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Harley Fellowships

Harley Fellows

listing, with analysis of awards and applicant numbers
(1994- )

The Harley Fellows (1994- )
Harley Fellows by country
Their academic disciplines and status
The number of applicants and awards for each year

HARLEY FELLOWS (with the date of their award)

Catherine AKEROYD (Australian National University). 'Depicting Terra Australis: an analysis of the iconography on the southern continent of Renaissance maps 1508-1690' [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2015].

Professor James ALSOP (Department of History, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada). 'Map Culture and England's Overseas Expansion, c.1550-1620'. [1997].

Carolyn ANDERSON (University of Edinburgh). 'Constructing the Military Landscape: Board of Ordnance Maps and Plans of Scotland c.1707 to c.1815'. [2008].

Dr Nick BARON (Department of History, University of Nottingham). 'Mapping the Soviet: Cartography and the Construction of Stalinist Space, 1917-1941'. [2006].

Dr Ian J. BARROW (Department of History, Middlebury College, Vermont). 'Mapping India, Making Britain: Cartography and the Colonial Nation State'. [1999].

Romário Sampaio BASÍLIO (FCSH-NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal). ‘British Mapping and Cartographical Discourses through the Anglo-Brazilian Boundary Definition in the Guianas (c.1814-c.1904)'. [2022].

Ken BAUER (Dartmouth College, USA). 'Exploring Tibetan cartography through the Wise Collection, British Library'. [2018].

Martha BELL (Pennsylvania State University, Department of Geography). ‘Andean Gristmills: the emergence of new Environmental, Social and Technological Landscapes and Spanish Colonialism’. [2010].

Brett M. BENNETT (University of Texas at Austin). ‘The Cartographic History of State Forestry in the British Indian Ocean 1850-1950’. [2009].

Professor Jeremy BLACK (Department of History, University of Durham). 'A Study of Historical Atlases'. [1995].

Dr Lisa BLANSETT (Department of English, Florida International University). 'Cartographies: British Fiction and Mapping, 1660-1817'. [1996].

Dr Stéphane BLOND (University of Evry-Val d'Essonne, Department of History). ‘Administrative road maps in Europe: 1650-1800’. [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2010].

Beatrice BLÜMER, University of Kassel, Germany, 'The Liber insularum Archipelagi by Cristoforo Buondelmonti'. [2024].

Emily BOAK (Master’s Degree student, University of Calgary). ‘Imperial vision and early British cartography in Afghanistan ,1839-1919. [Supported by the Historical Geographers Research Group (HGRG)]. [2019].

Molly BOURNE (Department of Fine Art, Harvard University). 'Francesco II Gonzaga and Early Renaissance Collecting in Italy'. [1997].

Nathan BRACCIO (University of Connecticut). 'Clashing New Englands: Identity and the Parallel Geographies of Algonquian and English New England, 1600-1730'. [2017].

Professor Elio BRANCAFORTE (Tulane University, New Orleans). 'Iran through Western Eyes: Representations of Safavid Persia in Early-Modern European Travel Narratives and Maps (1501-1722)'. [2008].

Lindsay F. BRAUN (Department of History, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey). 'Imperial and National Cartographies of South Africa, 1835-1948'. [2000].

Ben BREEN (University of Texas at Austin, Department of History). ‘Mapping Nature: Cartography as a Conduit for Natural Knowledge, 1660-1740’. [2010.]

Dr Sonja BRENTJES (Institute for the History of Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany). 'The use of Arabic and Persian sources in Western-European maps of the Middle East and Northern Africa between 1550 and 1700'. [2001].

LauraLee BROTT, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. ‘The Holy Land within the Manuscript: Performative Cartography in BL Add. MS 10049’. [2023].

Dr Mead T. CAIN (Independent researcher, New York). 'The Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge'. [1994].

Dr Mercedes Maroto CAMINO (Department of English, University of Auckland, New Zealand). 'Maps, Vision and Power in Spenser's A View of the Present State of Ireland'. [1995].

