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A note about Russian higher degrees. There are two levels: 'Candidate of Science' (roughly equivalent to a Ph.D) and 'Doctor of Science' (a higher degree, entitling the person to the Full Professor's position). All those listed below will be defended in the Institute of the History of Science and Technology's Scientific Council on the History of Geography and Geology.
Once you have your award, the details can be moved to the doctorates awarded page. | |
[Please notify Tony Campbell when this happens or send any corrections:] |
Beatrice Blümer, University of Kassel (History). [May 2025]. 'The Liber insularum Archipelagi by Cristoforo Buondelmonti'. Email: beatrice.bluemer(at)gmail.com Personal webpage {added September 2021}
Hannah Campbell Hewson, Queens University Belfast (Geography). [2025]. Working title: 'Cartographic Circuits of Knowledge in the 'Age of Discovery' (1400-1700) and their Impact on the Construction of Ocean Space'. Email: hhewson01(at) qub.ac.uk {added November 2022}
Brenda Degger, Universidade Federal do Paraná (History). [September 2025]. Provisional title: 'Aqui há dragões em todo lugar: mapas literários, cartografia e mapeamento na segunda metade do século XX'. Email: brendadegger(at)gmail.com {added December 2021}
Marissa Griffioen, University of Amsterdam, Explokart research group affiliated with the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM) and Allard Pierson. [2027]. 'Map Encounters: The Material Culture of Maps in the Early Modern Low Countries (1500-1800)'. Email: m.t.griffioen(at)uva.nl Personal webpage {added November 2022}
Suzie Hermán, Princeton University (Art & Archaeology). [2025]. (Working title) 'The Art World of the Hanse: Places, Traces, and Institutions (1517-1648)' [About the representation of the Hanse in Braun and Hogenberg's Civitates Orbis Terrarum (1572-1617) and the involvement of the merchants in the production of this work]. Email: johannah(at)princeton.edu {added February 2022}
Desiree Evelien Krikken, University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, Department of Early Modern History. [2025?]. "My plot, your plat, our inhabited landscape: early modern land surveyors and the record of European physical space". Email: d.e.krikken(at)rug.nl Personal webpage {added February 2018}
Sima Krtalic, University of Lisbon (Sciences). [2025]. On the history of nautical cartography, as part of the MEDEA-Chart project. Email: sima.krtalic(at)gmail.com {added January 2020}
Jinguo Liu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, School of Humanities. [2026]. [The surveying of latitude and longitude in China and their application in Chinese land maps (c. 1662-1912)]. Email: ljg23(at)mails.tsinghua.edu.cn. {added January 2024}
Louise McCarthy, Université Paris Cité (Early Modern Studies). [Autumn 2025]. 'Visualising abundance: promotional cartography at the hands of the East India Company and the Virginia Company (1600-1626)'. Email: l_m_mccarthy[at]yahoo.com {added August 2022}
César Andrés Ospina Mesa, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín (Social Sciences). [2025?]. Preliminary title: ‘Hacer el mapa: Cartografía crítica y diversidad epistémica en América Latina’. Email: cesara.ospina(at)udea.edu.co.
Anne-Rieke van Schaik, University of Amsterdam, Explokart research group affiliated with the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM) and Allard Pierson. [2027]. 'Navigating through Narratives: Cartographic Storytelling in the Early Modern Low Countries (ca. 1550-1750)'. Email: j.h.c.m.vanschaik(at)uva.nl. Personal webpage {added November 2022}
Bruno Stori. Universidade Federal do Paraná (History). [2028]. Provisional title: 'Cartografia, saberes indígenas e relações interespécies nas Relaciones Geográficas da Nova Espanha (século XVI)'. E-mail: brunosto14(at)gmail.com. {added January 2025}
Qing Tian, Fudan University, Shanghai, Center for Historical Geographical Studies. [2025], [The Collation and Research of Zhili Provincial Maps since the publication of the Overview maps of Imperial Territories in the Kangxi Reign]. Email: tq0760012(at)163.com. {added January 2024}
Jakeline Benavides Quecán, University of Groningen (Alfa-Informatica). [September 2007].
