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This page attempts two things: to document what is currently being offered around the world; and, perhaps, to help create a 'virtual community' for teachers of this subject. It can thus serve as a shopping list for those seeking a course to join, while, simultaneously, helping those who are keeping the flame alive to maintain their awareness of teaching trends.
The other pages on this 'Map History' site testify to the breadth and vigour of the history of cartography as an academic and recreational subject. Yet the lack of opportunities for formal academic apprenticeship, i.e. university courses, is, if anything, getting worse.
A note on the qualifications for inclusion in this listing. Numerous Cartography and GIS courses start with a single lecture on mapping history. In other courses, maps serve a secondary, illustrative function. We hope that those concerned will understand why we have insisted here on a prominent role for non-current maps, though we are delighted to include courses given in any academic discipline.
The International Cartographic Association - Commission on Education and Training (CET) maintains a listing of Undergraduate cartography courses. This is arranged geographically and is potentially relevant, given that many history of cartography courses take place in cartography departments. However no history courses were noted. The GradSchools.com online listing was also consulted, without success. For those considering an MA, helpful guidance is provided on the Guide to Affordable Online Masters Programs site. From the same source you can consult Guide to Online History Degrees.
The future updating of this page depends on information supplied by the instructors themselves. It is not feasible to carry out a systematic revision.
Please therefore send any new or corrected information to Tony Campbell: |
Reading Suggestions (including 'Books to get you into the subject'. See also Matthew Edney's 'Recent Trends in the History of Cartography: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography to the English-Language Literature')
ICA Seminars
Seminars of the International Cartographic Association (Commission on History of Cartography, and Commission on
Education and Training), Teaching the History of Cartography. These were held as part of the biennial
International Conferences on the History of Cartography. The proceedings of the five seminars were published (in
four volumes) by the Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Utrecht University (1991-2000):
Other Publications
NB. The Newberry Library website is currently undergoing development and some of the links below may not work [June 2005]
NB. While the links below can be openly accessed (e.g. via Google)
some are undoubtedly no longer current. This certainly applies to those from the Newberry Library (whose site is undergoing development, June 2005). The reading lists, for example,
would need updating (on which see 'Reading
Their authors should be consulted before any use is made of the notes.
1 |
University |
Department |
Course |
Instructor |
2 |
3 |
AT |
Geschichte der Kartographie [two courses] |
Dr Petra Svatek [petra.svatek(at)univie.ac.at] |
O |
German |
BE |
Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales |
