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Explanatory notes
to the

'Complete Chronological Listing'

see the Complete chronological listing of works assigned to the period pre-1501
(with a note of high quality reproductions and place-name lists)

(NB that is a Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet which opens separately)

Printing the Excel spreadsheet

The table is formed of six pages, each divided vertically into two, making 12 in all. It is set up to print 'Over, then down'. If you wish to print the six left-hand pages first, then alter the setting to 'Down, then over' (via File: Page Setup: Sheet)

Explanation of the columns

Sort by Date. This is the default sequence, to which you can return by clicking on the 'DATE ORDER' tab at the bottom. NB the numbers have no other significance and may change in future, to reflect additions or deletions.
      NOTE ON THE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. The sequence adopted in Pujades (2007) for the separate chart and atlas listings (pp. 63-70) does not always match those in the N.E. Spain and Adriatic name lists (pp. 350-97). Also his C 51 & 52 are placed at different points in the Valencia and Adriatic sequences. In merging into a single chronological sequence in the Excel spreadsheet - first Pujades's separate chart and atlas lists, and then his separate Italian and Majorcan name lists - the aim was to reproduce as faithfully as possible Ramon Pujades's dating suggestions, almost of which have been accepted.

Inv[entory] Number (TC). Ignore these. They are the original numbers (from the analysis I did in the 1980s)

Author. For an alphabetically sorted sequence on Author click on the 'AUTHOR ORDER' tab at the bottom. Unsigned works or those of uncertain authorship, follow in a separate sequence. When works are assigned, to an individual or a given chartmaker's supposed workshop, this generally follows Pujades (2007). The symbol [+] indicates what I consider a confident attribution and [?] where I think the attribution is questionable or unsustainable. For my comments, including some instances where our opinions differ, see Tables of signed, attributed, anonymous and workshop productions (a Microsoft Word document) and for my detailed reasoning see Anonymous works and the question of their attribution to individual chartmakers or to their supposed workshops. The numbers under the next column ('Attribution comment') refer to those two pages.

Attribution comment. See note to the preceding column

Dated. These dates are taken from the work itself, although there have occasionally been different interpretations of the readings

Assigned date. These generally follow Pujades (2007). Where those represent a significant advance on earlier knowledge they are highlighted.

Calendar date. A number of atlases have a calendar with the combined 17-year lunar and solar cycle. The commencement date (when available) is recorded here. For warning comments about the unreliability of that as an indication of the work in which the calendar is contained see the update page to the 'Chapter'. See also the column to the right of this spreadsheet, 'Pujades DVD coverage', for references to illustrations of calendars on his DVD

Location (current). For an alphabetically sorted sequence on Location, Institution/Individual and Call Number click on the 'CURRENT LOCATION' tab at the bottom

Institution/Individual - see note to 'Location (current)'

Call Number - see note to 'Location (current)'

Campbell number. Click on the tab at the bottom, 'CAMPBELL CENSUS NUMBERS', to see the spreadsheet sorted in this sequence, thus providing a concordance to the Pujades numbers (in the next two columns to the right). References are to the author's 'Census of Pre-Sixteenth-Century Portolan Charts' (Imago Mundi: the International Journal for the History of Cartography 38 (1986) pp. 67-94). Use these numbers to locate additional and corrected information about the individual works on the Census of pre-sixteenth-century portolan charts: Additions, Corrections, Updates.
      'E' numbers refer to the Extra entries additional to the 1986 Census.

Pujades (atlas/chart). The prefixes are those used in Pujades (2007), i.e. A[tlas], C[hart] and Cor[naro]. To see the Pujades sequence, produced by a combined sort on this and the next column, click on the 'PUJADES NUMBERS' tab at the bottom, which also provides a concordance to the Campbell numbers (in the column to the left).