Angelo CATTANEO (European University Institute, Florence, Italy). 'Mid-15th century Venetian cartography: a comparative study of a forgotten Ptolemy's Geography (Bib. Marciana MS. CL.VI, XXIV), the Harley Codex 3686 and the Venetian Portolani of the British Library'. [2004].

Dr Angelo CATTANEO (research associate, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal). ‘16th- 17th-Century Portuguese Manuscript Cartography Held in London Collections: Study of Patterns of Circulation and Forms of Reception (16th-19th Centuries)’. [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2011].

Dr Louis CELLAURO (research associate, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Lyons, Institute of History): ‘The Eternal City: Sixteenth-Century Maps of Ancient and Modern Rome in the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae Albums’. [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2011].

Roberto CHAUCA (University of Florida). 'Science in the Jungle: the missionary mapping and national imaginings of western Amazonia'. [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2014].

Dr Karen COOK (Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas), 'Reinventing George Bellas Greenough as a Map Designer'. [2012]

Julia CUMMISKEY (Institute of the History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University). 'Viral Cartographies: Mapping Disease in Uganda, 1936-1979'. [2015]

Professor Michael F. DAVIE (Department of Geography, Université François-Rabelais, Tours, France). 'Mapping of the Levant, 1840 to 1920'. [2000].

Dr Lisa DAVIS ALLEN (University of Texas at Tyler, College of Arts & Sciences, United States). 'Abraham Ortelius's "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum": frontispiece and author's portrait, variation of color palettes in multiple language editions'. [2002].

Dr Martin DODGE (University of Manchester, Department of Geography). ‘War Time Civilian Cartography: Investigating the Mapping of Manchester Before, During and After the Second World War’. [2010].

Juliette DUMASY-RABINEAU, Université d’Orléans, France. ‘Local Maps in Medieval England, Italy and France: a Comparative Study’. [2023].

Dr Jordana DYM (Skidmore College, New York, USA), 'The cartography of western travel writers, 1600–1930'. [2013].

Dr. S. Max EDELSON (Associate Professor of History at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign). ‘The New Map of Empire: Cartography and Colonization in British America, 1763-1783’. [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2009].

Felicia M. ELSE (Department of Art History, Washington University, St Louis). 'The Depiction of Waterways and Bridges in Sixteenth-Century Maps of Florence and Tuscany'. [2000].

Charlotte EVANS, University of Manchester, UK, 'The Cartographical Waterscapes of the Survey of India 1905-1947'. [2024].

Anna FEINTUCK (University of Edinburgh). 'The production and use of cartographic knowledge: a case study of Charles E Goad's fire insurance plans of Edinburgh and Leith, 1891-1906'. [2016].

Dr G.E.M. FISKE (independent scholar, USA), 'British cartography of Afghanistan on the eve of the First Anglo-Afghan War of 1839–1842'. [2013].

David FLAHERTY (doctoral student, University of Virginia, Department of History). ‘British Visions of Empire and the Aggressive Imperial Project for the North American Frontier, 1713-1783’. [2011].

Guenièvre FOURNIER (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Marseilles, France). 'Views and maps of Marseilles, Genoa and Barcelona (15th-19th centuries)'. [2003].

María Cecilia GALLERO (Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Humanos, IESyH-CONICET-UNaM, Argentina). 'Mapping Misiones, Argentina from a Historical Cartographic perspective'. [2025].

Dr Gretchen E. GAYNOR (Independent scholar, United States). 'John Dee's scientific contribution as a geographer and cartographer'. [2002].

Allegra GIOVINE (University of Pennsylvania). 'The Political Meaning of Maps: L. Dudley Stamp and the economic map of nature in Burma and Britain, c. 1920 – 1945'. [2014].

Spyridon GKOUNIS (The Ionian University, Greece, Department of History). ‘Desertum et mare; Depictions of Monsters and Monstrous Races in Medieval World Maps'. [2009].

Danielle GRAVON (University of Manchester). 'The fabrica of Mercator’s Atlas and the anatomy of the world'. [2018].

