(The only online bibliography for the history of cartography. The
monthly additions are indicated thus, e.g. {March
2002} at the end of the
entry. Since the symbols { } are not used elsewhere, you can search on
those elements [enter Ctrl+F], e.g. 2002} will find entries added
at any time in that year)
Please notify any corrections or additions to the editor, Tony
Make sure to consult its copyright statement
before using any of the texts below
Europe. CartoMundi – Online Promotion of the Cartographic
Heritage. Digital Map Library (70,000 catalogue entries and 6,500 images, mostly relating to the Mediterranean
and Balkans and from the late 19th or 20th centuries - a collaborative site involving about 20 map libraries -
Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme – Aix-en-Provence). For a full geographical list (October 2017) see Here. {July, 2014}
Mercator Atlas of Europe (early 1570s) (the entire atlas, which includes his wall-maps of Europe (1554) and
the British Isles (1564) - British Library, Online Gallery, Virtual Book: Images Only, with Audio via Windows
Media Player) {March, 2015}
Adriatic. 'Periplus
Adriaticus' ('Comparative list of the place-names along the Adriatic coastlines (islands excluded) from forty-five
Italian manuscript portolan charts and atlases of the 14th and 15th Centuries', by Piero Falchetta, undated; from
Otranto to Larta) {September, 2008}
Alps - see also under Austria, and Switzerland in this section,
and under Pfyffer in People
+ Austria. Alps. ‘Crossing
Boundaries: Art//Maps’ (enlargeable images with captions; exhibition curated by Janet Spitz at the Leventhal
Map & Education Center, Boston Public Library, October 2018 - April 2019) {January, 2019}
Austria. 'La Cartografia
dels països de parla alemanya: Alemanya, Àustria i Suïssa' (the full text of the 278-page volume,
from the 1995 lecture series given by Wolfgang Scharfe, Ingrid Kretschmer & Hans-Uli Feldmann, published by
the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1997. NB the file is large (54 MB) and will take time to
download) {July, 2010}
Baltic Sea. 'Spafarieff, L.
1765-1847' (text in Swedish and details of the charts in his Atlas of the Gulf of
Finland containing the South Coast - VÖBAM) {January, 2006}
Belgium. DONum - BICfB (‘a Digital Object Repository developed
by the partner institutions of the Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique’, to bring
together their digitised heritage collections - currently over 850 maps) {August, 2023}
Belgium. ‘The Land Register of Belgium
Published by P.C. Popp’ (“Philip-Christian Popp published a cadastral Atlas of Belgium between 1842 and 1879. Today
this work forms a first-rate source for anyone looking for hard information about property and landownership in the
nineteenth century” – a project managed by the Quetelet Center, Ghent University) {December, 2021}
Croatia. 'Collectio Felbar' (commentaries, in German, on about 140 illustrated maps: [click on one
of the headings, e.g. 'Deutsche Kartographie', to reach a sub-menu]; NB no illustrations available February 2008) {May, 2002; updated February 2008}
Croatia. 'Virovitica
on cadastral maps' (an illustrated paper by S. Kicinbaci at the 25th International Cartographic
Conference, Paris, 3–8 July 2011) {July, 2011}
Cyprus. 'Cyprus
Map Collections' (via the [Select category] menu, select a mapmaker or 'category' for a
selection of items with brief descriptions and small illustrations [which it seems to be
theoretically possible to enlarge] - Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation) {August, 2005}
Cyprus. Sylvia Ioannou
Charitable Foundation Digital Library (‘rare books and maps, historical and travel texts, incunabula and
manuscripts related to Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean’; full text, enlargeable versions of the books; ‘Filters:
Maps’ produced 50 images) {January, 2020}
< https://webms.hua.gr/geoprojects/kitchener > Cyprus. ‘Web application for viewing
Lord Kitchener's maps of Cyprus’ (register to enter the site of the project, ‘Creation of the Cartographic
Database and Development of a Web Application Presenting the Geographic Information of Kitchener's Map of the
Island of Cyprus (edition 1885)’: Geography Department of Harokopio University, with funding from the Sylvia
Ioannou Foundation) {February, 2017}
Czech Republic. 'Map collections and archives in the Czech Republic' ("In the Czech Republic, old
maps, town-plans, atlases and globes are kept in archives, in libraries that have historical collections,
in museums and in private collections. The basic survey of public institutions is provided by Lexikon
mapových archivu a sbírek Ceské republiky [Lexicon of map archives and collections in the Czech Republic],
Eva Semotanová, Robert Šimunek (eds), Prague 2000 (only in Czech). The majority of the collections is
accessible to the public, some of them only in limited extent however (as not all of them have not been
fully inventoried, catalogued). The current situation is described in Abdulla Azzani, “Mapové sbírky ve
vedeckých knihovnách a archivech Ceské republiky” [Map collections in academic libraries and archives of
the Czech Republic], Historická geografie 33, pp. 432-75 (abstract in English)" - note to the site of the