Pujades number - see note to previous column

Pflederer Census. Richard L. Pflederer, Census of Portolan Charts & Atlases (Privately published, 2021, as an Excel spreadsheet, with introductory text and analysis – first issued in 2009. Updated editions are distributed periodically, at least annually, and are sent out free of charge upon receipt of a request sent to: richard@pflederer.net. The most recent edition is dated March 2021). Each entry includes a link to the MEDEA Chart Database, which in turn refers back to this Census and also provides enlargeable scans for many of the entries.] For fuller details see the Portolan chart Bibliography (this is the first entry under his name). {The Census codes were added here in May 2021.}

Astengo. Corradino Astengo. 'Appendix 7.1. Charts of the Mediterranean in public collections, 1500-1700' (pp.238-61), in: 'The Renaissance chart tradition in the Mediterranean', in: David Woodward (ed.) The History of Cartography. Volume 3. Cartography in the European Renaissance (Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 2007), Part 1, pp. 174-262. [Astengo numbers are given for those works now considered to date from the 16th century]

Chart/Atlas (sheets). Separate charts or number of atlas sheets

Where made (stated). A list of the places of production that are explicitly stated on the work concerned. Click on the tab at the bottom, 'WHERE MADE', to see the spreadsheet sorted in this sequence.

Valencia. Toponymy listing for Valencia and Catalonia (Pujades, 2007), pp. 386-97

North Adriatic. Toponymy listing for the north Adriatic (Pujades 2007), pp. 350-85

Other toponymy lists. e.g. Piero Falchetta Periplus Adriaticus - for full details see the Bibliography

Campbell 1987. Those works whose toponymy was analysed in the 1980s. 'Full' means complete transcription of the mainland names from Dunkirk to Mogador; 'sig. n.' means that the [then] 500+ 'significant names' only were checked. The numbers refer to the list of those undated works which were analysed, see 'Chapter' pp. 416-20. '*dated' refers to those dated works whose names still need to be checked (in 2011** or later).

DVD quality This refers to the legibility of the place-names on the DVD accompanying Pujades (2007), on a scale from 1-3. 1 = illegible (though the red names might be locatable); 2 = semi-legible (but the presence/absence of an expected name might be determined, even if it could not be read with confidence); 3 = fully, or broadly legible

Pujades DVD coverage. This indicates the broad coverage of each chart in an atlas (which can be convenient when wishing to select a particular atlas sheet from the DVD). It also notes the presence of a calendar. World and other maps, tables etc. are not noted here. The abbreviations used are:

Adr. = Adriatic
Aeg. = Aegean
Afr. = Africa
Atl. = Atlantic
B. Isles = British Isles
B. Sea = Black Sea
Cen. = Central
E. = East
Eng. = England
Eur. = Europe
Fr. = France
Is = Islands
Med. = Mediterranean
N. = North
Pal. = Palestine
S. = South
Sp. = Spain
W. = West


The MEDEA Chart Database. A growing catalogue of charts and atlases, through time, combining thousands of bibliographical entries, allowing a wide range of searching techniques, as well as providing digital images (many enlargeable to legible resolution. As a short-cut for locating an atlas or chart in the database you can enter a URL that contains the unique code provided in this column, e.g., https://medea.fc.ul.pt/view/atlas/167 or https://medea.fc.ul.pt/view/chart/153. {The MEDEA codes were added here in May 2021.}

Kamal. Youssouf Kamal, Monumenta cartographica Africae et Aegypti, 5 vols in 16 fascicules (Cairo, 1926-51).[Large, almost full-size, clear illustrations, but in black and white.]

Other reproductions - on these see Bibliography comprising literature since 1986 (and missed earlier publications) as well as references for all the portolan chart pages

    ** Lyons, Bib. de la Ville. For Online scans follow this complicated route: 'ressources - collections numérisées'; 'enluminures'; 'recherche simple'; then type into the 'Tous champs' box: 'portulan' [note spelling]; finally click 'lancer la recherche tableau' - to arrive at 42 scans (whole charts in low resolution and details in medium resolution) of the c.1321 Vesconte atlas and the 16th-century undated atlas (MS 176) - Census 7 & 8.

Top of page

see the Complete chronological listing of works assigned to the period pre-1501
(with a note of high quality reproductions and place-name lists)

(NB that is a Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet which opens separately)

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