways of publicising a conference:

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