XV. International Conference of Historical Geographers, Prague 6-10 August 2012) {December, 2011}
Denmark. HISKIS (select the ‘Seminarer’
drop-down menu for a series of seminars focussing on early maps, each leading to pdf versions
of the papers in Danish, some of which are concerned with the history of cartography -
HIStorisk Kartografisk InformationsSystem) {February, 2005}
'Reprindid' (reprints of articles, in Estonian and English, from the journal Geodeet;
in English are 'Rootsi, prantsuse...'; 'Wilhelm Struve ja euroopa ...'; and the two after that)
{November, 2005}
Finland (descriptions in
Swedish of a range of sea charts - VÖBAM) {January, 2006}
Finland ('Atlas de Finlande 1899 - der erste Nationalatlas weltweit: eine wissenschaftliche Leistung
und ein politisches Manifest', an illustrated note on the first national atlas, by Paul
Fogelberg) {August, 2005}
Finland. ‘Suomenmaan
kartta’ (images of the map published by Uschakoff, Weilin & Göös (1898) with index of
place-names and (click on ‘in English’) explanatory notes in English and a translation of the
map’s key - Pauli Kruhse) {February, 2005}
Finland (Gulf of). 'Ryssland' (follow links under 'Sjökort' for descriptions in Swedish of a range of sea charts, some
illustrated - VÖBAM) {January, 2006}
France. 'La Cartografia
francesa' (in French; the full text of the 171-page volume, from the1994 lecture series given by
Monique Pelletier, Philippe Prost & Gilles Palsky, published by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya,
Barcelona, 1996. NB the file is large (25 MB) and will take time to download) {July, 2010}
(two illustrated studies: ‘Une des premières cartes de France: les quatre Gaule par
Claude Ptolémée, vers 150 ap. J. C.’ and ‘Evolution de la précision de localisation;
comparaison des cartes de la France, 1553 à 2000’ - Thierry Hatt, 2001) {April, 2005}
France. 'Cartes et
figures du monde' (a blog, started in August 2010, as the 'écho de la recherche en histoire de
la cartographie au sein de la communauté scientifique française et internationale', run by the
Commission 'histoire' of the Comité français de cartographie) {November, 2010}
France. 'Cartes géographiques anciennes
(1) Sélection de liens' (links, arranged in 9 sections: Histoire des cartes et de la cartographie;
Recueils et collections de cartes anciennes; Englober le monde: la Terre et ses continents; Autres traditions
cartographiques; Cartes anciennes à l’authenticité douteuse; Les milieux naturels dans les cartes anciennes;
Géographie humaines et cartes anciennes; Les cartes de France; Arpentage et cadastres; also a matching (2) Bibliographie sommaire - Jean Stouff,
2009-10 [but updated]) {February, 2012}
France. 'Carte de Cassini'
(bibliographical information on the 181 sheets and illustrations of the map symbols by
Andrée Parbelle - related to a two-CD set of the maps from CDIP) {January, 2004}
France. Cassini. 'Roads and
cities of 18th century France' ('the database presented here represents the road network at the French
national level described in the historical map of Cassini', a project by Julien Perret, Maurizio Gribaudi & Marc
Barthelemy, in Scientific Data 2 (15 September 2015) {September, 2015}
France. ‘Des
villages de Cassini aux communes d'aujourd'hui’ (a large, complex (and still developing)
site, dealing in some detail with the Cassini map and the subsequent mapping of France,
offering a single, scrollable version of the first edition of the Cassini map (select
‘Navigation’); dealing with administrative and demographic development over two centuries;
including a 62,000 item index, details on each commune and a Glossaire with historical
definitions of administrative terms - Bibliothèque nationale de France and others)
{February, 2005}
France. 'Catalogue collectif de France' (click, in turn, 'Localisation -
Rech. spécialisées - Base Patrimoine', for a union catalogue of French local and specialist libraries with over 2.5 million
entries (mostly pre-1811); selecting 'Carte' in 'Type de document' retrieved 1050 cartographic entries; these could be searched
for in numerous ways, and sorted, eg., by date) {January, 2008}
Catalogue des fonds culturels numérisés [en France] (describing a
number of digitisation projects in France involving early maps, most
available only locally or via CD-ROM - selecting 'Recherche croisée',
then 'Choisir un type de document' = 'carte' produced 45 hits, 'atlas' 11
and 'plan*' 404) {November, 2002}
France. ‘Dater les documents cartographiques’
(an examination of the dating methods used in French cartographic production since the end of the 18th century,
by Jean-Luc Arnaud, in: e-Perimetron, 17:1 (2022, pp. 1-18)) {March, 2022}
France. 'Histcarto' (to
access, click on the icon top right 'Mode d'emploi' and, to search, 'Recherche - simple', which leads to a
database of 4,147 MS maps, 17th-19th centuries, preserved in four Strasbourg collections, noting "signs of
assessment", i.e., textual commentaries or added symbols, which indicate how the maps were made or the
administrative or military uses to which they were put; most have linked digital images) {January,
France. 'Histoire du
Cadastre' (an historical overview from pre-Revolution to modern times). [See also the
illustrated explanatory page: 'Lecture des plans cadastraux actuels et anciens'.] {January, 2004}.