Histoire des Sciences arabes y compris la cartographie [on medieval Arab celestial cartography] |
Prof. Hossam Elkhadem [Hossam.Elkhadem(at)ulb.ac.be] |
O |
French |
BE |
Historische Cartografie |
Prof. Philippe De Maeyer [Philippe.demaeyer(at)geonet.rug.ac.be] |
O |
Dutch |
CH |
Kartengeschichte |
Stefan Arn [Stefan.Arn(at)swisstopo.ch] |
U |
German | ||
DE |
[Old Maps and Globes as Sources for Cultural History - from April 2013] |
Dr. Thomas Horst [thomashorst(at)gmx.net] |
G |
German |
DE |
Institut für Kartographie, International MSc. |
History of Cartography |
Dr. George S. Carhart [George.Carhart(at)mailbox.tu-dresden.de] |
G |
English | |
DE |
Geschichte der Kartographie |
Dr. George S. Carhart [George.Carhart(at)mailbox.tu-dresden.de] |
G |
German | ||
DE |
Geschichte der Kartographie |
Prof. Dr. W.G. Koch [wolf.koch(at)mailbox.tu-dresden.de] |
G |
German |
DE |
Prehistoric maps / Prehistoric and early historic maps |
Dr. Alexander Wolodtschenko [Alexander.Wolodtschenko(at)tu-dresden.de] |
O |
German |
ES |
Departamento de Historia de la Ciencia |
Los mapas medievales |
Dr. Juan Pimentel and Dr. Sandra Sáenz-López Pérez [sandra.saenz- lopez(at)cchs.csic.es] |
G |
Spanish | |
ES |
Descubrimientos y cartografía |
Dr. Mariano Cuesta Domingo [mcuestad(at)ghis.ucm.es] |
G |
Spanish |
ES |
Representación y análisis del territorio |
Prof. Felipe Hernando Sanz [vdntghi(at)ghis.ucm.es] |
U |
Spanish |
ES |
Geografia Humana |
Historia de la Cartografia |
Prof. Francesc Nadal [Fnadal(at)trivium.gh.ub.es] |
U |
Catalan |
ES |
Historia de la Cartografia |
Prof. Agustín Hernando [agustinhernando(at)ub.edu] |
U |
Spanish |
ES |
Spanish see also under AR (Argentina) in The Americas |
FI |
Geography |
History of Cartography research course (not until 2004/5) |
Dr Katariina Kosonen [katariina.kosonen(at)helsinki.fi] |
U |
Finnish |
FR |
Sciences historiques et philologiques |
Représentations de l'espace de l'Antiquité tardive au XVIe sičcle |
Prof. P. Gautier Dalché |
O |
French |
FR |
Géographie |
Histoire de la cartographie |
Prof. Gilles Palsky [palsky(at)univ-paris12.fr] |
G |
French |
GR |
< http://gserver.civil.auth.gr > Civil Engineering - Laboratory of Geodesy |
Geodesy I and Geodesy II (including two 3-hour lectures on the history of cartography) |
Prof. Paraskevas Savvaidis [psav(at)civil.auth.gr] |
G |
Greek |
HR |
[Historical cartography and historical geography] |
Prof. Mirela Altić [mirela.altic(at)zg.t-com.hr] |
U,G |
Croatian |
HR |
[Introduction to the Reading of Historic Maps. Cartographic Sources for European and Croatian History] |
Prof. Mirela Altić [mirela.altic(at)zg.t-com.hr] |
U,G |
Croatian |
HR |
History Department, Centre for Comparative Historical and Intercultural Studies |
[Cartographic sources of the Croatian lands in eco-historical perspective] |
Dr. Dubravka Mlinarić [dubravka.mlinaric(at)imin.hr] |
G |
Croatian |
HU |
Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai [Cartography and Geoinformatics] |
[General map history] |
Dr Zsolt Török [zoltorok(at)ludens.elte.hu] |
G |
Hungarian |
HU |
Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai [Cartography and Geoinformatics] |
[History of Cartography] |
Dr Zsolt Török [zoltorok(at)ludens.elte.hu] |
G |
Hungarian |
HU |
Térképtörténet [History of Cartography] |
Zoltán Sümeghy [sumeghy(at)sol.cc.u-szeged.hu] |
U |
Hungarian |
IT |