Galia HALPERN (doctoral student, New York University, Institute of Fine Arts). ‘Open Geography and the Illuminated Mandeville’s Travels’. [2011].

Professor Francis HARVEY (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, Leipzig). ‘Bertin and graphic design’. [2019].

Robert IMES (University of Saskatchewan). 'A History of Leicestershire Chorographies: From Leland to Burton'. [ Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2015].

Dr Marco IULIANO (University of Naples). 'The city in wood: Giovanni Andrea Vavassore and the map of Constantinople circa 1520'. [2007].

Philip JAGESSAR (doctoral student, History of Geography Department, University of Nottingham. ‘Orienting empire in an oriental society: The acquisition, circulation, and mobilisation of maps in the Royal Asiatic Society, 1823 – 1950’. [2021].

Phillip KOYOUMJIAN (University of Rochester, USA). 'A geographer’s world: Herman Moll and the British map trade, 1678-1732'. [2018].

Imants ĻAVIŅŠ (University of Riga, Latvia), 'The depiction of eastern Europe and Scandinavia in early medieval Islamic cartography'. [2013.]

Radu LECA (Research Fellow, International Institute for Asian Studies, University of Leiden). 'A Comprehensive Analysis of Collections of Japanese Maps Related to Philip Franz von Siebold (1796-1866)'. [2017].

Dr Claire LEMOINE-ISABEAU (Musée Royal de l'Armée, Brussels). 'Histoire de la cartographie du territoire belge'. [1994].

Jeffers LENNOX (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada). 'An Atlantic Borderland: Mapping, Geographic Knowledge, and Imagining Nova Scotia / l'Acadie / Mi'kma'ki, 1710-1784'. [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2008].

Professor Elri LIEBENBERG (University of South Africa, Pretoria). 'Nineteenth-century Historical Cartography of Southern Africa, 1790 until 1920'. [2015]

Carla LOIS (University of Buenos Aires, Instituto de Geografía, Argentina). 'Mapping the Mare Occidentale: from Mare Tenebrorum to Atlantic Ocean (1490-1600)'. [2007].

Dr Pamela O. LONG (independent scholar, Washington). ‘Engineering the Eternal City: Power, Knowledge, and Urbanization in Rome, 1557-1590’. [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2011].

Julie McDOUGALL (doctoral student, University of Edinburgh, Institute of Geography). ‘The Development and Publishing History of School Atlases and British Geography c.1880 – c.1930’. [2011].

Jamie McGOWAN (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). ‘Conventional Signs, Imperial Designs: The Surveying and Mapping of Colonial Ghana, 1874-1963’. [2009].

Jessica MAIER (Columbia University, Department of Art History, New York, U.S.A.). 'Imaging Rome: the art and science of Renaissance city views'. [2004].

Dr Niels van MANEN (Postdoctoral Researcher, VU University Amsterdam), 'Mapping fire risk: Goad's Insurance Plans'. [2012].

Dr Annaleigh MARGEY (Trinity College, Dublin). 'Mapping Ireland, c. 1550-1640'. [2006].

Caroline MARRIS (Columbia University, New York). ' "The Silver Sea" and the Nation-State: The Multifaceted Geopolitics of the Early Modern English Channel'. [2017].

Carolina MARTÍNEZ, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM-CONICET), Argentina, 'Mapping the Polar Regions: the Geopolitical Uses of the "Thule" Toponym in the Early Modern Atlantic World (16th-18th C.)'. [2024].

Elizabeth MONTAÑEZ-SANABRIA, University of California, Davis, USA. ‘Piracy and Mapping: Cartographical Knowledge and Imperial Political Decision Making in the Opening of the Spanish South Sea’. [2023].

John MOORE (Collections Manager, University of Glasgow Library). 'British Directory Maps: an analysis of the maps accompanying the local directories of Scotland and Wales'. [2016].

Florin-Stefan MORAR (Harvard University). 'The Maps of Myriad Kingdoms: Translation and the Circulation of Cartographic Knowledge between East Asia and Early Modern Europe'. [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2016].