France. ‘Nicolas de Fer: A Resource
Guide’ (comprising a list of maps, atlases, digital images and published reference sources, with nine map scans –
Library of Congress) {February, 2022}
France. Surveying. ‘Grenzvermessung und -
abmarkung im Spätmittelalter am Beispiel einer illustrierten Handschrift um 1400’ (go to the foot of the page
and click on ‘Zusammenfassung’ for the English abstract, which includes the link to the full PDF; Thomas Horst’s
commentary, in Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, 142/3 (2017), pp. 187-196, on a
very early, technically detailed, surveying manual, of c.1400 by Bertrand Boysset (c.1345-c.1416), written in the
Provençal language, with over 180 illustrations, preserved in Carpentras (France), Ms. 327) {April, 2018}
France. 'Terres de Champagne-Ardenne: Cinq siècles de cartographie' (select 'Plan de
l'exposition' for the different illustrated exhibition sections, with accompanying explanatory
notes by various authors - an in-depth travelling exhibition from Interbibly) {March, 2006}
Germany (click on 'Map Collection, then ‘Liste aller bisher gescannten und katalogisierten alten Karten’ for links to descriptions and scanned images of 1089 maps, mostly relating to Germany - Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle) {July, 2004}
Germany. Atlases. 'Atlassen en kaarten
verzamelen / Collecting Atlases and Maps' ('... I also describe my own collection, which consists of
vintage [i.e. 19th & 20th century] atlases, mainly German, and several vintage and more recent map
series'; comprising bibliographical description and numerous illustrations - M. Witkam)
{September, 2011}
Germany. 'La Cartografia
dels països de parla alemanya: Alemanya, Àustria i Suïssa' (the full text of the 278-page volume,
from the 1995 lecture series given by Wolfgang Scharfe, Ingrid Kretschmer & Hans-Uli Feldmann, published by
the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1997. NB the file is large (54 MB) and will take time to
download) {July, 2010}
Germany. ‘German World War II Captured
Maps’ (‘Information about the project to digitize and make available online the maps captured by the United States from
foreign militaries during World War II’- Berkeley Library, University of California) {June, 2021}
Germany. 'Historical Maps' (over 150 [unsourced] pre-19th century maps, accompanied by
enlargeable scans, with descriptions in German, covering all parts of the world but with a
concentration on Germany - Wilfried Bluhm) {August, 2005}
Germany. 'Historical place names' (place names from the former German territories, 1900-93 -
requiring Java Runtime Environment) {June, 2008}
+ Germany – Bavaria.
‘Annotating the Landscape’ (a close look at an extensively annotated example of Georg Ludwig von Maurer’s map of
Bavaria (c.1813) - a small virtual exhibition from the Harvard Map Collection, up to 25 June 2022) {December, 2020}
Germany - Brandenburg. 'Autochthonous and heteronomous cartographic
periods as methodologic approach in history of cartography: Brandenburg
in the 15th to 18th centuries as an example' [with sections on
Olof Hansson Svart, Jakob Paul v. Gundling and Franz Ludwig
Güssefeld](Wolfgang Scharfe)
Germany – Neuburg.
‘Kartographiehistorische Betrachtung der pfalz-neuburgischen Landesaufnahme’ (article by Thomas Horst about the
survey of the Palatinate Neuburg, 1597-1604 (with about 400 maps) by Christoph Vogel and Mattaeus Stang,
illustrated in Günter Frank & Georg Paulus (eds), Die pfalz-neuburgische Landesaufnahm (Regensburger Beiträge
zur Heimatforschung 6), Kollersried 2016, pp. 14-39) {April, 2018}
Germany. ‘Rhine Panoramas
- Leporello Maps’ (a provisional catalogue, some illustrated in medium res., of ‘all Rhine leporello
maps published before 1900’, i.e. ’a long fold out strip popularly used for photo albums in the late
nineteenth century in many countries’ – Kit Batten’s blog) {December, 2016}
Germany - Westphalia. 'Internet-Portal
"Westfälische Geschichte"' (a large, detailed and complex site; follow, e.g. the links under
'Raum - Territorien, Orte und Karten', and look at the illustrated essay 'Carl Ludwig von Le Coq und
die Topographische Karte von Westphalen, 1796-1813', which includes scans of the 20-sheet map - Marcus
Weidner) {November, 2008}
+ ’Gibraltar. Mapping our
past’ (an online version of the exhibition in 2016 at the Fine Arts Gallery, apparently including a wide range of
maps (in low resolution) and a 25-minute film - Gibraltar National Archives) {October, 2019}