Scienze dell'Antichitŕ e del Medioevo (DISAM) |
Storia della cartografia |
Prof. Corradino Astengo [astengo(at)unige.it] |
U |
Italian |
IT |
Science Storiche e Geografiche "Carlo M. Cipolla" |
Storia della cartografia and Fonti per la storia della geografia e della cartografia |
Prof. Marica Milanesi [Marmil(at)unipv.it] |
O |
Italian |
IT |
Scienze Storiche dell'antichitŕ |
Storia della cartografia antica |
Prof. Francesco Prontera [prontera(at)unipg.it] |
U |
Italian |
IT |
Facoltá di Lettere e Filosofia; Storia |
Cartografia Storica e Gestione del Territorio |
Marco Piccardi, Docenti che afferiscono al Dipartimento di Storia [M.Piccardi(at)tin.it] |
O |
Italian | |
IT |
Scienze geografiche |
Cartografia (including history) |
Dr Stefano Torresani [stefano.torresani(at) unibo.it] |
U |
Italian | |
IT |
Storie e Metodi per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali |
Storia della cartografia |
Dr Mario Neve [Neve(at)alma.unibo.it] |
O |
Italian |
IT |
Scienze dell’Uomo e dell’Ambiente |
Geografia; Geografia Culturale |
Dr Carlo Da Pozzo [c.dapozzo(at)geog.unipi.it] |
U |
Italian |
IT |
Scienze dell’Uomo e dell’Ambiente |
Storia della Geografia e delle esplorazioni; Cartografia |
Prof. Riccardo Mazzanti [r.mazzanti(at)geog.unipi.it] |
U |
Italian |
LV |
Faculty of History and Philosophy |
History of Cartography (Vest 1041) |
Imants Lavinš (Imants Lavins) [imauts(at)inbox.lv] |
U |
Latvian |
NL |
Instituut Collectie Nederland = Netherland Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN) |
Opleidingen (Education) [marieke.potma(at)icn.nl; bas.van.velzen(at)icn.nl] |
[Introduction to the History of Cartography] |
Marc Hameleers [mhameleers(at)gaaweb.nl] |
U |
Dutch |
NL |
Faculty of Geosciences |
Historische Kartografie |
Dr Paul van den Brink [P.vandenBrink(at)geog.uu.nl] and Dr Peter van der Krogt [p.vanderkrogt(at)geog.uu.nl] |
O |
Dutch |
PT |
Evoluçăo da Cartografia and História da Cartografia Portuguesa |
Prof. Joăo Carlos Garcia [jgarcia(at)letras.up.pt] |
U |
Portuguese |
PT |
Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Letras |
Geografia: Cartografia e Sistemas de Informaçăo Geográfica |
História da Cartografia |
Prof. Maria Helena Dias [mhdias(at)fl.ul.pt] |
U |
Portuguese |
PT |
História |
Náutica e Cartografia [Nautical Science and Cartography] |
Prof. Francisco Contente Domingues [fcdomingues(at)mac.com] |
G |
Portuguese |
UK |
< http://www.lse.ac.uk/resources/calendar/courseGuides/HY/2014_HY469.htm > Maps, History and Power: The Spaces and Cultures of the Past |
Dr Paul Stock [P.Stock(at)lse.ac.uk] |
G |
English | ||
UK |
Geomatics (sections of the course modules involve history) |
Dr David Forrest [dforrest(at)geog.gla.ac.uk] |
U |
English |
UK |
Continuing Education |
Maps for Local history [given occasionally] |
Dr Paul Hindle [PaulHindle(at)phindle.fsnet.co.uk] |
O |
English |
UK |
A History of Maps and Map Making |
Dr Catherine Delano Smith [c.delano-smith(at)qmul.ac.uk] and Sarah Tyacke [styacke(at)googlemail.com] |
O |
English | ||
UK |
Maps in Society |
Chris Perkins [C.Perkins(at)man.ac.uk] |
U |
English |
UK |
Geography |
Cartography and the Historical Geographer |
Dr Peter Collier [peter.collier(at)port.ac.uk] |
G |
English |
1. Country codes - Austria (AT), Belgium (BE), Croatia (HR), Finland (FI), France (FR), Germany (DE),