Anthony MULLAN (Library of Congress, Humanities and Social Sciences Division, Washington, D.C.). ' "The Post-Road from Buenos Ayres to Potosi 1816": the close relationship of a map to travel literature and visual culture'. [2003].

Professor Karl OFFEN (Department of Geography, University of Oklahoma). 'Mapping Mosquitia: Miskitu identity and the geographical imagination in Northeastern Nicaragua', [2003] AND (University of Oklahoma), 'From Local Knowledge to British maps: Tracing the links in Caribbean Central America'. [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2014].

Karen C. PINTO (Department of History, Columbia University). 'Ways of Seeing: The World in Medieval Muslim Cartographical Imagination'. [1998].

Dr Lisa POGGIALI (University of Pennsylvania, Postdoctoral Fellow, Program on Democracy, Citizenship and Constitutionalism). 'Digital Democracy and Analogue Autocracy?: The History of Mapping in Kenya'. [2016].

Dr Catherine PORTER (Queen’s University, Belfast). ‘The making of maps: new ways of assessing how early surveyors mapped Plantation Ireland’. [2019].

Amy PRIOR (doctoral student, University of Edinburgh, Institute of Geography). ‘The Cartographic Representation of Africa, 1880-1915: Print Histories of African Mapping’. [2011].

Dr Giuseppe RAGONE (Universitá degli Studi "Roma Tre", Dipartimento di Studi sul Mondo Antico, Rome, Italy). 'Critical edition of, and historical commentary on, Cristoforo Buondelmonti's "Liber insularum Archipelagi": the manuscripts preserved in London collections'. [2002].

Professor Sumathi RAMASWAMY (Department of History, University of Pennsylvania). 'Catastrophic Cartographies: Mapping the Lost Continent of Lemuria'. [1997].

Karen RANN (doctoral student, Department of Geography, Queen's University, Belfast). ‘The Art of Contouring: Towards a Creative Historical Geography of Contour Lines in Britain and Ireland, 1778–1860’. [2021].

Professor André REYES NOVAES (Department of Geography, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). ‘Cross-Cultural Exchange in South American border Mapping: Indigenous Knowledge in Percy Harrison Fawcett’s Cartographic Encounters’. {2020].

Sean ROBERTS (Department of the History of Art, University of Michigan).'Cartography between Cultures: Francesco Berlinghieri's Geographia of 1482'. [2005].

Dr James C. ROBERTSON (Department of History, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica). 'Maps, Surveyors and Surveying: Framing the Initial English Settlement in Jamaica'. [1998].

Carmem Marques RODRIGUES (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, doctoral student in the History of Science). 'To His Excellency Chevalier Pinto: Columbia Prima’s Map and the Relationship between William Faden and Luís Pinto de Sousa Coutinho'. [Supported by the Historical Geographers Research Group (HGRG)]. [2020].

Dr Stephen ROYLE (Department of Geography, Queen's University, Belfast). 'The use of maps in the early development of St Helena'. [2005].

Neil SAFIER (Department of History, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA). 'Turning Water into Lines: The Cartographic Construction of Amazonia from Fritz to Ferreira, 1707-1792'. [2001].

Professor Dr Sylvia SCHRAUT (Universität Mannheim, Historisches Institut, Germany). 'Comparing historic school atlases 1870-1960 (Germany, Austria, Great Britain and U.S.A.)'. [2004].

Dr Susan SCHULTEN (Professor of History and Department Chair, University of Denver). 'A History of North America in 100 Maps'. [Harley-Delmas Fellow, 2016].

Professor Camille SERCHUK (Southern Connecticut State University). 'Art, Cartography and Visual Culture in France 1450-1610'. [2014].

Jill SHEFRIN (Independent researcher, Toronto). 'Maps as Educational Aids in the Teaching of Geography to Children in England, 1760-1820'. [1998].

Jiaying SHEN (University of Toronto, Canada). 'Empire at Sea: The Construction of Maritime Sovereignty in Imperial Japan and Navigating Troubled Waters: Maritime Sovereignty at the Grassroots'. [2025].