Greece. 'The Anthimos Gazis world
map in Kozani' (illustrated pdf article about the 4-sheet world map published in Vienna in 1800, by Evangelos
Livieratos, in: e-Perimetron, 3:2 (2008), pp.95-100) {October, 2008}
Greece. 'Eastern Mediterranean
Cartographies' (comprising the relevant papers from the 18th International Conference on the History of
Cartography (Athens, July 1999); edited by George Tolias & Dimitris Loupis, Research Notebooks 25/26, 2004)
{September, 2014}
Greece. 'Greek
Cartography: the Documents' (a database of manuscript and printed maps, atlases and isolarii, 15th century
to 1820, illustrated with thumbnails - 'PANDEKTIS: a Digital Thesaurus of Primary Sources for Greek History
and Culture', developed by the National Hellenic Research Foundation) {December, 2009}
Greece. 'Ptolemy’s Geographia in
digits' (illustrated 18-page pdf article by E. Livieratos, A. Tsorlini, C. Boutoura & M. Manoledakis (about the
toponymy and 'intrinsic geometric structure', particularly in relation to Greece) in: e-Perimetron, 3:1
(2008), pp.22-39) {September, 2008}
Greece. Rigas Velestinlis
'Charta' (illustrated pdf articles by C. Boutara, E. Livieratos (two), M. Manoledakis & M. Pazarli on
the 12-sheet map of Greece, 1797, in: e-Perimetron, 3:3 (2008), pp. 120-90) {March, 2009}
Hungary. ‘Carte Rouge 100’ (an
illustrated note by Dániel Zoltán Segyevy about the ‘Ethnographical map of Hungary based on the density of
population’, edited by Pál Teleki and Ferenc Nopcsa, 21 February 1919 for the peace negotiations (Pangea, 29 May
2019) – see for list of sources and link to an extended version in Hungarian) {May, 2019}
Kartográfiatörténet (a book-length study of the
cartography of Hungary by István Klinghammer, Gyula Pápay and Zsolt
Török, 1995) {December 2000}
Hungary. ‘Tabula Hungariae’ (an
investigation, in English, of the Lazarus map of Hungary, 1528, including a gallery of different issues, with
details and portraits – OSZK, 2014) {June, 2016}
Iceland on maps. (select 'English' for a short summary of the
cartographic history of Iceland by Haraldur Sigurðsson; also in Icelandic). Another version: Here
Italy. 'La Cartografia
italiana' (in Italian; the full text of the 241-page volume, from the 1992 lecture series given
by by Marica Milanesi, Emanuela Casti Moreschi, Leonardo Rombai & Vladimiro Valerio, published by the
Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1993. NB the file is large (56 MB) and will take time to
download) {July, 2010}
Italy. 'Atlas of
Napoleonic Cartography in Italy' [1795-1815] (enter via the six
footnoted chapters, or use the Table of Contents, which highlights (in
blue) the original documents, including eight maps of north Italy and
Elba, and R. Schouany's sketch book survey of the Piedmont Region,
1805-9, from the Archives de la guerre (SHAT) at Vincennes - a 'pilot
project': Anne Godlewska, et al., Queen's University) {November,
Italy. Geological. ‘e-Geo: un mare di
carte!!!’ (3,100 images of Italian geological mapping, also including a few from France,
viewable via plug-in; probably several hundred of them from the 19th century - part of a
project to produce a complete inventory of Italian geothematic cartography - Centro di
Geotecnologie, Università di Siena) {February, 2005}
Italy. 'Maps in Italian Atlases of the Sixteenth
Century' ("being a comparative list of the Italian maps issued by Lafreri, Forlani, Duchetti, Bertelli and others,
found in atlases" by R.V. Tooley in Imago Mundi 3 (1939) pp. 12-47) [searchable pdf text, mounted by the
Danish Royal Library] {April, 2008}
Italy. Mural maps, see under that heading on the Themes page
Italy. 'Periplus
Adriaticus' ('Comparative list of the place-names along the Adriatic coastlines (islands excluded) from forty-five
Italian manuscript portolan charts and atlases of the 14th and 15th Centuries', by Piero Falchetta, undated; from
Otranto to Larta) {September, 2008}
Italy. Towns. 'Atlante storico iconografico delle città
toscane' (commentaries on plans and views of Tuscan towns, 14th-18th centuries, with the plans' keys transcribed;
perspective and fortification plans are included in the ‘Atlanti di città’ and 'Libri illustrati' sections; there are
explanatory notes in Italian and English, and two bibliographies - Lucia Nuti) {March, 2006; amended April 2007}
+ Italy -
Rome [Library of Congress 'Vatican' exhibition - plans and views
under, e.g. 'The City recovers', 'In the margins of the past', etc.]