Greece (GR), Hungary (HU), Italy (IT), Netherlands (NL), Portugal (PT), Spain (ES),
Switzerland (CH), United Kingdom (UK)
2. Eligibility - undergraduate (U), graduate (G), faculty (F), open to all (O). [Always
check first with the instructor; there are restrictions on some courses]
3. Course language
NB. In the email addresses replace (at) with @
1 |
University |
Department |
Course |
Instructor |
2 |
AR |
Departamento de Geografía |
Historia del pensamiento geográfico. Una historia de la cartografía |
Carla Lois [carlalois054(at)gmail.com] |
U |
CA |
Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick |
Geography |
Cartographic Representation: Critical Perspectives on Mapping and GIS |
Dr Robert Summerby-Murray [rsummerb(at)mta.ca] |
U |
CA |
Nova Scotia Community College - Annapolis Valley Campus |
Center of Geographic Sciences - Geomatics Dept |
Seminar in the History of Cartography |
David Raymond [david.raymond(at)nscc.ca] |
U |
CA |
The Map & Society |
Prof. Anne Godlewska [godlewsk(at)qsilver.queensu.ca] |
U,G |
US |
School (also Visual and Critical Studies Dept. and Liberal Arts Dept.) |
The Art and History of Mapping |
Anna Felicity Friedman [anna_friedman(at)adlernet.org] |
U |
US |
California State University at Long Beach |
Geography |
Maps and Civilization |
Dr Judith A. Tyner [jztyner(at)csulb.edu] |
O |
US |
Clark University, Worcester, Mass. |
Graduate School of Geography |
The Image of the World: A History of Maps and mapmaking |
Prof. Harry Steward [hsteward(at)clarku.edu] |
G |
US |
Maps in History and Culture |
Dr James P. Krokar [jkrokar(at)depaul.edu] |
U,G |
US |
History & Art History |
History & Cartography (taught again 2010) |
Prof. Paula Petrik [ppetrik(at)gmu.edu] |
G |
US |
Georgia State University, Atlanta |
Anthropology & Geography |
Digital Cartography |
Dr Jeremy Crampton [jcrampton(at)gsu.edu] |
O |
US |
History Department |
Prof. Kelly O’Neill [koneill(at)fas.harvard.edu] |
O |
US |
Newberry Library, Chicago |
Developing Cartographic Literacy with Historic Maps (a 3-week summer seminar for K-12 teachers, 2005) |
contact: Susan Hanf [hanfs(at)newberry.org] |
F |
US |
Ohio State University, Columbus |
History |
Mapping Power: The Power of Maps in History |
Dr Philip Brown [brown.113(at)osu.edu] |
U |
US |
Liberal Arts |
The History of Cartography: A Sense of Place |
Christina Connett [cconnett(at)risd.edu] |
U,G |
US |
School of Continuing Education, College of Lifelong Learning |
A Look at the World Through Maps (an 8-session course in the spring semester) |
Richard Stephenson [rstephen_1(at)msn.com] |
O |
US |
Geosciences |
Cartography |
Dr John L. Berkley [berkley(at)fredonia.edu] |
U |
US |
History of Mapping |
Prof. Patricia Seed [seed5(at)uci.edu] |
U |
US |
O |
US |
History of Cartography |
Dr Karen S. Cook [kscook(at)ku.edu] and Dr George F. McCleary, Jr. [mccleary(at)ku.edu] |
O |
US |
Maps and Mapmakers [virtual course] |
Prof. Carol Urness [c-urne(at)tc.umn.edu] |
O |
US |
Geography and Empire: Maps and Early-Modern European Empires (1400-1800) |
Madalina Veres |
U |
US |
The Renaissance Map (ARH 4800) |
Dr. Pamela Merrill Brekka [pmerrill(at)usf.edu] |
U |
US |
Historical Geography and Cartography |
Prof. Dennis Reinhartz [dprein(at)uta.edu] |
U |
US |
History of Cartography |
Prof. Dennis Reinhartz [dprein(at)uta.edu] |
G |
US |