'Measuring the Historical city: The reliability of historical land surveying methods and their
use in virtual urban cartography'
Robert Engelbert, University of Ottawa. [??]. 'Beyond Borders: Mental Mapping and the French River World in North America,
Ricardo A. Fagoaga-Hernández, University of California, San Diego (History). [2020]. '"En medio de una y otra América": Regions, Markets and Indigenous Economic Participation in Chiapas and Guatemala, 1750-1850'.
André Múrias Santos Ferrand de Almeida, European University Institute, Florence (History and
Civilisation). [July 2006 {?}]. Provisional title: 'Religious Orders and the Organization of the
Territory in the Amazon Basin (1680-1767)'.
David T. Flaherty, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (History). [2016]. 'Envisioning the British Atlantic:
Strategies for Settlement and Sovereignty on the North American and Caribbean Frontiers, 1700-1763'. [Including
consideration of the cartography produced for and by British officials.]
Susan Ford, Australian National University, Canberra (Classics). [July 2012]. 'The three modes by which commentators reach
an understanding of spatial description in Homer and Herodotus, characterised as: a) autopsy of place; b) cartographic re-
imagining; and c) via linguistic and cognitive categorisation'
Charles Neil Hoke, University of Houston (History ). [Spring 2005 {?}]. 'Conflicts and Compromises, Border Disputes
and Boundary Settlements: A Study of the Evolution and History of the Political Geography of Texas, 1492 to Present'.
Robert Imes, University of Saskatchewan, Department of English. [2017]. 'Writing Geography: Early Modern English
Travel Writing and the New Science'. Email: robert.imes(at)usask.ca {added February 2015}
Meagan Loftin, University of Washington (English). [2016]. 'Inscribing the Nation: Chronicles, Maps and Chorographies in
Medieval Britain'.
Lilla Lukács, Eötvös Loránd University (Cartography and Geoinformatics), Budapest, Hungary. [2009]. [The
landscape-representation of maps of the Carpathian Basin.]
Valentin Mandache, The London School of Economics and Political Science
(International Relations). [October 2004 {?}]. 'The Russian-Romanian geopolitical
encounter in Moldova: National identity in a peripheral state' [noting particularly
Chapter 2: 'Historical geography: Moldova and the Carpathian-arc region'].
Jana Phifer, University of California at Los
Angeles (History). [??]. 'Carolinian Maps, 10th and 11th Century'.
Steve Emanuel Arseen Philips, Ghent University (Early modern history). [July 2007].
'Cartografie en cartografen in de Lage Landen' [Cartography and cartographers in the Low
Mark Romans, University of Southampton (History). [Summer 2004 {?}]. 'Military
Intelligence in Wellington's Army'.
Asao Sarukawa, University of East Anglia, Norwich (World Art Studies and Museology). [September
2007]. 'Representing the City in Edo Japan: Experience, Place and Environment' [dealing with
early modern Japanese commercial city maps of Tokyo and Kyoto].
Olaf Petrus Nicolaas Satijn, Groningen Institute of Archaeology. [2006 {?}]. 'A socio-economic and
political landscape archaeology of transition: Southern Lazio from the late Roman period to
Andreas Steinsieck, Technische Universität Braunschweig (Historisches Seminar). [2008]. [War
Correspondents in the South African War (1899-1902)] (including a chapter: "Öffentliche Kriegskarten. Die Bedeutung von Karten für die Rezeption des Südafrikanischen Krieges" [Public War Maps. The Role of
Maps in the Public Perception of the South African War]).
Kaan Ücsu, Istanbul University (Department of the History of Science). [2021]. 'Tarihsel Baglaminda Cografyaci Ebu Bekir Efendi (?. 1691) ve Atlas Maior'un Terc?mesi' [Geographer Abu Bakr Effendi (d. 1691) and the Translation of Atlas Maior into Turkish in its Historical Context]. Email: kaanucsu(at)hotmail.com {added May 2019}