{October 2000}
Italy - Rome. 'Catalogo
illustrato delle piante di Roma online' [CIPRO] (an illustrated catalogue of 'printed maps
of Rome for the period ca. 1550 to ca 1870'; also in English, French and German; searchable in
various ways including by date range, with a 16 map 'highlight' section, and with 'Nolli
interactive' and 'Vasi interactive' options - Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für
Kunstgeschichte; European Cultural Heritage Online [ECHO]) {August, 2005}
Italy - Rome. Nolli Map 1748 (articles by Allan
Ceen and Jim Tice, e.g. (under ‘Cartography’) on the map’s history, the map as artefact, and the map and urban theory;
part of a site that indexes 1,320 features and allows you to select and zoom into them - University of Oregon)
{April, 2005}
Italy - Siena. ‘The ‘cabreo’ of Fra Mario
Bichi’ (description of a cabreo ("a collection of drawings of maps, buildings and views representing public or
private property accompanied by a corresponding descriptive text bound together in one volume") of 1692 by land surveyor and
draughtsman Simon Terreni and Giuseppe Redi respectively, dealing with the estates of San Pietro in Camollia in Siena, with four
plans, preserved in the National Archives in Valletta - an article by Theresa Zammit Lupi, originally in Treasures of Malta (Easter 2002) - reprinted in The Malta Independent Online, with a separate second part) {February, 2007}
Italy -
Tuscany. 'Mare Oraque Tusciae' (illustrated article by Anna Guarducci, Leonardo Rombai
& Marco Piccardi, in: e-Perimetron, 6:2 (2011), pp. 114-21; about a prototype database
devised by the universities of Siena and Florence in conjunction with the Archeomed
project, and considering 400 printed and MS works in a digital environment) {June, 2011}
Italy - Venice. 'Mapping the
City' (part of chapter 3 of Joann Zimmerman's 1999 doctoral thesis, 'The City as Practice: Urban
Topography, Pictorial Construction and Liminality in Venetian Renaissance Painting, 1495-1595') {May, 2005}
LithuanianMaps.com (a gateway site for Lithuanian cartography, comprising: 659
unique map and city view images; 212 additional detail images of those maps and city views;
40 completed mapmaker biographies, many with illustrations; 23 hotlinks to additional map
resources; 2 links to scholarly articles on Lithuanian-area maps' - Andrew Kapochunas)
{June, 2011}
Mediterranean. 'Eastern
Mediterranean Cartographies' (comprising the relevant papers from the 18th International Conference on the
History of Cartography (Athens, July 1999); edited by George Tolias & Dimitris Loupis, Research Notebooks
25/26, 2004) {September, 2014}
Netherlands. 'cartografie-
nederland.pagina.nl' (a page with very good links to Dutch materials, e.g. on
cadastral and other regional and local mapping;
see also the more general, supplementary
Cartografie page - Ko Allewijn) {December, 2003; revised November
(Abstracts of dissertations on various aspects of Dutch cartography,
University of Utrecht, 1961- ) {March, 2001}
Netherlands. 'La Cartografia
dels Països Baixos' (in English; the full text of the 267-page volume, from the 1993 lecture
series given by Dirk de Vries, Peter van der Krogt & Jan Smits, published by the Institut Cartogràfic de
Catalunya, Barcelona, 1993. NB the file is large (47 MB) and will take time to download) {July, 2010}
Netherlands. 'Cartografie' (17 illustrated notes, by
Pieter de Dreu, in Dutch, dealing with aspects of early Dutch cartography - Cultuurwijzer)
{November, 2005}
Netherlands. 'Dutch printed
sea charts from the 17th century’ (the unpublished English translation of Robert Putman's book,
published in Dutch in 2005 as Nederlandse Zeekaarten uit de Gouden Eeuw; this is being published
in nine instalments on his blog, starting in August 2010) {September, 2010}
Netherlands. ‘Eerste atlas van de Nederlanden 400 jaar oud’ (a commentary by Peter van der Krogt on the first
atlas of The Netherlands, Pieter van den Keere’s Germania Inferior id est, XVII Provinciarum ejus novae et
exactae Tabulae Geographicae, cum Luculentis Singularum descriptionibus additis à Petro Montano, 1617)
{August, 2017}
Netherlands. School wall-maps
(see a sequence of articles in Dutch by Dr.ir. Lowie Brink, of the antiquariat, De wereld aan de wand,
Nijmegen, about late 19th and early 20th-century schoolroom maps and their makers - on the Kunstpedia site)
{July, 2010}
Netherlands. 'Studiekring Historische
Cartografie' (a blog, in Dutch and mostly about Dutch subjects, by different members of the Studiekring [founded
1996], started in 2006 - select 'Logboek' for the entries) {April, 2008}
Netherlands. Thematic maps. 'Meertens
Kaartenbank' (30,000 Dutch dialect and ethnological maps (mostly 20th century, but from 1723; the 'Kaartsoort'
option allows searching by about 40 thematic categories - Amsterdam, Meertens Instituut; on this see 'De ontwikkeling van
taal- en cultuurkaarten' by N. van der Sijs, in Caert-Thresoor, 2014, 4) {January, 2015}
Netherlands. 'Water management maps in Google Earth'