Colloquium in Exploration , Discovery, and the History of Cartography |
Prof. David Buisseret [buisser(at)uta.edu] and Prof. Dennis Reinhartz [dprein(at)uta.edu] |
G |
US |
Research Seminar in Transatlantic Exploration, Discovery, and the History Cartography |
Prof. David Buisseret [buisser(at)uta.edu] and Prof. Dennis Reinhartz [dprein(at)uta.edu] |
G |
US |
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Virginia |
The Roles of Old Maps: History, Art, Cartography and the Building of Nations [a charged course, in six segments, April-May 2008] |
Joel Kovarsky [theprimemeridian(at)embarqmail.com] |
O |
US |
Introduction to the History, Collection, Description and Use of Maps [from 2009] |
Alice Hudson [ahudson(at)nypl.org] |
O |
US |
Maps as Historical Sources |
Dr Bruce Fetter [bruf(at)uwm.edu] |
U,G |
1. Country codes - Argentina (AR), Canada (CA), United States (US)
2. Eligibility - undergraduate (U), graduate (G), open to all (O). [Always check first
with the instructor; there are restrictions on some courses]
NB. In the email addresses replace (at) with @
1 |
University |
Department |
Course |
Instructor |
2 |
3 |
CN |
History |
History of Chinese Cartography |
Prof. Li, Xiaocong [lixc(at)pku.edu.cn] |
G |
Chinese |
JP |
Kobe University |
Faculty of Letters, Institute of Geography [select 'Faculty of Letters', 'Geography'] |
Geography Major |
Prof. Koji Hasegawa [hasegawa(at)lit.kobe-u.ac.jp] |
O |
Japanese |
1. Country codes - China (CN), Japan (JP)
2. Eligibility - undergraduate (U), graduate (G), open to all (O). [Always check first
with the instructor; there are restrictions on some courses]
3. Course language (if not in English)
NB. In the email addresses replace (at) with @
(the bracketed letter indicates the relevant Table)
Altić, Mirela (A)
Arn, Stefan (A)
Astengo, Corradino (A)
Berkley, John L. (B)
Bousquet-Bressolier, Catherine (A)
Brekka, Pamela Merrill (B)
Brink, Paul van den (A)
Brown, Philip (B)
Buisseret, David (B)
Carhart, George S.
Collier, Peter (A)
Connett, Christina (B)
Cook, Karen S. (B)
Crampton, Jeremy (B)
Cuesta Domingo, Mariano (A)
Da Pozzo, Carlo (A)
Delano Smith, Catherine (A)
De Maeyer, Philippe (A)
Dias, Maria Helena (A)
Domingues, Francisco Contente (A)
Elkhadem, Hossam (A)
Fetter, Bruce (B)
Forrest, David (A)
Friedman, Anna F. (B)
Garcia, Joăo Carlos (A)
Gautier-Dalché, Patrick (A)
Godlewska, Anne (B)
Hameleers, Marc (A)
Hasegawa, Koji (C)
Hernando, Agustín (A)
Hernando Sanz, Felipe (A)
Hindle, Paul (A)
Horst, T. (A)
Hudson, Alice (B)
Koch, W.G. (A)
Kosonen, Katariina (A)
Kovarsky, Joel (B)
Krogt, Peter van der (A)
Krokar, James P. (B)
Lavins, Imants (A)
Li, Xiaocong (C)
Lois, Carla (B)
López, José Martín (A)
Mazzanti, Riccardo (A)
McCleary, George F. Jr. (B)
Milanesi, Marica (A)
Mlinarić, Dubravka (A)
Nadal, Francesc (A)
Neve, Mario (A)
O’Neill, K (B)
Palsky, Gilles S. (A)
Perkins, Chris (A)
Petrik, Paula (B)
Piccardi, Marco (A)
Pimentel, Juan (A)
Prontera, Francesco (A)
Raymond, David (B)
Reinhartz, Dennis (B)
Sáenz-López Pérez, Sandra (A)
Savvaidis, Paraskevas (A)
Seed, Patricia (B)
Stephenson, Richard (B)
Steward, Harry (B)
Stock, Paul (A)
Sümeghy, Zoltán (A)
Summerby-Murray, Robert (B)
Svatek, Petra (A)
Sweetkind-Singer, Julie (B)
Törok, Zsolt (A)
Torresani, Stefano (A)
Tyacke, Sarah (A)
Tyner, Judith A. (B)
Urness, Carol (B)
Veres, Madalina (B)
Wolodtschenko, Alexander (A)