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Map History

Forthcoming meetings - a quick chronology (2024-2026)


For further details of the events listed summarily below, for map society meetings, for individual talks,
and for past events, see John Docktor's Calendar

Deadlines in the history of cartography   |  Posting conference details (for organisers)

For information from previous years (from 2006) link to: < http://www.maphistory.info/confplanarchive**.html > (replacing the asterisks with the last two digits of the year in question)
For past events in the present year, right click and select 'View [page] source'


June 10-12 - Paris. International conference: 'La territorialisation des espaces maritimes. Acteurs, modalités, temporalités de l’Antiquité à nos jours', organised by Sorbonne War Studies and the Centre d'études stratégiques de la Marine. Theme 3 is 'Les représentations, cartographiques et discursives, des mers contribuent à la construction des espaces maritimes comme territoires.' Deadline for Call for Papers: 31 December 2023.

June 29 - Stanford. California Map Society Conference, at the David Rumsey Map Center.

July 1-5 - Lyon, France. [Postponed from 2023]. The 30th International Conference on the History of Cartography, 'Confluences - Interdisciplinarity and New Challenges in the History of Cartography', at the Université de Lyon 3 Jean Moulin. Deadline for Call for Papers: 20 November 2023.

July 10-13 - London and Cambridge. The biennial conference of the Historians of Netherlandish Art, ‘Britain and the Low Countries: Cultural Exchange Past, Present & Future’, will be held in the UK for the first time in their 40-year history. This will include an interdisciplinary paper session on the Intersections of art and cartography in the early modern Low Countries (1500-1800). Deadline for Call for Papers: 29 September 2023.

August 27-30 - London. [Hybrid] The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers): Annual International Conference 2024, exploring mapping in all its forms.

September 4-7 - Oldenburg [this is a change from Basel]. 21. Kartographiehistorische Colloquium.

September 6-7 - Amsterdam Map Fair [The inaugural Fair includes a couple of map history talks].

September 25-27 - Bamberg, Germany. '5th Spatial Humanities Conference', Bamberg University. Deadline for Call for Papers: 15 February 2024.

October 4-5 - Arlington, Texas. The theme of the 14th Biennial Virginia Garrett Lectures in the History of Cartography is 'Celestial Charts'.

October 8- Paris. Study day: The map as the "eye of history" (16th-18th centuries, in the conference room of the Maps and Plans Department of the BnF on the Richelieu site (Paris), with the support of the Centre Alexandre-Koyré (CAK) and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF). Deadline for Call for Papers: 15 May 2024.

October 14-15 - Prague. Workshop: Ethnolinguistic cartography (18th - 21st centuries) in comparative perspective: genre, political conflicts, memory. at the Czech Academy of Sciences. Deadline for Call for Papers: 15 May 2024.

October 16-19 - Valletta, Malta. 41st International Symposium of the International Map Collectors' Society (IMCoS): Imago Melitae 2024.

October 24-26 - San Antonio, Texas. Fall Meeting of the Texas Map Society: 'Frontiers and Borderlands of Texas and the Greater Southwest'. Deadline for Call for Papers: 1 July 2024 [extended].

October 26-28 - San Antonio, Texas. Annual conference of the Society for the History of Discoveries,in partnership with the Texas Map Society. Deadline for Call for Papers: 15 April 2024.

December 6 - Paris. Journée d'études de la Commission d'histoire du comité français: 'Cartographie et cinéma', Salle Vasari (INHA). Deadline for Call for Papers: 1 May 2024.

December 7. Brussels Map Circle annual conference, with a focus on Spanish cartography.


March 19-22 - Seville. Congreso Internacional 'Mapping Frameworks. Cartografía y territorialidad en América'. Deadline for Call for Papers: 1 October 2024.

March 20-22 - Boston. Panel at the Renaissance Society of America's Annual Conference, 'Lost and Found in Translation: Cartographic History Between Literary and Visual Studies'. Organized by the editorial team at Imago Mundi: The International Journal for the History of Cartography. Deadline for Call for Papers: 31 July 2024.

July 8-11 - Paris. International Society for the History of the Map (ISHMap) will hold their annual conference at Campus Condorcet, Paris, Aubervilliers. The theme is 'Mapping the Cultural Crossroads'. Additional details to be announced.

August 26-29 - London. The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers): 'Annual International Conference 2025'. Additional details to be announced.

September 12-14 - Portland, Maine. The 42nd International Map Collectors' Society annual symposium: 'New Perspectives on Mapping New England and Maritime Canada', at the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education.

October 31-1 November - Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Seminar: 'Mapping America and its Expansion', at the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts. It will include a map fair.


July 7-11, The 31st International Conference on the History of Cartography will be held in Prague, Czech Republic.


Posting conference details (for organisers)

Those who organise conferences, seminars or symposiums are advised to post details to:-

  • AllConferences.com
  • AttendConferences
  • Calenda (a French site for the social sciences run by Revues.org, but including events outside France as well)
  • Conference Alerts: Academic Conferences Worldwide
  • Gateway for Historical Geographical-Information-Systems (GIS) in history, for Historical Cartography and for Historical Geography (his-GIS.net)
  • Transnational, Cross-regional and Global Connections (a German site which, inter alia, posts conference 'Announcements'; it is related to H-Soz-u-Kult and Clio-Online)
  • H-Maps
  • H-Net announcement. See also the H-Net Discussion Logs Search (which can be searched for all or specific lists, and for a range of dates)
  • H-Net 'call for papers'
  • H-Soz-u-Kult. 'Termine' [deadlines] (a German calendar site)
  • Maps-L
  • PapersInvited ('World's largest listing of Calls for Papers')
  • ResearchBib.Com ('Research Events' - managed from Tokyo)
  • If you need to select a date and day of the week some years ahead, consult one of the online perpetual calendars, such as Calendar Date (just adjust the year).

    Other ways of publicising a conference:

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