(an online exhibition of over 120 maps, c.1600-1825 (select 'Advanced Zoom' to enlarge), with commentaries in Dutch -
Utrecht, University Library) {December, 2013}
'Waterstaat' (a brief, well-illustrated essay on maps of Dutch water features - Amsterdam
University, Kaartencollectie) {November, 2005}
Netherlands - The
Biesbosch (articles by Henk van de Graaf on the manuscript atlas in the University of Leiden, 2013-14 [see the
2014 continuations here
] - Archief Biesbosch.nu Magazine) {July, 2014}
Netherlands - Heusden. 'The Changing Image of the City' ("A study of the transformation
of the townscape using Computer-Aided Architectural Design and visualization techniques. A case
study: Heusden"; see particularly 'Chapter
III. Heusden: Urban Development 1560-1900; Town Plans and Maps' (discussing different maps)
and the appendix: 'Chronological list of selected town plans and maps of Heusden' - Patricia Alkhoven,
1993/1996) {September, 2005}
(select 'English', then 'Old Maps', for a sequence of short articles in English about Polish cartography, featuring Ptolemy, Wapowski,
Grodecki, Le Vasseur de Beauplan - Bibliothek des Polenmuseums in Rapperswil, Switzerland)
{October 2000; amended November 2005}
Poland (a number of
pdf articles by Kamil Niescioruk, dealing with Polish cartography, and specifically Lublin; as well
as broader issues of cartometric analysis, in Polish; click 'Publications') {May, 2007}
Poland. 'Historia
Kartografii' (selecting that section from the drop-down menu gives access to several referenced articles in Polish, 2004-2005
by Jaroslaw Luczynski and Wieslaw Sieradzan - University of Mikolaj Kopernik (Torun)) {May, 2007}
Poland. 'History of Cartography' (links from the WWW-VL Polish History Index, though not updated since 2003 - University of Mikolaj Kopernik (Torun)) {May,
Portugal. 'Cartas, Plantas,
Esboços e Projectos: Cartografia Militar Portuguesa dos Séc. XVIII a XX' (you can search
in English, Portuguese or Spanish [select from 'língua' and then click on 'Base bibliográfica
geral'] for about 12,000 full descriptions [mostly of cartographic items in Portuguese
and of Portugal but with others relating to Spain (particularly the frontier areas), Brazil,
the African possessions, etc.]; there is no geographical index but you can enter a place-name
(in its Portuguese form) under 'Word/Palavra' ['Lisboa' found 1,641 items, 'Lisbon' 9] -
Projecto SIDCARTA, Direcção dos Serviços de Engenharia) {April, 2006}
Portugal. 'The cone of Africa
... took shape in Lisbon' (by Patricia Seed, about the Portuguese charting of the West coast of Africa in
the 15th century, appeared in Humanities: the Magazine of the National Endowment
for the Humanities, 29, 6 (November/December 2008)) - see also the note on the Projects page. [The article is initially available here <
http://www.neh.gov/news/humanities/2008-11/ConeOfAfrica.html >, but will soon be moved to their archive]
{December, 2008}
Portugal. ‘Navegações
Portuguesas’ (a mini encyclopedia with a number of brief notes on various aspects of nautical cartography,
mostly Portuguese but also in general; each section has its own drop-down menu (there does not appear to be a
combined listing); by different authors, in Portuguese, they seem to date from 2002 - Instituto Camões) {March,
’Romania reflected in ethnic maps’ (a well-illustrated note by Dániel Zoltán Segyevy, Pangea blog, 18 April 2019 – with a link to a version in
Hungarian) {May, 2019}
Russia. The Imperiia Project (a GIS to promote the
study of Russia's spatial history; see also
About; and Feature Finder, for the essential elements of a tsarist town - Harvard University) {August, 2021; updated November 2021}
Russia. National Library of Russia. Map Catalogues (see
under: 'Catalogues Covering Some Material Types' for various catalogues of foreign and Russian maps and atlases from 1501
onwards - National Library of Russia, St Petersburg) {July, 2008}
'Outline of the History of Russian Cartography' (a 49-page article by Alexei V. Postnikov, spread over 7
pdf files - in: 'Regions: A Prism to View the Slavic-Eurasian World: Towards a Discipline of "Regionology"',
a group study financed by the Japan Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, 1998 - Slavic
Research Center, 2000) {June, 2009}
Russia. 'Ryssland'
(descriptions, in Swedish, with illustrations, of a selection of early charts and atlases -
VÖBAM) {January, 2006}
Russia. ‘See the Classified Russian Maps That Fell Into Enemy Hands’ (‘Russian cartographers mapped
their homeland in detail - making these secret charts invaluable to the Nazis, the U.S. Army, and the CIA’; Greg Miller
for National Geographic, 2 August 2018, reproducing material from the Wells Library Map Collections, Indiana University,
Bloomington) {August, 2018}
Scandinavia. 'Northern Delights' (about the New York exhibition 'Scandia:
Important Early Maps of the Northern Regions & Maps and Charts of Norway from the Collection of
William B. and Inger G. Ginsberg', by Mel Mandell - Mercator's World, 7:4, 2002) {July,