Johanna SKURNIK (University of Turku, Finland). 'British Geographies of Australia 1830-1860'. [2014].

Eva STAMOULOU (University of Manchester). 'The Early Modern Eastern Mediterranean: Cartographical Insights on Identity in Venice and its Oltremare'. [2008].

Roger A. STARLING (Department of English, University of Toronto). 'Topography and Power: English Renaissance Drama and the Production of Space 1580-1640'. [1995].

Andreas STEINSIECK (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Historisches Seminar, Germany). 'Public War Maps, 1899-1902. Towards a Cultural History of War Maps', with special reference to South Africa'. [2007].

Professor Philip STERN (Duke University, North Carolina, Department of History), 'Mapping the Early Modern British Imperial Corporation'. [2012].

Professor Lindy STIEBEL (University of KwaZulu-Natal, English Literary and Cultural Studies, South Africa). 'Thomas Baines, cartographer: mapping Australia (North Australian Expedition map 1856) and Africa (South African Gold Fields Exploration Company maps 1872)'. [2004].

Benjamin L. STONE (Department of History, University of Chicago). 'Mapping, Map-Use and State Formation in later Seventeenth and early Eighteenth Century England'. [1999].

Jack SWAB (University of Kentucky). ‘Insuring the Empire: British Fire Insurance Cartography and the Mapping of Risk in the 19th and 20th Centuries’. [2022].

Professor Richard TALBERT (University of North Carolina, Department of History and Classics). 'Peutinger’s Map of the Roman World Reconsidered'. [2007].

René TEBEL (German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, Germany). 'Significance of ships on maps as a historical source'. [2001].

Professor Dan TERKLA (Illinois Wesleyan University). 'The Hereford Mappa Mundi: Placement, Reception, and Perception'. [2008].

Gion WALLMEYER (University of Göttingen). 'The function of cartography in the making of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century crusading experts'. [2017].



H-D = Harley-Delmas Fellows (2008-2011 & 2014-2017)
HGRG = Historical Geographers Research Group (suported fellowships 2019 & 2020)

Argentina 3
Australia 1 [1 H-D]
Belgium 1
Brazil 2 [1 HGRG]
Canada 5 [& 2 H-D, 1 HGRG]
Finland 1
France 3 [& 2 H-D]
Germany 7
Greece 1
India [USA] 1
Ireland 2
Israel 1
Italy 3
Latvia 1
Netherlands 2
Pakistan [USA] 1
Portugal 1 [1 H-D]
South Africa 2
Spain [New Zealand] 1
U.K. 11
U.S.A. 40 [& 6 H-D]
West Indies 1


Note. Harley-Delmas Fellows and those supported by the Historical Geographers Research Group (HGRG) are included in the totals below

Academic Discipline
Anthropology 2
Architecture 1
Art History 10
Asian Studies 1
Classics 1
Democracy Studies 1
English 6
Environment 1
European Studies 1
Fine Art 2
Geography 16
Geology 1
Germanic & Slavic 1
History 49
History of Medicine 1
History of Science 2
Maritime History 1
Social Sciences 1

Academic 37
Doctoral student 46
Independent researcher 6
Librarian 3
Master's student 1
Museum curator 1
Postdoctoral Fellow 3



(Awards are taken up in the following year, and occasionally in the year after that.
The figures below relate to the selection process each November)

Applications Awards
1993 10 3
1994 16 2
1995 7 2
1996 17 2
1997 10 3
1998 6 2
1999 12 3
2000 13 3
2001 17 3
2002 12 3
2003 21 4
2004 7 2
2005 6 2
2006 7 4
2007 12 5
2008 9 4
2009 9 4
2010 10 7
2011 7 3
2012 10 3
2013 11 5
2014 7 4
2015 11 5
2016 6 4
2017 5 3
2018 12 3
2019 8 2
2020 7 2
2021 5 2
2022 9 3
2023 13 3
2024 4 2

Last updated 23 January 2025

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