Spain. 'La Cartografia de la
Península Ibèrica i la seva extensió al continent Americà' (the full text of the 279-page volume,
from the 1991 lecture series given by Montserrat Galera, Rodolfo Núñez de las Cuevas, Maria Fernanda Alegria
and Joþo Carlos Garcia, published by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1991. NB the file is
large (40 MB) and will take time to download) {July, 2010}
Spain. 'Cartografia Peninsular
(S. VIII-XIX)' (the full text of the 304-page volume by Mossèn Ignasi M. Colomer i Preses
(Barcelona: Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, 1992). NB the file is large (45 MB) and will take time to
download) {July, 2010}
Spain. ‘BibliotecaVirtualAndalucía’ (selecting, via Subcatálogo, 'Material
cartográfico' and clicking 'Buscar', brings up a browsing list of 189 items (covering Spain with
particular emphasis on Andalucía)) {July, 2004; amended March 2012}
Spain. 'Biblioteca Digital Hispánica' (clicking on
either 'Mapas' or 'Mapas de España' leads to catalogue entries for 1,665 maps, most of which have accompanying scans; to
change language, click first on 'Lenguas' (top right); for BDH homepage
see here - Biblioteca Nacional de España) {January, 2008}
Spain. 'Cartas, Plantas,
Esboços e Projectos: Cartografia Militar Portuguesa dos Séc. XVIII a XX' (you can search
in English, Portuguese or Spanish [select from 'língua' and then click on 'Base bibliográfica
geral'] for about 12,000 full descriptions [mostly of cartographic items in Portuguese
and of Portugal but with others relating to Spain (particularly the frontier areas - apparently
about 100 altogether), Brazil, the African possessions, etc.]; there are about 13,500 in
total]; there is no geographical index but you can enter a place-name (in its Portuguese form)
under 'Word/Palavra' - Direcção dos Serviços de Engenharia) {April, 2006}
Cartografía histórica (1737-1959), an illustrated note on various mapping types -
Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio, Secretaría General Técnica, Centro de
Documentación y Biblioteca, Madrid) {August, 2005}
Spain. ‘Catálogo de la Cartoteca’ (arranged
by period, marine charts, town plans, and those that are digitised - Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN)) {December,
Spain. ‘De Iberia a España a través de los mapas’ (text and illustrations of 67 maps [click ‘ver obra’ beneath
the thumbnail for an enlarged version]; an exhibition at the Instituto Geográfico Nacional, April 2018-April 2019)
{January, 2019}
Spain. Instituto Geográfico
Nacional. 'Libros digitales y Publicaciones' (the IGN is isuing entire monographs free on the web, prior to print publication;
the following are among those already issued: Frances Nadal & Luis Urteaga (eds), Mapas y cartógrafos en la Guerra Civil
española (1936-1939) [2013]; Antonio Crespo Sanz, Los Grandes proyectos cartográficos nacionales en el siglo XVI: La
representación del territorio en Castilla y León [2013]; Joan Capdevila i Subirana, Historia del Deslinde de la
Frontera Hispano-Francesa: Del tratado de los Pirineos (1659) a los tratados de Bayona (1856-1868) [n.d.]; Francisco
José Marín Perellón & Concepción Camarero Bullón (eds), La planimetría de Madrid en el Siglo XIX: Levantamientos
topográficos del Instituto Geográfico Nacional [2011]) {December, 2013}
+ Spain. 'Los Mapas en la Guerra Civil (1936-1939)' (a 25-page pdf illustrated
catalogue of the exhibition at the Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares de Sevilla, May-July
2007) {August, 2008; amended July 2010}
Peninsular War ('Getting Lost and Finding the Way: the Use, Misuse and Non-use of Maps and Reconnaissance
for Route Planning in the Peninsular War (1807-1814)', by Richard H.P. Smith; a version of a 'Maps & Society'
lecture delivered at the Warburg Institute, London in May 2015 - in the Napoleon Series) {January, 2016}
Spain. Portal de Archivos Españoles (PARES)
(Established in 2006, PARES provides public access to more than five million descriptions of sources and over
thirty-five million total images of digitized documents, photographs, art, and maps that are located in twelve archives
throughout Spain". See also a Users’ guide) {August, 2021}
Spain. 'Publicaciones Proprias'
(five undated texts, in Spanish, by Manuel Chueca Pazos, Vicente L. Simó Santonja, Francisco García
García, María Jesús Jiménez Martínez & Miriam Villar Cano, including a general history and special
studies: La Cartografía Fantástica; Compendio de Hª de la Ingeniería Cartográfica; Sobre la Historia de
la Ingeniería Cartográfica del Espacio Profundo; La cartografía, entre los siglos XIV y XVI,
instrumentación y técnicas de levantamiento; La Ingeniería Cartográfica. Su peripecia vital en España. La
aportación valenciana - from the Fundació Giménez Lorente, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia)
{September, 2011}
Spain. 'The sources of a 16th-century Castilian cosmographer' (an English translation of the second
part of Andrés García de Céspedes‘s 'Regimiento de Navegación', where he transcribed a 1524 text by Pedro Ruiz de
Villegas, featuring 'a long list of maps, globes, tables of coordinates and itineraries', which he had checked in
connection with the location of the Moluccas - on the Historia y Mapas blog of Luis Robles Macías, also in Spanish)
{June, 2012}
Spain – Barcelona. ‘The Historic Charter
of Barcelona (CHB)’ (illustrated article by Mar Santamaria-Varas & Pablo Martinez-Diez, in:
e-Perimetron, 14:1 (2019), pp.38-50; gathering ‘all knowledge about the urban history of the city and its
documentary and cartographic sources via an online tool’) {May, 2019}
Spain - Cadiz. ‘Mapas y Vistas - Cádiz - Maps &
Views’ (a bilingual, Spanish-English site, with commentary on over 200 maps, dealing comprehensively
with Cadiz’s cartographic history, fully illustrated and, where feasible, including links to the library’s own
scans - created by Miguel Ángel García-Agulló) {March, 2021}
Spain - Canaries (Canary Islands) see under Africa
Spain - Catalunya. 'La
Cartografia catalana' (the full text of the 265-page volume, from the 1999 lecture series given
by Vicenç M. Rosselló i Verger, Montserrat Galera i Monegal & M. Carme Montaner i Garcia, published by the
Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2000. NB the file is large (47 MB) and will take time to
download) {July, 2010}
http://www.mcu.es/archivos/Novedades/novedades_PARES_Coleccion_Digital_Mapas.html > Spain - Simancas. 'Colección Digital de Mapas, Planos y Dibujos del Archivo General
de Simancas' (catalogues and guides to accessing the collection); see also 'Catálogo Colectivo de la Red de Bibliotecas de los Archivos Estatales' (with images that seem to
be exclusively from the Archivo General de Simancas (AGS) although the site is that of the Spanish
Ministry of Culture and the page title covers all twelve state archives; perhaps this is
the only archive to have placed its map collection online) {October, 2011}
Sweden (click 'Geografi
och topografi' for geographical headings down the left margin of this mapseller's site for notes in Swedish on
various aspects of the country's cartography; or see the index page for an idea of the topics
covered - VÖBAM) {March, 2008}
+ Switzerland. Alps. ‘Crossing
Boundaries: Art//Maps’ (enlargeable images with captions; exhibition curated by Janet Spitz at the Leventhal
Map & Education Center, Boston Public Library, October 2018 - April 2019) {January, 2019}
Switzerland. 'Die Bibliotheksausgabe der
«Siegfriedkarte digital»' (select page 17 for 'Das Bundesamt für Landestopografie startete aufgrund der Initiative
schweizerischer Bibliotheken das Projekt «Historische Karten Scannen» ' - Thomas Klöti in Linbernenis 1/2005,
p. 17-19) {July, 2005}
Switzerland. 'La Cartografia dels
països de parla alemanya: Alemanya, Àustria i Suïssa' (the full text of the 278-page volume, from
the 1995 lecture series given by Wolfgang Scharfe, Ingrid Kretschmer & Hans-Uli Feldmann, published by the
Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1997. NB the file is large (54 MB) and will take time to
download) {July, 2010}
Switzerland. ‘Geschichte der
Dufourkarte’ (different aspects of the ‘Grande carte de la Suisse’ 1833-65 by Guillaume Henri Dufour, available also
in English – swisstopo) {January, 2021}
Switzerland. ‘Karte der Woche’ (70 blog
posts in German by Markus Oehrli for the Zentralbibliothek Zürich and the Swiss Society of Cartography,
covering a range of dates and topics, to celebrate International Map Year, 2016) {February, 2017}
Switzerland. 'Kartengeschichte' (a 54-page, well-illustrated pdf document,
in German, by Stefan Arn, covering the history of cartography in general, with particular
reference to Switzerland) {February, 2004}
Switzerland. 'St Gall Monastery Plan' (a
project revolving round Codex Sangallensis 1092, 'the earliest preserved and most extraordinary
visualization of a building complex produced in the Middle Ages', c.819-826, - Institute for Advanced Technology in the
Humanities) {December, 2009}
Switzerland. ‘swisscollections’ (I quote without comment
their description: ‘The swisscollections Association has created a new catalogue for special collections under the leadership
of the University of Basel and in collaboration with the Zentralbibliothek Zürich and other institutions… manuscripts, rare
books, music records, archive holdings, maps and images can be searched for and ordered easily’) {June, 2021}
Transylvania (online version of: 'Die beiden Ausgaben der "Chorographia Transylvaniae"
von Johannes Honter' by Gedeon Borsa. In: Zeitschrift für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde (Köln-Wien,
1988) pp. 150-160) {December, 2002}
Yugoslavia. 'Periplus Adriaticus' ('Comparative list of the place-names along the
Adriatic coastlines (islands excluded) from forty-five Italian manuscript portolan charts and
atlases of the 14th and 15th Centuries', by Piero Falchetta, undated; from Otranto to Larta)
{September, 2008}